dillonkearns / elm-ai


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This is a starter to try the elm-pages 3.0 beta. Any feedback would be very helpful for getting the release ready to go!

This branch is a setup for trying out elm-pages Scripts (the elm-pages run command) without an actual elm-pages app. You can use it by moving the script/ folder (and any other files you'd like) into your project, whether it uses elm-pages otherwise or not!


$ npx elm-pages run Stars --repo elm-graphql
fetch https://api.github.com/repos/dillonkearns/elm-graphql: 384.544ms

Minimal Setup

All you need to run elm-pages run is the script/ folder, and an installation of elm-pages and Lamdera. The rest is optional! Though I recommend locking your elm-pages installation to a specific version with a package.json file rather than just using a globally installed version.

What is elm-pages Script

I hope for this to be the easiest way to execute a pure Elm file from the command-line, and pull in data (like reading files or environment variables) or performing effects (like writing files, logging, or performing HTTP requests).

This is done using elm-pages' BackendTask API. Using BackendTask.Port, you can define async JavaScript functions that execute in NodeJS. They receive JSON data, and send back JSON data, and they execute in parallel to other BackendTask's, leveraging Node's strength for parallel I/O operations.

Setup Instructions

You can clone this repo with git clone -b script-only https://github.com/dillonkearns/elm-pages-3-alpha-starter.git.

npm install from the cloned repo. Before running the elm-pages run command, make sure to install Lamdera (see below).

Install Lamdera

Install Lamdera with these instructions.

elm-pages 3.0 uses the lamdera compiler, which is a superset of the Elm compiler with some extra functionality to automatically serialize Elm types to Bytes. That means there is no more OptimizedDecoder API, you can just use regular elm/json Decoders! And no more BackendTask.distill, since types are now automatically serialized all those optimizations come for free.

Debugging Lamdera Errors

Sometimes Lamdera will give compiler errors due to corrupted dependency cache. These messages will display a note at the bottom:



Note: Sometimes `lamdera reset` can fix this problem by rebuilding caches, so
give that a try first.

Be sure to use lamdera reset to reset the caches for these cases. See more info about that in the Lamdera docs: https://dashboard.lamdera.app/docs/ides-and-tooling#problem-corrupt-caches


Check out the 3.0 Package Docs. The 3.0 docs are still a work in progress. As part of the final release, I will be going through and filling in documentation and updating missing docs. Feel free to make a pull request to update or add docs, or share feedback on the APIs and naming.

The docs for elm-pages Scripts is at https://package.elm-lang.org/packages/dillonkearns/elm-pages-v3-beta/latest/Pages-Script.

Running the elm-pages run command

  • npm install
  • npx elm-pages run script/src/Stars.elm --repo elm-graphql - now you can run scripts! You can tweak them, or even define new Script modules in the script/src/ folder! You can also shorten this command to npx elm-pages run Stars --repo elm-graphql if you prefer.




Language:Elm 84.2%Language:JavaScript 8.3%Language:TypeScript 7.6%