dilkhush / perfect

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Code standards

The application will follow the standard Ruby style guide:



You can install and bootstrap for local development Fleetsuite using Vagrant and Ansible.


  1. Ansible 1.4+
  2. VirtualBox or VMWare Fusion (with Vagrant handlers).
  3. Unix based OS. (No Windows, sorry.)


Instructions on how to bootstrap the environment and use vagrant/ansible are in Vagrantfile.

To set the app up from scratch, follow these steps

Create a Chargify Account

Set up a Chargify account

Set up a Site

  • Site Name: Don't use 'test'
  • Subdomain: Letters and numbers only
  • Currency: USD: United States Dollar ($)

Get your keys

  • In the sidebar, click API Access and get your API Key
  • Go to your site dashboard by clicking on your site
  • Go to the Settings tab and choose Hosted Page URLs to get your Shared Key

Add your subdomain, API Key and Shared Key to the chargify section of config/settings/app_*.yml

    subdomain: yoururl
    api_key:  yourapikey
    shared_key: yoursharedkey

Create some products

Create a product family "Test Plans"

Create three products – Free, Basic and Pro – within your product family

  • Choose the products tab
  • Add new product

Step 1

  • Return URL after successful signup: http://YOURDOMAIN/chargify/notifiers/confirmation
  • Return URL after successful account update: http://YOURDOMAIN/chargify/notifiers/confirmation_update
  • Return Parameters: account_id={customer_reference}
  • Leave other fields and options as default

Step 2

  • A one-time, up-front charge of $ 0 USD
  • A trial period of - leave blank
  • After the trial, a recurring price of $ 0
  • This recurring charge will expire after never
  • A one-time, up-front charge of $ 5 USD
  • A trial period of - leave blank
  • After the trial, a recurring price of $ 5
  • This recurring charge will expire after never
  • A one-time, up-front charge of $ 10 USD
  • A trial period of - leave blank
  • After the trial, a recurring price of $ 10
  • This recurring charge will expire after never


  • Go to Webhooks in the Settings tab
  • On Chargify set the webhooks to http://YOURDOMAIN/chargify/webhooks/hook

Set up Database and Gems

Create a database.yml in config

Run the following commands:

  • bundle
  • rake db:create
  • rake db:migrate
  • rake db:seed
  • rake chargify:import_all_product_details


In config/settings/app_development.yml add the following (or whatever domain you use for local development):

    site-url : http://saas.dev
    site-host: saas.dev



All secrets are stored in config/secrets.yml. An example .dist file is included for convienience. A valid key must be provided for every value.

Secret Token

Generate a secret token with rake secret and add it to config/initializers/secret_token.rb

Domain Setup

Set config.action_dispatch.tld_length = ? in your environment initializers

  • 2 for .co.uk
  • 1 for .com

Note: This basically calculates the number of .'s in your TLD, so if you use .dev for your local sites, set to 1

Scheduled Tasks

  • once a day - rake account:delete_marked_accounts
  • once a day - rake account:delete_expired_trial_periods
  • once an hour - rake account:send_trial_emails
  • once an hour - rake twitter:find_tweets
  • Once a day - rake currency:update_exchange_rate
  • Once a day (At 7am GMT) - rake account:send_account_mail
  • Once a day - rake quote:delete_draft_quotes
  • Once a week (Sun 7am GMT) - rake qa_stat:fetch_most_recent_data
  • Once every 2 hours - project:send_project_budget_email

Install wkhtmltopdf


  • Grab yourself a copy of fresh wkhtmltopdf
  • Open it and drag to Applications
  • Then cd /usr/local/bin && ln -s /Applications/wkhtmltopdf.app/Contents/MacOS/wkhtmltopdf wkhtmltopdf

On EngineYard

  • Add unix package to admin and click apply

Install MailCatcher

MailCatcher will receive all emails sent in the development Rails environment.

  1. gem install mailcatcher
  2. Run mailcatcher: mailcatcher
  3. Email is then sent to: smtp://localhost:1025. This is automatically set up in environments/development.rb.



Language:Ruby 42.3%Language:JavaScript 23.5%Language:HTML 22.5%Language:CSS 11.2%Language:CoffeeScript 0.5%