dipunj / vscode-eslint-prettier-starter

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Setting up eslint and prettier with vscode is quite time consuming, and extremely repetitive process. After doing this over and over again for more than 7 projects. I gave up, and decided to create this repository, which can be used as a starter for you JS/TS projects.

Step by Step process

  1. Clone this repository
  2. Install eslint (dbaeumer.vscode-eslint) extension on vscode – the only extension you need to auto format your JS/TS code.
  3. Ensure to enable the eslint extension (globally / workspace ? - your choice).
  4. Put your code only in subdirectories (eg. frontend, backend etc.)
  5. An example .eslintrc.json configuration is already present in the project by the name of .eslintrc.json.example, use that as a reference and create your own by: 3.1. running npx eslint --init 3.2. Delete the example eslintrc once you have a working .eslintrc.json


The configuration lines which matter for our purpose:

// asks prettier to format the file 
// will not do imports but will fix whitespace, and semicolon use.
"editor.formatOnSave": true,

// issues "eslint --fix" command when a file is saved
// will autoimport missing imports, but will not fix semicolons
"editor.codeActionsOnSave": {
	"source.fixAll.eslint": true
// shows eslint icon on the status bar (bottom right)
"eslint.alwaysShowStatus": true,


This file is super important. It is strongly advised to use the command npx eslint --init. This will create an eslintrc file for you and install the dependencies required as well.

root: true

  • eslint uses an upwards directory search to find a config to use to format the file. By setting root: true, we tell eslint that this is the last place to look for a config.
  • You can create an eslint config file for each subdirectory (eg backend, frontend) by issuing npx eslint --init command in the subdirectory, this way you can generate different code style configs for different subdirectories.
  • Don't set root: true in the eslint config present in the subdirectories. This will allow eslint to use the eslint config of the parent directory, as a fallback for rules not defined in eslint configs of child directories.


  • You can set a lot of rules for eslint, but to ensure that prettier and eslint don't conflict with each other, we use prettier as a plugin for eslint.

Steps: 1. install eslint-plugin-prettier and eslint-config-prettier as devDependencies for the root package.json 2. ensure that the eslint config looks like:

// ... other properties
"extends": [
    "prettier"       // ensure that prettier is the last plugin in this array
// ... other properties
"plugins": ["prettier"],
// ... other properties
"rules": {
    // ... other rules
    "prettier/prettier": [
    // ... other rules


  • when using typescript, ensure that "@typescript-eslint/parser" and "@typescript-eslint/plugin" are installed as dev dependencies in the topmost package.json, and the value of "parser" field is set to "@typescript-eslint/parser" in the eslint config file.
  • Ensure that eslint-config-prettier and eslint-plugin-prettier are installed as dev dependencies, for prettier to work.

What does what

  • Eslint vscode extension uses the eslint npm package installed somewhere on your computer (node_modules in the project directory or in the global install directory) to lint the code in vscode.
  • Eslint vscode extension doesn't know how to lint, it uses the eslint npm package to do so.
  • You can lint your code even without eslint vscode extension (by using eslint on the CLI), but to integrate the linting into vscode (formatting on save, showing errors live), you need the extension.
  • Prettier is a code formatter, but we are not using it directly in vscode. Instead we install prettier as a plugin to eslint - which does the same job as the standalone prettier. But this way any error which prettier plugin sees in the format of code are reported as eslint errors. Since we define prettier as the last extension, prettier rules override any previously defined rules (eg. airbnb-base etc), hence eliminating any conflicts.



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