dinomite / kotlinter-gradle

Painless ktlint plugin for Gradle

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Kotlinter Gradle

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Painless Gradle plugin for linting and formatting Kotlin source files using the awesome ktlint engine.

It aims to be easy to set up with zero required configuration and behaves as you'd expect out of the box.

It's also fast because it integrates the ktlint engine directly with Gradle's incremental build and uses the Worker API to parallelize work.


Available on the Gradle Plugins Portal: https://plugins.gradle.org/plugin/org.jmailen.kotlinter

Single module

plugins {
    id("org.jmailen.kotlinter") version "2.4.1"
plugins {
    id "org.jmailen.kotlinter" version "2.4.1"

Multi-module and Android

Kotlin Root `build.gradle.kts`
buildscript {
    repositories {
        maven {
            url = uri("https://plugins.gradle.org/m2/")
    dependencies {

Each module build.gradle.kts with Kotlin source

apply(plugin = "org.jmailen.kotlinter")
Groovy Root `build.gradle`
buildscript {
    repositories {
        maven {
            url "https://plugins.gradle.org/m2/"
    dependencies {
        classpath "org.jmailen.gradle:kotlinter-gradle:2.4.1"

Each module build.gradle with Kotlin source

apply plugin: "org.jmailen.kotlinter"


Kotlinter is compatible with Kotlin Gradle plugins 1.3.30+ and Java 13/12/11/10/9/8.


  • Supports Kotlin Gradle plugins: JVM and Android
  • Supports .kt and .kts files
  • Standalone LintTask and FormatTask types for defining custom tasks
  • Incremental build support and fast parallelization with Gradle Worker API
  • Configures from .editorconfig when available
  • Configurable reporters


If your project uses the JetBrains Kotlin JVM or Android Gradle plugins, standard tasks are created:

formatKotlin: format Kotlin source code according to ktlint rules or warn when auto-format not possible.

lintKotlin: report Kotlin lint errors and by default fail the build.

Also check becomes dependent on lintKotlin.

Granular tasks exist for each source set in the project: formatKotlinSourceSet and lintKotlinSourceSet.

Git Hooks

Kotlinter can install a hook to run pre-push (installKotlinterPrePushHook). The hook runs lintKotlin and, if there are errors, formatKotlin and exits non-zero leaving changed files to be committed.

You must apply the kotlinter plugin to your root project to make this task available.


Options are configured in the kotlinter extension. Defaults shown (you may omit the configuration block entirely if you want these defaults).

kotlinter {
    ignoreFailures = false
    indentSize = 4
    reporters = arrayOf("checkstyle", "plain")
    experimentalRules = false
    disabledRules = emptyArray<String>()
    fileBatchSize = 30
kotlinter {
    ignoreFailures = false
    indentSize = 4
    reporters = ['checkstyle', 'plain']
    experimentalRules = false
    disabledRules = []
    fileBatchSize = 30

Options for reporters: checkstyle, html, json, plain

Reporters behave as described at: https://github.com/pinterest/ktlint

The experimentalRules property enables rules which are part of ktlint's experimental rule set.

The disabledRules property can includes an array of rule ids you wish to disable. For example to allow wildcard imports:

disabledRules = ["no-wildcard-imports"]

You must prefix rule ids not part of the standard rule set with <rule-set-id>:<rule-id>. For example experimental:annotation.

The fileBatchSize property configures the number of files that are processed in one Gradle Worker API call.


Kotlinter will configure itself using an .editorconfig file if one is present in your root project directory.

If a non-empty disabledRules value is specified in the kotlinter extension, it will take precedence over any disabled_rules in .editorconfig.

See Ktlint editorconfig for supported values.

Customizing Tasks

The formatKotlinSourceSet and lintKotlinSourceSet tasks inherit from SourceTask so you can customize includes, excludes, and source.

import org.jmailen.gradle.kotlinter.tasks.LintTask

tasks {
    "lintKotlinMain"(LintTask::class) {
lintKotlinMain {
    exclude '**/*Generated.kt'

Custom Tasks

If you aren't using autoconfiguration from a supported plugin or otherwise need to handle additional source code, you can create custom tasks:

import org.jmailen.gradle.kotlinter.tasks.LintTask
import org.jmailen.gradle.kotlinter.tasks.FormatTask

val ktLint by tasks.creating(LintTask::class) {
    group = "verification"
    reports = mapOf(
        "plain" to file("build/lint-report.txt"),
        "json" to file("build/lint-report.json")

val ktFormat by tasks.creating(FormatTask::class) {
    group = "formatting"
    report = file("build/format-report.txt")
import org.jmailen.gradle.kotlinter.tasks.LintTask
import org.jmailen.gradle.kotlinter.tasks.FormatTask

task ktLint(type: LintTask, group: 'verification') {
    source files('src')
    reports = [
            'plain': file('build/lint-report.txt'),
            'json': file('build/lint-report.json')
    disabledRules = ["import-ordering"]

task ktFormat(type: FormatTask, group: 'formatting') {
    source files('src')
    report = file('build/format-report.txt')
    disabledRules = ["import-ordering"]

Custom ktlint version

If you need to use a different version of ktlint you can override the dependency.

buildscript {
buildscript {
    configurations.classpath {
        resolutionStrategy { force 'com.github.pinterest:ktlint:0.36.0' }

Custom Rules

You can add custom ktlint RuleSets using the buildscript classpath:

buildscript {
    dependencies {
buildscript {
    dependencies {
        classpath files('libs/my-custom-ktlint-rules.jar')
        classpath 'org.other.ktlint:custom-rules:1.0'


Painless ktlint plugin for Gradle

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Kotlin 100.0%