dims26 / ConfidentialDelegableVoting

Confidential and delegable voting on Ethereum without a tally authority.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This project implements secure, confidential and delegable voting over a network implementing the Ethereum protocol. This is achieved using elliptical curve cryptography techniques over the secp256k1 elliptic curve. This project is based off of and adapts the open vote network protocol and subsequent work by Patrick McCorry, Siamak F. Shahandashti, and Feng Hao.

There are two main parts

  • Smart contracts written in Solidity (version 0.4.10 for LocalCrypto.sol and version 0.8.17 for AnonymousVoting.sol).
  • Election automation script 'election.js' written using JavaScript and Node.js modules.


The following sections explain how to configure and run election scenarios.


  1. Node.js 18.12.1
  2. Remix
  3. Web3
  4. Ganache


  • Create a terminal window and navigate to the 'electionScript' directory
  • Install web3 from npm

    npm install --save web3

  • Install ganache from npm

    npm install --save ganache

  • In a separate terminal window, create a blockchain specifying number of accounts(Include the Admin, the voters, and the charity account), saving account information to 'accountKeys.json'. Take note of the url specified in the response

    ganache --wallet.accountKeysPath accountKeys.json --wallet.totalAccounts <NUM_ACCOUNTS>

  • Using Remix, compile(enable optimization, change compiler version where appropriate) and deploy (selecting 'Ganache Provider') the 'AnonymousVoting.sol' and 'Localcrypto.sol' contracts and take note of the contract addresses in the ganache terminal window.
  • The AnonymousVoting smart contract constructor requires the gap parameter (Minimum number of seconds to keep registration open for. The election script roughly needs "2*number of voters" seconds) and the address of the charity account
  • Populate the electionConfig.txt file according to the format specified in the 'Election Config' section with values from 'accountKeys.json'
  • Run the script specifying parameters detailed below. Replace the characters between the quotes with the relevant values

    node election.js --url "" --cryptoAddr "<crypto address>" --voteAddr "<vote contract address>"

  • As the election runs, a transcript of actions is output onto the terminal console. A log file 'logSummary.txt' is also populated with runtime and gas metrics of relevant operations.
  • Transcripts and logs of the documented elections are provided in the logs folder

Script Parameters

  • url: The url of the ganache blockchain
  • voteAddr: Address of the deployed 'AnonymousVoting.sol' contract
  • cryptoAddr: Address of the deployed 'LocalCrypto.sol' contract

Election Config

The electionConfig.txt file specifies the format of the configurable parameters for the election. The file is structured over 5 lines as shown below:

            <Admin address>
            <Charity address>
            <The gap parameter of the AnonymousVoting smart contract>
            <delegator 1 address>: <delegatee address>,<delegator 2 address>: <delegatee address>
            <address of voter voting NO>, <address of voter voting NO>

Replace each angled bracket pair with the relevant information. If there's no information to specify for any line, leave it blank. Lines 1,2, and 3 are compulsory


This work is released under the MIT license


Confidential and delegable voting on Ethereum without a tally authority.



Language:Solidity 77.7%Language:JavaScript 22.3%