digitalinnovationone / acceleration-a11y-clean-restful-apis

DIO International Acceleration: Accessibility (A11y) in Clean RESTful APIs.

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Accessibility (A11y) in Clean RESTful APIs

Discover how to combine the concepts of Clean Architecture with the Speech-To-Text (STT) concept to promote accessibility for audible educational content and harness the power of Java, Spring Boot, and MongoDB in building a RESTful API focused on accurate audio transcription.

Presentation slides available here: DIO Acceleration: Accessibility in Clean RESTful APIs

Hands-On Overview

The Audio2Text project is an advanced system designed to transcribe audio content into text format, leveraging the power of OpenAI's API for high-quality transcriptions. The project follows Clean Architecture principles to ensure a scalable, maintainable, and well-organized codebase.

Project Structure and References

This project's architecture is inspired by and references several key sources in Clean Architecture and software design. The structure is visualized using a mermaid graph for clarity.

graph RL;
  subgraph "Infrastructure";
    Web(Web & Devices) <--> Con
    UI("User Interface (UI)") <--> Pre
    DB(Databases & External Integrations) <--> Gat

    subgraph "Adapters";
      Con(Controllers) <--> UC
      Pre(Presenters) <--> UC
      Gat(Gateways) -..-> |implements| IGat

      subgraph "Use Cases";
        UC(Use Cases) <--> LA
        UC <--> IGat

        subgraph "Entities";
          LA("Learning Objects (LOs)")
          LA -.- LOA[<em>Metadata includes:\n Transcript, Language,\n Revision, License etc.</em>]
          IGat(Gateway Interfaces)
          IGat -.- IRep(<em>Any external integrations:\n Database, WebClient,\n Producer etc.</em>)

classDef infra fill:#a3c9ff,stroke:#00315c,color:#00315c;
classDef adapters fill:#67dbb1,stroke:#003828,color:#003828;
classDef ucs fill:#ffb1c1,stroke:#5f112b,color:#5f112b;
classDef entities fill:#e2c54b,stroke:#3a3000,color:#3a3000;
classDef entities_secondary fill:#fff0c0,stroke:#3a3000,color:#3a3000;

class Web,Dev,UI,DB,EXT infra;
class Con,Gat,Pre adapters;
class UC ucs;
class LA,IGat entities;
class LOA,IRep entities_secondary;

Key References and Inspirations:

Development Demands (TODOs)

Our development team has outlined several key TODOs for further implementation and integration:

Environment Setup

TODO 1. Check/Create the mandatory environment variables!

Code built hands-on:

# DONE! 1. Check/Create the mandatory environment variables!

Integration with OpenAI API to High-Quality Transcription

OpenAI API Reference:

TODO 2. Respecting the TranscriptionService contract, consumes POST "audio/transcription" on OpenAI API!

Code built hands-on:

// DONE! 2. Respecting the TranscriptionService contract, consumes "audio/transcription" on OpenAI API!

TODO 3. Orchestrate the integration with transcription service.

Code built hands-on:

Accessibility Showcase

VLibras Widget Reference:

TODO 4. Using the JS Fetch API, consumes GET "/transcribed-audios/{id}" locally and show the transcript.

Code built hands-on:

// DONE! 4. Using the JS Fetch API, consume GET "/transcribed-audios/{id}" and display transcript.

TODO 5. Integrate with VLibras:

Code built hands-on:

<!-- DONE! 5. Integrate with VLibras: -->


DIO International Acceleration: Accessibility (A11y) in Clean RESTful APIs.


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