dimMaryanto93 / ansible-role-keepalived

Provision to install keepalived routing with ansible role

Repository from Github https://github.comdimMaryanto93/ansible-role-keepalivedRepository from Github https://github.comdimMaryanto93/ansible-role-keepalived


This ansible role to help you install HAProxy for supported platform:

  • CentOS 7/8
  • Oracle Linux 8.7
  • Ubuntu 20.04


Untuk menggunakan role ini, kita membutuhkan package/collection

Temen-temen bisa install, dengan cara

ansible-galaxy collection install ansible.posix --force

Atau temen-temen bisa menggunakan requirement.yaml file and install menggunakan ansible-galaxy collection install -r requirement.yaml, dengan format seperti berikut:

  - ansible.posix

Role Variables

Ada beberapa variable yang temen-temen bisa gunakan untuk setting docker daemon, diantaranya seperti berikut:

Variable name Example value Description
keepalived_version *2.1.5* Install specific version, if you want install latest keep it blank

Example Playbook

Including an example of how to use your role (for instance, with variables passed in as parameters) is always nice for users too:

- name: Install keepalived
  hosts: ['all']
  become: true
    - dimmaryanto93.keepalived




Provision to install keepalived routing with ansible role

License:MIT License