dinhanhthi / nextjs-tailwind-starter

πŸ• A starter for Next.js 14+ with preconfigured Tailwind CSS, ESLint, VSCode Settings and Prettier.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

πŸ• nextjs-tailwind-starter

A starter for Next.js 14+ with preconfigured Tailwind CSS, ESLint, VSCode Settings and Prettier.

To get started, install nvm and use it to install the desired version of Node.js and Yarn.

nvm install 20 # node v20
# then install yarn
npm i --global yarn
yarn --version
# install

# run dev server
yarn dev
yarn dev --turbo

# build
yarn build
yarn buuld --turbo

# run production server
yarn start

# lint
yarn lint

# prettier
yarn prettier

# clean
yarn clean

# reinstall
yarn reinstall

# run test in watch mode
yarn test

For an example of an api request, let's make a GET to http://localhost:3001/api/hello.


πŸ• A starter for Next.js 14+ with preconfigured Tailwind CSS, ESLint, VSCode Settings and Prettier.

License:MIT License


Language:TypeScript 60.4%Language:JavaScript 30.4%Language:CSS 4.6%Language:SCSS 4.6%