dino- / xmonad-xmobar-conf

My personal xmonad and xmobar configuration

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xmonad-xmobar config


My personal xmonad and xmobar configuration (Haskell)


Because I use them together, I keep the configuration for both xmonad and xmobar in the same .xmonad directory. This is a repo of my work on these files.

The PNG files in util/resources are the sources of the XPM bitmaps in resources. You can use these to work on artwork if you like.

Getting it

If you want to use this repo as-is, not just for inspiration, it's intended to be cloned into the customary .xmonad dot-directory. A symlink can then be used to let xmobar find its config file. Do this:

$ cd
$ git clone https://github.com/dino-/xmonad-xmobar-conf.git .xmonad
$ ln -s .xmonad/xmobarrc .xmobarrc

You will then need to edit the iconRoot field in .xmonad/xmobarrc to reflect your home directory.

Icon artwork and licensing

All of the icon artwork originals (in the util/resources directory) were acquired from IconArchive with the exception of gnome_cpu_24.png, which came from findicons.com. They were then converted to XPM by me with the GIMP or ImageMagick.

The original image files are included and the breakdown of licensing for these files is as follows:

icon original                             author/owner         license
actions-arrow-down-icon_24.png            Oxygen Team          LGPL
actions-arrow-up-icon_24.png              Oxygen Team          LGPL
actions-speaker-icon_24.png               Oxygen Team          LGPL
arch-linux-icon_24.png                    Fatcow Web Hosting   CC BY 4.0
battery-full-icon_24.png                  Fatcow Web Hosting   CC BY 4.0
battery-plug-icon_24.png                  Fatcow Web Hosting   CC BY 4.0
beer-icon_24.png                          Fatcow Web Hosting   CC BY 4.0
calendar-clock-icon_24.png                paomedia             public domain
drop-icon_24.png                          paomedia             public domain
fa6-bacteria-solid.svg                    Font Awesome         Font Awesome Pro
fa6-battery-full-solid.svg                Font Awesome         Font Awesome Pro
fa6-battery-half-solid.svg                Font Awesome         Font Awesome Pro
fa6-battery-quarter-solid.svg             Font Awesome         Font Awesome Pro
fa6-battery-three-quarters-solid.svg      Font Awesome         Font Awesome Pro
fa6-beer-solid.svg                        Font Awesome         Font Awesome Pro
fa6-biohazard-solid.svg                   Font Awesome         Font Awesome Pro
fa6-clock-solid.svg                       Font Awesome         Font Awesome Pro
fa6-cloud-sun-rain-solid.svg              Font Awesome         Font Awesome Pro
fa6-download-solid.svg                    Font Awesome         Font Awesome Pro
fa6-envelope-solid.svg                    Font Awesome         Font Awesome Pro
fa6-hdd-solid.svg                         Font Awesome         Font Awesome Pro
fa6-memory-solid.svg                      Font Awesome         Font Awesome Pro
fa6-microchip-solid.svg                   Font Awesome         Font Awesome Pro
fa6-network-wired-solid.svg               Font Awesome         Font Awesome Pro
fa6-plug-solid.svg                        Font Awesome         Font Awesome Pro
fa6-thermometer-three-quarters-solid.svg  Font Awesome         Font Awesome Pro
fa6-upload-solid.svg                      Font Awesome         Font Awesome Pro
fa6-wifi-solid.svg                        Font Awesome         Font Awesome Pro
gnome_cpu_24.png                          AMAZIGH Aneglus      GPL
harddisk-icon_24.png                      Oxygen Team          LGPL
Mail-icon_24.png                          VisualPharm          Linkware
memory-icon_24.png                        Double-J Design      CC BY 4.0
microphone-icon_24.png                    Creative Freedom     CC BY-ND 4.0
network-icon_24.png                       Iconshock            free for non-commercial use
spam-icon_24.png                          Fatcow Web Hosting   CC BY 4.0
sun-rain-icon_24.png                      Fatcow Web Hosting   CC BY 4.0
thermometer-icon_24.png                   Aha-Soft             CC BY 4.0
ubuntu-icon-circle-white_24               Martz90              CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
ubuntu-icon-multi_24                      Saki                 GPL

Author pages, where available:


Conversion of the Font Awesome SVG image files was performed with ImageMagick's convert utility like so:

for F in util/resources/fa6-*; do convert $F -channel RGB -negate -resize 24x24 resources/$(basename $F .svg)_24.xpm; done

Build issues


Around 2017-06-26 I experienced a build failure on Arch Linux with stale libraries in the default, systemwide ghc. There were linker errors in the xmonad.errors build log. Some searching brought me to this page and it may be good to keep this around, an "emergency" dynamic binary compilation command:

$ cd ~/.xmonad
$ ghc --make xmonad.hs -i -ilib -dynamic -fforce-recomp -main-is main -v0 -o xmonad-x86_64-linux


To support all of the features I'm using in xmobar, it was necessary to build with some extra flags.

build flag      xmobar feature
with_alsa       Volume command
with_datezone   DateZone command
with_inotify    Mail command
with_xft        Font support for xft
with_xpm        Support for xpm icons

Example build command:

$ stack install --flag xmobar:with_datezone --flag xmobar:with_inotify --flag xmobar:with_xft --flag xmobar:with_xpm xmobar

If this fails to make a viable build plan, it may be necessary to get the source code locally and have stack make a stack.yaml file first.


Dino Morelli <dino@ui3.info>


My personal xmonad and xmobar configuration

License:ISC License


Language:Haskell 100.0%