The module provides a higher level API of memory mapped functionality in a form of page, big array and big queue (limited by disk space) based on mmap page. Most functionality and tests were borrowed from java bigqueue
npm install mmap-kit
- There is no inter-process synchronization, hence one should use it in a form of one way socket communication, which is a single producer always appends, a single consumer should only remove (shift or dequeue) and multiple readers can explore the array or queue in a read-only mode.
- Uses mmap.js which has no support for Windows (PR pending and blocked by nodejs/node#6369)
This is a still low-level API for manipulating memory-mapped pages.
var PageFactory = require('mmap-kit').PageFactory;
mappedPageFactory = new PageFactory(1024 * 1024, './test');
var mappedPage = mappedPageFactory.acquirePage(0);
var buffer = mappedPage.getLocal(0);
buffer.write('hello world');
mappedPage.close(); // gc
var PageFactory = require('mmap-kit').PageFactory;
mappedPageFactory = new PageFactory(1024 * 1024, './test');
var mappedPage = mappedPageFactory.acquirePage(0);
var buffer = mappedPage.getLocal(0);
console.log(buffer.slice(0, 11).toString()); // out: hello world
mappedPage.close(); // gc
mappedPageFactory.releasePage(0); // release page 0
// delete page 0
mappedPageFactory.deletePage(0, function (err) {
console.log(err || 'deleted');
mappedPageFactory.deletePages([2, 3], function (err) {
console.log(err || 'deleted');
mappedPageFactory.deleteAllPages(function (err) {
console.log(err || 'deleted');
- getBackPageFiles(callback: fn(err: Error, fileSet: Array)) - get all pages files on the disk.
- getBackPageFileSize(callback: fn(err: Error, size: Number)) - get total size of the pages on the disk.
- getExistingBackFileIndexes(callback: fn(err: Error, indexSet: Array)) - get a list of existing indexes used for the pages.
- getCacheSize(): Number - get number of entries in the cache.
- deletePagesByIndexRange(ranges: [?], callback: fn(err: Error)) - delete pages in the given range (start and end inclusive.)
- flush() - flush all pages in cache.
- close(pageIndex) - close a page at pageIndex and removes it from cache.
- releaseCachedPages() - release all cached pages.
- releaseCachedPage(pageIndex: Number) - release a page at pageIndex.
Provides a high-level API for managing memory-mapped pages in a form of an array.
var BigArray = require('mmap-kit').BigArray;
var bigArray = new BigArray('./tmp', 'test');
bigArray.append(new Buffer('hello'));
bigArray.append(new Buffer('world'));
bigArray.flush(); // I found that at least on OSX it auto-flushes without flush for in memory pages at least
var bigArray = new BigArray('./tmp', 'test');
console.log(bigArray.size()); // out: 2
console.log(bigArray.shift()); // out: hello
console.log(bigArray.shift()); // out: world
console.log(bigArray.size()); // out: 0
By default array would sync with memory mapped file for metadata changes. It can be disabled in case one knows that no data can be deleted over the time.
- BigArray(options) - constructor
- options:
- dir: String - directory for array data store
- name: String - the name of the array, will be appended as last part of the array directory
- dataPageSize: Number - the back data file size per page in bytes, see minimum allowed, default 32Mb
- maxDataSize: Number|Bignum - maxDataSize in Mb, the max back data file size, see minimum allowed, default 32Mb
- backlog: fn(ByteBuffer) - a function to be called when the array space is maxed out and the oldest entries will be auto-backlogged to free up the space.
- backlogBatchSize: Number - a number of entries to auto backlog when max size of array is reached
- options:
- append(Buffer) - append buffer data to the end of the array.
- close() - unload the array from memory.
- deletePagesOutsideIndexRange(headIndex: Number|Bignum, tailIndex: Number|Bignum, fn(err: Error)) - delete pages outside given range.
- each(fn(element: ByteBuffer, index, next)) - iterate through all array elements asynchronously
- eachSync(fn(element: ByteBuffer, index)) - iterate through all array elements in sync mode
- flush() - flush array to disk.
- gc() - force gc to remove unused files on the disk.
- get(arrayIndex): ByteBuffer - get element at the given index.
- getPageIndex(arrayIndex): Bignum - get page index for the given array index.
- getDataPageIndex(arrayIndex): Bignum - get data page index for the given array index.
- getIndexItemBuffer(arrayIndex): ByteBuffer - get page buffer for the given array index.
- getIndexPageOffset(arrayIndex): Bignum - get page offset for the given array index.
- getBackFileSize(callback: fn(err: Error, size: Bignum)) - get total size of all files allocated for the array on the disk.
- dataSize(): Bignum - get total size of data stored in the array.
- size(): Bignum - get the total number of elements in the array
- shift() - take element from the head of the array and schedule GC.
- scheduleGC() - schedule GC to remove unused page files on the disk.
- sync() - sync up meta (indexes) and data pages to mapped memory.
- syncMeta() - sync only meta pages to mapped memory.
- syncData() - sync only data pages to mapped memory.
- syncTailDataIndexFromMemory() - sync tail data from mapped memory.
- syncHeadIndexToMemory() - sync head indexes (head meta) to mapped memory.
- syncTailIndexToMemory() - sync tail indexes (tail meta) to mapped memory.
- removeAll() - remove all data/indexes.
- isEmpty() - check if array is empty.
- isFull() - check if array is full.
- isValidIndex(arrayIndex) - checks if given array index is valid.
Provides a high-level API for managing memory-mapped pages in a form of a queue. It is based on BigArray.
var BigQueue = require('mmap-kit').BigQueue;
var bigQueue = new BigQueue('./.tmp', 'test');
bigQueue.enqueue(new Buffer('hello'));
console.log(bigQueue.size()); // out: 1
bigQueue.enqueue(new Buffer('hello'));
console.log(bigQueue.size()); // out: 2
console.log(bigQueue.size()); // out: 2
console.log(bigQueue.peek()); // out: hello
console.log(bigQueue.size()); // out: 2
bigQueue.eachSync(function iter(el, i) {
console.log(el.toString(), ' at ' + i.toNumber());
console.log(bigQueue.size()); // out: 2
bigQueue.eachSync(function iter(el, i, next) {
console.log(el.toString(), ' at ' + i.toNumber());
}, function onComplete() {
console.log(bigQueue.size()); // out: 2
console.log(bigQueue.size()); // out: 2
console.log(bigQueue.dequeue()); // out: hello
console.log(bigQueue.size()); // out: 1
console.log(bigQueue.dequeue()); // out: world
- BigQueue(options) - constructor
- options:
- dir: String - directory for array data store
- name: String - the name of the array, will be appended as last part of the array directory
- dataPageSize: Number - the back data file size per page in bytes, see minimum allowed, default 32Mb
- maxDataSize: Number|Bignum - maxDataSize in Mb, the max back data file size, see minimum allowed, default 32Mb
- backlog: fn(ByteBuffer) - a function to be called when the array space is maxed out and the oldest entries will be auto-backlogged to free up the space.
- backlogBatchSize: Number - a number of entries to auto backlog when max size of array is reached
- options:
- enqueue(Buffer) - put buffer to the end of queue
- dequeue(): ByteBuffer - get element from head of the queue and removes it from the queue
- peek(): ByteBuffer - get element from head of the queue
- each(fn(element: ByteBuffer, index, next)) - iterate through all queue elements asynchronously
- eachSync(fn(element: ByteBuffer, index)) - iterate through all queue elements in sync mode
- close() - close and gc queue from the memory
- flush() - flush the queue
- size(): Bignum - get size of the queue
- removeAll
Extends Buffer to provide auto positioning when reading/writing data from/to the buffer.
var buffer = require('mmap-kit').ByteBuffer.create(16);
require('mmap-kit').ByteBuffer.extend(new Buffer(16));
buffer.putBigLong(Bignum('1122334455667788', 16));
// using existing API
console.log('current position:', buffer.position);
// set position the the start if reading above buffer
buffer.position = 0;
console.log('big int: %s', buffer.getBigInt());
console.log('big long: %s', buffer.getBigLong());
console.log('unsigned int: %s', buffer.getUInt16LE());
- extend(Buffer) - extends existing buffer with auto-positioning API
- getUInt8 - read and move offset 1 byte forward
- getUInt16LE - read and move offset 2 bytes forward
- getUInt16BE - read and move offset 2 bytes forward
- getUInt32LE - read and move offset 4 bytes forward
- getUInt32BE - read and move offset 4 bytes forward
- getInt8 - read and move offset 1 byte forward
- getInt16LE - read and move offset 2 bytes forward
- getInt16BE - read and move offset 2 bytes forward
- getInt32LE - read and move offset 4 bytes forward
- getInt32BE - read and move offset 4 bytes forward
- getFloatLE - read and move offset 4 bytes forward
- getFloatBE - read and move offset 4 bytes forward
- getDoubleLE - read and move offset 8 bytes forward
- getDoubleBE - read and move offset 8 bytes forward
- getBigLong - read 64 bit Bignum number and move offset 8 bytes forward
- getBigInt - read 32 bit Bignum number and move offset 4 bytes forward
- putUInt8 - write and move offeset 1 byte forward,
- putUInt16LE - write and move offeset 2 bytes forward,
- putUInt16BE - write and move offeset 2 bytes forward,
- putUInt32LE - write and move offeset 4 bytes forward,
- putUInt32BE - write and move offeset 4 bytes forward,
- putInt8 - write and move offeset 1 byte forward,
- putInt16LE - write and move offeset 2 bytes forward,
- putInt16BE - write and move offeset 2 bytes forward,
- putInt32LE - write and move offeset 4 bytes forward,
- putInt32BE - write and move offeset 4 bytes forward,
- putFloatLE - write and move offeset 4 bytes forward,
- putFloatBE - write and move offeset 4 bytes forward,
- putDoubleLE - write and move offeset 8 bytes forward,
- putDoubleBE - write and move offeset 8 bytes forward
- putBigLong - write 64 bit Bignum number and move offset 8 bytes forward
- putBigInt - write 32 bit Bignum number and move offset 4 bytes forward
- use/check watchFile to detect changes
- PR to mmap.js to support windows, currently blocked by indutny/mmap.js#3