dipesg / OpenCV

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Day 1

Detect Face


Today I learned how face is detected by using CASCADE CLASSIFIER and detectMultiScale.

  • I have provided a python file above you can run this file in your system by:
    • python detect_faces.py -h It will display the way you should approach to get result.
    • Required haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml is attached in the repo.

Day 2


Today I learned how to detect faces using imutils VideoStream function

  • Using from imutils.video import VideoStream and openCV I have successfully detected faces using webcam.
  • use python webcam_detection.py -h for required way to run the given python file.

Day 3


Today I learned how to detect eye using CASCADE CLASSIFIER.

  • Using haarcascade_eye.xml we detect our eye in face.
  • To run above mention python file detect_eye.py we have to type python detect_eye.py -h in command prompt by remaining at directory where this file resides to get a help.



Language:Python 100.0%