Txtr is a book and text reader for Neovim. It scrolls a text automatically, so the user does not have to do it by hand. It also allows to control the speed of scrolling, pause or resume the scrolling.
By default <leader><leader>
toggles autoscrolling, <leader>j
scrolling down, <leader>k
speeds it up.
Buffers are not modifiable during autoscrolling by default.
To return to the last read position in a book use '"
You will need Neovim v0.5 or higher for this plugin to work.
- With Packer:
use 'dimus/nvim-txtr'
- With vim-plug:
Plug 'dimus/nvim-txtr'
:lua require('txtr').setup()
The following parameters can be included into configuration:
-- pause is the number of milliseconds between scrolling events
pause = 4000,
-- disable_config_keymap = true will cancel creation of default
-- keybindings. If it is set true, keymaps have to be set manually.
disable_config_keymap = false,
-- toggle_keymap sets keybinding for toggling scrolling on/off, default
-- toggle_keymap = '<leader><leader>'
toggle_keymap = ',s',
-- scroll_slower_keymap sets keybinding for slowing scrolling down, default
-- scroll_slower_keymap = '<leader>j'
scroll_slower_keymap = ',j',
-- scroll_faster_keymap sets keybinding for speeding the scrolling up, the
-- default scroll_faster_keymap = '<leader>k'
scroll_faster = ',k'
If keybinding by config is disabled, it can be set manually in viml
nmap <leader>s :lua require('txtr').toggle_scroll()<CR>
" ^^^^^^^^^^ change this to what ever you want
nmap <leader>j :lua require('txtr').scroll_faster()<CR>
" ^^^^^^^^^^ change this to what ever you want
nmap <leader>k :lua require('txtr').scroll_slower()<CR>
" ^^^^^^^^^^ change this to what ever you want
Or in Lua
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap('n', '<leader>s', ":lua require('txtr').toggle_scroll()<cr>", {})
-- ^^^^^^^^^^ change this to what ever you want
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap('n', '<leader>j', ":lua require('txtr').scroll_slower()<cr>", {})
-- ^^^^^^^^^^ change this to what ever you want
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap('n', '<leader>k', ":lua require('txtr').scroll_faster()<cr>", {})
-- ^^^^^^^^^^ change this to what ever you want
git clone git@github.com:dimus/nvim-txtr.git
cd nvim-txtr
Add the project to runtimepath
so nvim has access to the code during
nvim --cmd 'set rtp+=.'
When nvim started, run once:
:luafile dev/init.lua
To refresh plugin use ,r
To toggle scrolling use ,s
To speed scrolling up use ,k
To slow scrolling down use ,j