diillson / terraform-aws-alb

Módulo Terraform para criar um Application Load Balancer na AWS

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AWS ALB Terraform module

Módulo Terraform para criar um Application Load Balancer na AWS

Exemplo de utilização

  • Consulte o diretório Exemplo.


Name Version
terraform >= 0.13.5
aws ~> 3.33.0


Name Version
aws ~> 3.33.0


No modules.


Name Type
aws_lb.default resource
aws_lb_listener.http_forward resource
aws_lb_listener.http_redirect resource
aws_lb_listener.https resource
aws_lb_target_group.default resource
aws_lb_target_group_attachment.default resource
aws_security_group.default resource
aws_security_group_rule.egress resource
aws_security_group_rule.http_ingress resource
aws_security_group_rule.https_ingress resource


Name Description Type Default Required
access_logs_bucket_id description string "" no
access_logs_enabled A boolean flag to enable/disable access_logs bool false no
access_logs_prefix description string "" no
algorithm_type description string "least_outstanding_requests" no
certificate_arn The ARN of the default SSL certificate for HTTPS listener string "" no
cross_zone_load_balancing_enabled A boolean flag to enable/disable cross zone load balancing bool true no
deletion_protection_enabled A boolean flag to enable/disable deletion protection for ALB bool false no
deregistration_delay The amount of time to wait in seconds before changing the state of a deregistering target to unused number 15 no
health_check_healthy_threshold The number of consecutive health checks successes required before considering an unhealthy target healthy number 2 no
health_check_interval The duration in seconds in between health checks number 15 no
health_check_matcher The HTTP response codes to indicate a healthy check string "200-399" no
health_check_path The destination for the health check request string "/" no
health_check_timeout The amount of time to wait in seconds before failing a health check request number 10 no
health_check_unhealthy_threshold The number of consecutive health check failures required before considering the target unhealthy number 2 no
http2_enabled A boolean flag to enable/disable HTTP/2 bool true no
http_enabled A boolean flag to enable/disable HTTP listener bool true no
http_ingress_cidr_blocks List of CIDR blocks to allow in HTTP security group list(string)
http_ingress_prefix_list_ids List of prefix list IDs for allowing access to HTTP ingress security group list(string) [] no
http_port The port for the HTTP listener number 80 no
http_redirect A boolean flag to enable/disable HTTP redirect to HTTPS bool false no
https_enabled A boolean flag to enable/disable HTTPS listener bool false no
https_port The port for the HTTPS listener number 443 no
https_ssl_policy The name of the SSL Policy for the listener string "ELBSecurityPolicy-TLS-1-2-Ext-2018-06" no
idle_timeout The time in seconds that the connection is allowed to be idle number 60 no
internal A boolean flag to determine whether the ALB should be internal bool true no
ip_address_type The type of IP addresses used by the subnets for your load balancer. The possible values are ipv4 and dualstack. string "ipv4" no
name_lb Name of ALB string n/a yes
security_group_ids A list of additional security group IDs to allow access to ALB list(string) [] no
stickiness_duration description number "3600" no
stickiness_enable description bool false no
stickiness_type description string "lb_cookie" no
subnet_ids A list of subnet IDs to associate with ALB list(string) n/a yes
target_group_name The name for the default target group, uses a module label name if left empty string n/a yes
target_group_port The port for the default target group number 80 no
target_group_protocol The protocol for the default target group HTTP or HTTPS string "HTTP" no
target_group_target_type The type (instance, ip or lambda) of targets that can be registered with the target group string "ip" no
target_id The ID of the target. This is the Instance ID for an instance, or the container ID for an ECS container. If the target type is ip, specify an IP address. If the target type is lambda, specify the arn of lambda. list(string) n/a yes
vpc_id VPC ID to associate with ALB string n/a yes


Name Description
alb_dns_name The DNS name of the Application Load Balancer.


Este projeto está licenciado sob a licença Apache 2.0


Módulo Terraform para criar um Application Load Balancer na AWS



Language:HCL 100.0%