dipjyotimetia / encryptme

File Encryption and Decryption in Go

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EncryptMe - File Encryption and Decryption in Go

Go Test

Problem Statement

Organizations need a reliable tool to protect their sensitive test data. EncryptMe is a simple solution aims to provide a trustworthy mechanism for securing files(text/yaml/json/etc...), ensuring that even if the files fall into the wrong hands, they remain unreadable without the correct decryption key, this also ensures a global standard for data security.

EncryptMe is a Go package that provides functions for encrypting and decrypting files using the AES-GCM encryption algorithm. This package allows you to secure the content of your files with a secret key, ensuring that only authorized parties can access the data.


  • Encrypt any file using AES-GCM encryption.
  • Decrypt encrypted files with the correct secret key.
  • Easy-to-use functions for file encryption and decryption.


You can install EncryptMe using Go modules:

go get github.com/dipjyotimetia/encryptme


Encrypt a File

To encrypt a file, use the EncryptFile function provided by the EncryptMe package. This function takes the following parameters:

  • contentFile: The path to the file you want to encrypt.
  • secretKey: The path to the secret key file used for encryption.
  • exportBin: The path where the encrypted file will be saved.


import "github.com/dipjyotimetia/encryptme"

func main() {
    err := encryptme.EncryptFile("plaintext.txt", "secret.key", "encrypted.bin")
    if err != nil {

Decrypt a File

To decrypt a previously encrypted file, use the DecryptFile function. This function takes the following parameters:

  • importBin: The path to the encrypted file.
  • secretKey: The path to the secret key file used for decryption.
  • content: The path where the decrypted content will be saved.


import "github.com/dipjyotimetia/encryptme"

func main() {
    err := encryptme.DecryptFile("encrypted.bin", "secret.key", "decrypted.txt")
    if err != nil {

Security Considerations

  • Keep your secret key secure. Do not share it with unauthorized users.
  • Ensure that you have proper access control for your secret key file.
  • Use strong and unique secret keys for each encryption operation.


File Encryption and Decryption in Go


Language:Go 100.0%