digidotcom / XBeeZigBeeCloudKit

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XBee ZigBee Cloud Kit

The XBee ZigBee Cloud Kit helps users quickly connect XBee ZigBee enabled devices to the Internet of Things. This is the source code for the web application for the XBee ZigBee Cloud Kit. This source has been contributed by Digi International.

  • The web application allows the user to quickly create a dashboard of widgets to communicate with and control their XBee ZigBee Cloud Kit.

  • With this source code, you can run your own instance of the application in Heroku, and customize it to your needs, including creating new types of widgets and extending the application's functionality.

See the changelog for a summary of changes made in each release.

Support and Contributing

Contributions to the project are very welcome. Please submit any issues you find to the GitHub issue tracker. If you have a change you would like to have included in the application, please submit a pull request against the develop branch.

Application code on the master branch is of release quality and has been code-reviewed and quality tested at the time of release. Any code added to the repository between official releases can be found on the develop branch; code on this branch has been code-reviewed but has not necessarily been fully tested - use this at your own discretion.


(If you are using Windows, you may choose to use the provided automatic install script, rather than installing these programs manually. See the section titled "Windows, automated setup" beneath "Installation" below.)

This application should run in Windows, Linux and Mac OS X, provided the necessary programs are installed. These are:

Installing node.js will also install NPM, node.js's package manager. Using NPM, install Grunt and Bower:

$ npm install -g grunt-cli
$ npm install -g bower

Install pip, the Python package manager, to handle the installation of the application's Python dependencies.


Linux and Mac OS

Once you have checked out the source code from Git, and you have completed installing the required programs (see "Requirements" above), navigate to the root directory of the code and run the following commands:

$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ npm install

This will download and install the Python modules and libraries needed by the Django backend, and install all Node modules required for developing the front-end application. This installation process will also use Bower to download the necessary front-end dependencies, and use Grunt to build the code (as part of the post-install process of npm install).

You might also need to install the development versions of PostgreSQL (libpq-dev) and libevent (libevent-dev).

Windows, automated setup

You can use a PowerShell script written specifically for Windows to help automate the setup of the XBee ZigBee Cloud Kit on your Windows PC. This script has been tested on Windows 7 Service Pack 1, both 32-bit and 64-bit.

Before you can use this installation script, however, you must first install Python 2.7.6 32-bit (MSI installer here), and Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2010 Express. If you are using 64-bit Windows, you may need to install this registry patch (from this StackOverflow post).

If you have Python 2.7.6 and Visual Studio C++ 2010 installed, you should be ready to use the installation script.

  1. Open the Start Menu, and go to All Programs -> Accessories -> Windows PowerShell.

  2. Right-click 'Windows PowerShell' and select "Run as Administrator".

  3. Once you see a command prompt in PowerShell (you may need to press Enter), change directories to where you have checked out the Cloud Kit source code from GitHub.

  4. Run Set-ExecutionPolicy unrestricted and press Enter so that the make script can be run.

  5. Run .\make.ps1

The script will download and install Pip, the Heroku Toolbelt and Node.JS, install the necessary Python and Node modules, download the Bower components used in the web app, and run the first build of the front-end code. It will also configure the PATH environment variable so that when the script completes, you will be able to run foreman start to launch the Django server. You can then open a web browser to http://localhost:5000 and begin using the web app locally.

Windows, manual setup

Follow the directions for full setup of Python on Windows including setup of your PATH environment variable, ez_setup.py and get-pip.py:


Download and install gevent-0.13.8 for Python 2.7. Use gevent-0.13.8.win32-py2.7.msi from gevent.

Download and install psycopg2 for Python 2.7. Use psycopg2-2.5.1.win32-py2.7-pg9.2.4-release.exe from win-psycopg.

Download and install PyCrypto for Python 2.7. Use "PyCrypto 2.6 for Python 2.7 32bit" from Voidspace.

You must have a C compiler installed so that pip can build some of the required packages, typically this means you need Microsoft Visual Studio Express for C/C++ from the Microsoft Downloads site. Python 2.7 was built with Microsoft Visual Studio 2008, so if you do not have it, use 2010 and run:


Finally, run

C:\> pip install -r requirements.WINDOWS.txt

to install the Python module dependencies needed for the application. Note this is the step that requires the C compiler. If you see the error "Unable to find vcvarsall.bat", then setup.py cannot locate your C compiler environment.

Now that the necessary Python modules are installed, you can install the required Node.JS modules. Run

C:\> npm install

to do this. Running npm install will also run bower install and grunt heroku:production to build and minify the front-end source code.

You should now be able to start the back-end Django server:

C:\> foreman start

and navigate to http://localhost:5000

App setup for Heroku

Heroku setup

Deploying a version of this application for your own use requires a Heroku account and the Heroku command line toolbelt.

  1. Create a new Heroku app:

     $ heroku create
  2. Configure the new app to use multi-buildpacks (NodeJS & python in our case):

    $ heroku config:add BUILDPACK_URL=https://github.com/ddollar/heroku-buildpack-multi.git
  3. Add the "Heroku Postgres" addon to your app:

    $ heroku addons:add heroku-postgresql
  4. Deploy the application code to Heroku:

    $ git push heroku master
  5. Provision the database for the app:

    $ heroku run python manage.py syncdb

Setup to run app locally:

First, you will need to edit the file Procfile, comment out the third line (web: gunicorn ...) and uncomment the last line (web: python ...).

  1. Run the grunt build

     $ grunt build
  2. Provision the database

     $ python manage.py syncdb
  3. Start the back-end server

     $ foreman start

foreman should be included with the Heroku Toolbelt

XBee ZigBee Cloud Kit (Front-end)

To enable more rapid development, the front-end application can be easily hosted on a local computer. This front-end shell will communicate with the back-end server which has been previously deployed to Heroku.

Getting started

If you followed the steps in 'Installation' above, you should be ready to develop and build the front-end source code. Running npm install should have automatically run bower install, which will download the dependencies of the application (Bootstrap, jQuery, etc). Check that bower install was run by examining the contents of the vendor/ directory; if it does not contain such subdirectories as bootstrap, raphael, and angular, you will need to run the bower install command again.

Run grunt build to gather all the necessary files into the build/ directory and run unit tests. Run grunt build-notest to gather the files without running unit tests.

Finally, run the Django back-end server locally and open the application in a web browser. If the server is already running locally, just force a refresh of the application. See the "Setup to run app locally" section above for more information on how to run the back-end server.

Application structure

The application front-end is built off of Josh David Miller's ng-boilerplate project template.


Widgets in the /src/app/widgets are considered "built-in" widgets. Additional widgets should be placed in /src/common/widgets. In general, widgets have a template, a controller, and a set of unit tests. Most widgets with a heavy UI component have their UI abstracted into a directive in the /src/common/directives folder. Generally, a widget's controller should be responsible for handling data updates, while the directive should be responsible for how the UI responds to those updates. The widget's template usually just has a single HTML element that instantiates the proper directive.


Services in the /src/app/services/ directory are accessible by all parts of the application, and are useful for calculations and data that need to be accessible in multiple places. Creating a new widget generally won't involve creating a new service.


Most controllers in the application are paired with their respective templates. Again, controllers are used to handle what application logic should occur when data is received either from the device or from user input.


Directives should control how the application UI reacts to user input or new data from the device. Directives for widget UI elements exist in /src/common/directives. Directives for different pages of the application (such as widget_settings) exist with the other code in their respective page's directory.

Unit Tests

Jasmine unit tests are differentiated by ending in .spec.js. The build system is able to differentiate unit tests from application files in this manner, which allows unit tests to exist right next to the tested code. Theoretically, all application code should have a unit test.


Dashboard widgets are loaded from the back-end server via the /api/dashboards API. This is an example of a simple dashboard widget model:

    device: "00000000-00000000-00409DFF-FF111111",
    radio: "00:13:A2:00:40:9F:00:01",
    id: "widget_1234567",
    type: "switch",
    label: "Switch #1",
    sets: "DIO3"

This widget model is used by the Cloud Kit application to generate a switch widget, labeled "Switch #1", which can be used to set the state of D3 (the DIO3 pin) on the XBee with 64-bit address 00:13:A2:00:40:9F:00:01, joined to the ZigBee network formed by the XBee Gateway whose device ID is 00000000-00000000-00409DFF-FF111111.

The precise fields required on a widget model will vary depending on the type specified, but every widget must specify the following four fields:

  • id: string used to uniquely identify the widget
  • device: Device ID of the XBee Gateway this widget is associated with
  • radio: 64-bit (extended) address of the XBee radio controlled by or otherwise associated with this widget
  • type: widget type key, specifying what type of widget to render
  • label: string label to display at the top of the widget

See Widget Settings API for more details on widget settings.

Built-In Widget Types

The XBee ZigBee Cloud Kit application is designed to be extensible, and to make it very easy for the user to create their own custom widget types. We have, however, provided a small set of built-in, generic widgets, to provide insight into widget design and as a starting point for your dashboard.

The following widget types are provided with the Cloud Kit application:

  • Gauge Widget (gauge): draws a circular, speedometer-like gauge, to render the value of a data stream between a low and high value. See JustGage

    • "Units" (units): String label for gauge to display the units of the values
    • "Input Transform" (transform): See data transforms
    • "Low value" (low): Number value, the low end of the gauge
    • "High value" (high): Number value, the high end of the gauge. Must be greater than the low value
  • Line Graph Widget (line-graph): draws data in a chronological line graph. See FlotCharts

    • "Input Transform" (transform): See data transforms
    • "Color" (color): the color used for the dots and lines in the chart. Must be a valid CSS color (hex, RGB, or name)
    • "Timespan" (timespan): the range of time, in seconds, to display in the graph
    • "X-axis tick size" (ticksize): the spacing, in seconds, between ticks/lines drawn along the X-axis of the chart
  • Progress Bar Widgets (progress/progress-vertical): represents data values in a progress-bar view. Widget settings allow you to set the low and high values for the bar. Vertical and horizontal versions of the widget exist.

    • "Input Transform" (transform): see data transforms
    • "Low value" (low): low-end value for the progress bar
    • "High value" (high): high-end value for the progress bar
  • Serial Data Widget (serial): presents an view for interacting with the serial port (UART) of an XBee node. Text sent to the board appears in blue and data received from the board appears in red

    • "Add Carriage Returns" (add_carriage_returns): whether text sent from the widget should be wrapped in carriage return characters
  • Switch Widget (switch): presents a flip-switch widget to toggle values on/off

    • "Invert Values" (invert): checkbox - if checked, the switch moving to "On" sends a 0 to the device, and "Off" sends a 1
    • "Read-Only Switch" (read_only): checkbox - if checked, the switch will only represent the data stream value last received from the server, i.e. it will not be interactive
  • Tilt Widget (tilt): Creates a two-dimensional display which represents the output of the acellerometer in the kit, similar to a two-dimensional bubble level.

    • "X-Axis Stream" (stream_x): dropdown menu to select the data stream represented on the X axis of the widget
    • "Y-Axis Stream" (stream_y): dropdown menu to select the data stream represented on the Y axis of the widget

Creating Your Own Widgets

The XBee ZigBee Cloud Kit allows you to create your own widget types from scratch. To start, open a command line and run grunt widget.

$ grunt widget
Running "widget" task
Widget type (e.g. led): led
Type description (e.g. LED Widget): LED Widget
Created new widget definition in /home/foo/XBeeZigBeeCloudKit/src/common/widgets/ledCustomWidget
The widget type key is: led-custom
The description of the widget is: LED Widget

After running this command and inputting the necessary information, Grunt will generate the files for the new widget in /src/common/widgets (the exact path can be found in Grunt's output). You can edit the widget template and directive files there, re-build the application, and you will see the new widget type appear in the widget type dropdown menu on the Add Widget page.

## Widget Settings API

User-configurable settings for widgets are defined within each widget type's "registry specification" (the object passed into the call to widgetRegistry.put at the bottom of the widget's associated run block). These settings are built on the Revalidator API.

The following is an example of a basic widget setting definition:

  key: "example",
  label: "My Example Setting",
  type: "string",
  required: false,
  "default": "Hello"
  • key: a unique name/key for this setting; used to identify this setting in a widget's JSON representation, and for creating the widget settings form
  • label: a string used to label the form input associated with this setting on the widget settings form
  • type: used by Revalidator to check the data type of the setting
  • required: used by Revalidator to specify if this setting must be specified in the widget's JSON representation
  • default: used by the Cloud Kit to auto-populate this setting if required is false and no value is specified

(Note: the word 'default' MUST be placed in quotes. If not, older versions of IE will raise an error because 'default' is a reserved keyword.)

Widget Settings Formats

By default, widget settings will be rendered (displayed) on the widget settings page as basic text input fields. The type of input field is determined by the type attribute set in the settings object:

  • string: a basic text input, suitable for names and titles.
  • integer or number: an HTML <input type="number">, which will display a number-picker on Chrome and other browsers supporting this feature. (Other browsers will just display a text input).
  • boolean: a checkbox

In addition to these types of form elements, setting the format attribute in the widget setting object will alter how the input is displayed. These formats allow for more semantic form elements and more useful validation. The available options are:

  • color: a text input field, with a small box next to it. Input in the field must be a valid hex or RGB color specification, or match a name provided by jQuery Color. Valid colors will be displayed in the square; invalid colors will replace the square with a red crossed-out circle.
  • stream: a dropdown menu, presenting all possible data streams served up by the XBee ZigBee device
  • pin: a dropdown menu, presenting all possible streams/settings which can be written out to

As an example, the following widget settings object

    key: "max",
    label: "Max Value",
    type: "integer",
    required: "false",
    "default": 30,

would create a form element similar to the one below:

Max Value:

Data Transforms

As noted in the Built-in Widget Types section, multiple widgets have a transform setting. This setting allows incoming data to be processed with an expression for display. The transform field is implemented using Angular.js's $eval function. This function will only evaluate basic Angular expressions without side affects, so one doesn't have to worry about users inserting malicious code into the application.

For instance, imagine a temperature sensor that reported a number between 0 (corresponding to -40 degrees Fahrenheit) and 1023 (corresponding to 140 degrees Fahrenheit). If a user wished to display this on a gauge widget as a meaningful value in Fahrenheit as opposed to the less useful binary representation, they could insert:

x * (180/1024) - 40

in the Transform widget settings page. x in this expression is the value of the incoming data. To round this to the nearest whole number, the expression can be put through an Angular filter:

x * (180/1024) - 40 | number:0

Here number:0 means "show as a number with 0 decimal places." Note that because this field doesn't evaluate real JavaScript,


will not work correctly.

XBee ZigBee Cloud Kit (Back-end)

The application backend is written in Python, using the Django web framework. Most users looking to extend the dashboard with new widgets should have no need to modify this code. However, advanced users may wish to extend the API with new functionality or do local debugging alongside frontend changes.

The backend was designed to be relatively light-weight, largely wrapping existing Device Cloud Web Services for use by the frontend. Users looking to extend or modify the API should first familiarize themselves with the Device Cloud features and API (documentation available here). Between these APIs and the frontend, the backend layer adds some simple persistence for dashboards, user authentication and session handling, and a channel for new data from Device Cloud to travel through down to the frontend client over a WebSocket connection.

Getting started on Heroku

As part of the application setup, a number of configuration related environment variables are checked (see settings.py).

The following are required to run the application:

  • DATABASE_URL: Should be set automatically by heroku during initial deployment, as part of the postgres addon. If not, once the Heroku Postgres (or other db layer) addon is attached, this variable can by set by running

    heroku pg:promote <FULL_DB_URL>

See Heroku Documentation for more details

The following should be set once before deployment:

Secret, unique security keys and credentials for your app:

  • DJANGO_SECRET_KEY: Random 50 character string. Randomly generated if not found.
  • AES_CRYPTO_KEY_HEX: Random 16 Bytes, represented as string of 32 hex characters. Used for extra encrypting of various things. Randomly generated if not found.

The following are used to customize the basic authentication credentials used by Device Cloud when pushing monitor events to the server:

  • DEVICE_CLOUD_MONITOR_AUTH_USER: Username. Defaults to "change" if not found.
  • DEVICE_CLOUD_MONITOR_AUTH_PASS: Password. Defaults to "me" if not found.

The following are useful for debugging and local development, and may be changed at any time:

  • DJANGO_DEBUG: Used to run Django in debug mode (see documentation)
  • DJANGO_LOCAL_DEV: will make Django to use a local sqlite3 file instead of trying to connect to DATABASE_URL

You may also be interested in the LOGGING_LEVEL environment variable, which controls the logging level of the standard-output stream of the server. If not provided, the server treats the default value as "DEBUG". With this logging level, the server logs practically all data that comes in and out of the application, such as the SCI requests sent to Device Cloud and the corresponding RCI replies, and any responses to Device Cloud web service queries. While useful during development, this level of detail is usually not critical when running in a production environment; as such, we recommend that you set LOGGING_LEVEL to "INFO" on your Heroku application.

$ heroku config:set LOGGING_LEVEL=INFO

Exploring the API

The Backend incorporates an interactive API explorer which can be used to browse the API resources and try out the calls made by the frontend. To get started, navigate to /api from the root of the site (e.g. https://xbeegateway.herokuapp.com/api)

Much of the API is locked down to only authenticated users. If you are not already logged in via the main site, you may login/logout via a link in the upper-right corner of the page, using your Device Cloud credentials and selecting the corresponding cloud server. Attempts to access most resources while not authenticated will return a 403 Forbidden error.

One logged in, navigate around via the URLs in each response. Each view contains a description and other documentation related to that resource.

Application structure

The application backend code is structured as a Django project containing a number of Django apps and plugins.

Essential 3rd party packages

A full list of dependencies can be found in requirements.txt. To install (assuming python and pip are installed), simply run (VirtualEnv recommended)

    pip install -r requirements.txt

The main web framework

The app makes heavy use of the Django Rest Framework to define and implement the API, handle authentication, and provide the browsable interface

Python implementation of Socket.IO to provide real-time communication between browser and server

Used to serve static files when running on the Heroku platform

Device Cloud Layer

Django extensions to support Device Cloud user models, authentication, and wrappers around web services can be found under xbgw_dashboard/libs/digi


URL routing to views is done in xbgw_dashboard/urls.py. Most view code is located in xbgw_dashboard/apps/dashboard/views.py. Note that most views will use the default REST framework settings for permissions and authentication unless annotated otherwise.

Data Flow

Information is retrieved from Device Cloud through a combination of querying and receiving push events. Most of the views defined in the API will perform an equivalent query against Device Cloud web services.

However, to facilitate real-time updates of sensor information, the application creates two Device Cloud Monitors - one for device data (DataStreams), the other for device connectivity status (DeviceCore). These monitors will be automatically created as needed once under the account of each logged in user, and re-used on subsequent logins.

NOTE: Monitors are created pointing to the address that users see when interacting with your site. If the application is accessible via multiple routes or URLs, it may lead to duplicate monitors created under the same user. Note too that monitors won't be created for URLs such as localhost.

Running locally

Local development is relatively simple to get started with. Users have a few options, see the file Procfile for some possibilities.

Users may wish to emulate the Heroku environment by running with Foreman:

  foreman run

Or in the simplest case, with dependencies installed via pip, simply run Django directly, setting the debug variables DJANGO_DEBUG=True and DJANGO_LOCAL_DEV=True

  python manage.py runserver_socketio "$PORT"

Note: users running the app for the first time will still need to provision the local database (defined in settings.py or via DATABASE_URL environment variable)

  python manage.py syncdb

Running on Heroku


When the addon is deployed on the Heroku platform, there are a number of addons users may find useful for monitoring and debug purposes. These may be attached to your app via the Heroku Addons Page, and have free tiers suitable for development use:

  • Heroku Scheduler: If your application will be supporting many users, it may be necessary to clean up old sessions periodically. A Django command to do this can be scheduled daily by adding the task python manage.py clearsessions

  • New Relic: Useful for monitoring performance characteristics and availability of the application. NOTE: when running with New Relic agent, a different command is used in the Procfile. You will need to uncomment the second line (web: newrelic-admin ...) and comment out the third line (web: gunicorn ...)

  • Papertrail: Log management, archive, and search

Integration Testing

Digi has created a suite of integration tests for the XBee ZigBee Cloud Kit application. These tests exist as a second, automated layer of testing (above the JavaScript unit tests) and can be used to validate the general functionality of the application.

The integration tests are written using Splinter, and are executed through the Nose test runner.

Getting started

Along with the "Installation" instructions above, you also need to follow these steps to prepare to run the integration tests:

  • Install integration test Python dependencies:

    $ pip install -r requirements_e2e.txt

Running the tests

Run back-end server

First, open a new terminal or command prompt, and start the integration test back-end server. This modified server replaces some key Device Cloud-specific functionality with mock APIs and data, allowing for greater control over the data expected by the tests.

On Linux or OS X:

$ ./start_e2e_server.sh

On Windows: TODO (how to set environment variables?)

Execute tests

Now that the mock back-end server is running, we can run the integration tests.

On Linux or OS X:

$ ./integration_tests.sh

On Windows:

C:\> nosetests -v -m '^test_' splinter_tests/


This software is open-source software. Copyright Digi International, 2014.

This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.


License:Mozilla Public License 2.0


Language:JavaScript 63.0%Language:Python 27.4%Language:HTML 6.4%Language:CSS 1.7%Language:PowerShell 0.9%Language:CoffeeScript 0.5%Language:Smarty 0.1%Language:Shell 0.0%