difrancosimone / kafka-python

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

My first Kafka project

Docker kafka setup

From https://docs.confluent.io/platform/current/quickstart/ce-docker-quickstart.html#ce-docker-quickstart

$ curl --silent --output docker-compose.yml

Start Confluent Platform with the -d option to run in detached mode:

$ docker-compose up -d

Navigate to the Control Center web interface at http://localhost:9021

Python Development

From https://kafka-python.readthedocs.io/en/master/usage.html

Setup env

‘virtualenv venv -p /usr/local/bin/python3.9 source ./venv/bin/activate pip install -r requirements.txt‘

Test producer

Run consumer with

python consumer.py

Run producer with:

python producer.py



Language:Python 100.0%