dima666Sik / simple-place-a-bet-annotation-app

This primitive app was develop with good practice and own realization dependency injection with reflection and annotations

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Simple Place a Bet App πŸŽ²πŸŽ°πŸ€

List of Contents


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Welcome to Simple Place a Bet App, a project designed to place a bet authorization user. Main gain of this project is realize Dependency Injection, and this was realized. This project is built using Java 11, Hibernate 6, MySQL Driver. All technologies you can see in the part of this README.md under the heading Technologies.


  • Hibernate 6
  • MySQL Driver
  • Log4j2
  • JUnit 5
  • lombok


β˜‘οΈ Single responsibility principle - A class should have only one reason to change.

β˜‘οΈ Open/Closed principle - Software entities (classes, modules, functions, etc.) should be open for extension, but closed for modification.

β˜‘οΈ Liskov Substitution Principle - Child classes should never break the parent class type definitions.

β˜‘οΈ Interface Segregation Principle - No client should be forced to depend on methods it does not use.

β˜‘οΈ Dependency inversion principle - High-level modules should not depend on low-level modules. Both should depend on abstractions. Abstractions should not depend upon details. Details should depend upon abstractions.


β˜‘οΈ DTOs, or Data Transfer Objects, are objects that carry data between different parts of your application.


β˜‘οΈ DAOs, or Data Access Objects, are responsible for abstracting the interaction with a database or other data storage mechanism.They provide an interface for performing CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations on data entities.


β˜‘οΈ I used TDD , or Test-Driven Development principle when I develop this application. The system is tested using JUnit 5 to ensure its functionality and reliability.


β˜‘οΈ Log4j2 is employed to provide logging (levels: info, warn, error).

Own Part of realization of Google Guice

This is a short realization a Dependency Injection or DI. U can check realization in package lib there place the 2 annotations and one realization.

  • @Inject - mark the fields that should be injected. Annotation can be applied to field class declarations. The annotation's information should be retained at runtime.
  • @Component - mark classes as components that should be managed. Annotation can be applied to class declarations. The annotation's information should be retained at runtime.
    Realization place in Injector.


  • βœ…οΈ Auth in app:
    • βœ…οΈ Authorization;
    • βœ…οΈ Registration;

  • βœ…οΈ Main app:
    • βœ… ️ Menu navigation (console);
    • βœ…οΈ Place a bet;
    • βœ…οΈ Show all list bet for current user;
  • βœ…οΈ Dependency Injection:
    • βœ…οΈ Inject field class;


  1. I would you recommended to clone my project from the GitHub.
    If you wanna do this please use this command:
git clone https://github.com/dima666Sik/simple-place-a-bet-annotation-app.git
  1. To run this project you will need to install:

    • JDK 11 or higher;
    • MySQL RDBMS.
  2. If you have downloaded a project and want to run it with your own database then you have to change .properties file which will be stored in this way src/main/java/resouces/hibernate.properties and put your valid data please.

# Configuration (Data source)
# Origin database

# Configuration (Hibernate)
  1. If u want u can use the implementation DI in your project, if you need to change/add some classes that should be Injected you can change this data here.
public class Injector {
    private static final Map<Class<?>, Class<?>> ifaceClassMap = new HashMap<>();
    private static final Set<Class<?>> classSet = new HashSet<>();
    static {
        ifaceClassMap.put(AuthorizationService.class, AuthorizationServiceImpl.class);
        ifaceClassMap.put(BetService.class, BetServiceImpl.class);
        ifaceClassMap.put(UserDAO.class, UserDAOImpl.class);
        ifaceClassMap.put(BetDAO.class, BetDAOImpl.class);

  1. Here are the steps for you to follow:
    • Add this project to your IDE as Maven project.
    • If necessary, configure Java SDK 11 in Project Structure settings.
    • You can change setting to your logging into log4j2.properties.
    • First, you will need to register as a new user.


  • You need to create database and add properties to hibernate.properties, and this all that u must to do in order to start to using this project.
    Visually it looks like this:

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This primitive app was develop with good practice and own realization dependency injection with reflection and annotations


Language:Java 100.0%