digitalhealthpass / dhp-verify-metering-api

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Digital Healthpass metering service


DHP Metering API provides an api to store and aggregate credential verification usage metrics and provide api to query the counts using a predefined set as grouping attributes.

Development Setup

It is recommended to use Node.js v12

General Environment Variables

The following environment variables must be set before starting the application regardless of the deployment environment.

Environment Variable Value
PORT Server port, default 9002
USE_HTTPS true or false. If true, then endpoints must be accessed via https, otherwise http
TLS_FOLDER_PATH Default ./config/tls , Path to tls certs for https enabling

The rest of app configuration is set in config file config/app/config.json

Environment Variables for IBM Cloud deployment

The following environment variables must be set to execute the service in IBM Cloud

Environment Variable Value
POSTGRES_DB_NAME PgSQL database name
POSTGRES_SSLMODE PgSQL ssl mode, e.g. prefer
POSTGRES_CACERT Server CA cert, with newline escaped, for e.g. "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\nMIID....nRmk\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----"
APP_ID_URL The App ID URL found in IBM Cloud service credentials oauthServerUrl value
APP_ID_TENANT_ID The App ID URL found in IBM Cloud service credentials tenantId value
APP_ID_AUTH_SERVER_HOST The App ID appidServiceEndpoint value, for e.g.
APP_ID_CLIENT_ID App ID instance ClientID
APP_ID_SECRET App ID instance secret

Local Postgres setup

  • Start pg in docker
docker pull postgres:12
docker run --name dev-postgres -p 5432:5432 -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=mysecretpassword -d postgres:12

# CREATE db 
docker exec dev-postgres psql -U postgres -c"CREATE DATABASE verifier_metrics" postgres

Build and Run

npm install
npm run start

Authorization and Authentication

The API uses App ID for authorization. The api caller must be authorized with scope meter.reporter to be able to query, and the user must be authenticated (with no special scope) to be able to add metrics.

Library Licenses

This section lists license details of libraries / dependencies.

Name License type Link
axios MIT git+
bcryptjs MIT git+
body-parser MIT git+
cors MIT git+
crypto ISC git+
dotenv BSD-2-Clause git://
express MIT git+
express-validator MIT git://
helmet MIT git://
ibmcloud-appid Apache-2.0 git+
jsonschema MIT git://
jsonwebtoken MIT git+
log4js Apache-2.0 git+
moment MIT git+
morgan MIT git+
newrelic Apache-2.0 git+
passport MIT git://
pg MIT git://
qrcode MIT git://
querystring MIT git://
retry-axios Apache-2.0 git+
sequelize MIT git+
swagger-ui-express MIT git+ssh://
uuid MIT git+
babel-eslint MIT git+
chai MIT git+
chai-http MIT git+ssh://
eslint MIT git+
eslint-config-airbnb MIT git+
eslint-config-airbnb-base MIT git+
eslint-config-node ISC git+
eslint-config-prettier MIT git+
eslint-plugin-chai-friendly MIT git+
eslint-plugin-import MIT git+
eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y MIT git+
eslint-plugin-node MIT git+
eslint-plugin-prettier MIT git+
eslint-plugin-react MIT git+
eslint-plugin-react-hooks MIT git+
husky MIT git+
mocha MIT git+
moxios MIT git+
nodemon MIT git+
nyc ISC git+ssh://
prettier MIT git+
rewire MIT git://
sinon BSD-3-Clause git+ssh://
sqlite3 BSD-3-Clause git+


License:Apache License 2.0


Language:JavaScript 100.0%