dimohamdy / KarimEbrahemAbdelaziz

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Hi, I'm Karim Ebrahem!

iOS Software Enginner at AreebGroup
iOS Software Engineer Mentor at SwiftyCamp

Twitter: k_ebrahem_ Linkedin: KarimEbrahem GitHub KarimEbrahemAbdelaziz

A little more about me...

let karim: [String: Any] = [
  pronouns: "he | his",
  code: [Swift, ObjectiveC, Kotlin, Ruby, Java],
  tools: [XCode, AppCode, Playground, IntellijIDEA, GitKraken, Postman, Docker],
  techCommunities: [
    founder: "SwiftyCamp",
    mentor: "SwiftyCamp",
    speaker: "SwiftCairo"

I love connecting with different people so if you want to say hi, I'll be happy to meet you more! :)

⭐️ Thank you ⭐️
