- Git (1.7+)
- Vim (7.3+)
- ctags
- [Homebrew][homebrew] -
ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.github.com/Homebrew/homebrew/go/install)"
- [MacVim][macvim] -
brew install macvim
- [Homesick][homesick] -
gem install homesick
- [ctags][ctags] -
brew install ctags-exuberant
Overview of my vim setup. Sensible defaults!
Reference to vim mappings.
Switch to the directory of the open buffer.<C-l>
Enable/Disable list.<Leader>al
Quick aligning to left.<Leader>ar
Quick aligning to right.<Leader>ac
Quick aligning to center.<Leader>ff
Toggle indention mode.<Leader>ss
Toggle Spell checking<Leader>sn
Spell checking (Next word)<Leader>sp
Spell checking (Previews word)<Leader>s?
Spell checking (Show list)<Leader>tw
Set text wrapping toggles.<Enter>
Turn off search highlighting.<spacebar>
spacebar create/open/close folding.jj
Map escape key to jj.
YouCompleteMe: Display preview window<Tab>
Ultisnips: Expand snippers<C-Tab>
Ultisnips: Display list of snippers
Sudo write!
- accelerated-smooth-scroll
- airline
- [calendar]
- CtrlP
- CtrlP-funky
- easyMotion
- IndentLine
- multiple-cursors
- nerdcommenter
- nerdtree
- syntastic
- tabular - Configurable, flexible, intuitive text aligning --
- [tagbar]
- surround - Delete, change, and add "surroundings" i.e. parentheses, quotes, and HTML tags --
- Ultisnips
- undotree - Graph Vim's undo tree so it is actually usable
- YouCompleteMe
- [vundle]