diegocasmo / indie_ledger

Track and manage your creative finances.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Track and manage your creative finances.


  • Install asdf:

  • Install asdf plugins:

    • asdf plugin add erlang
    • asdf plugin add elixir
    • asdf plugin add postgres
    • asdf plugin add nodejs
  • Run asdf install:

    asdf install
  • Create a config/dev.secret.exs file and configure your database credentials:

    # config/dev.secret.exs
    import Config
    config :indie_ledger, IndieLedger.Repo,
      username: "your_username",
      password: "your_password",
      database: "your_dev_database",
      hostname: "localhost"
  • Install dependencies:

    mix deps.get
  • Create and migrate the database:

    mix ecto.create
    mix ecto.migrate
  • Start the Phoenix server:

    mix phx.server


Track and manage your creative finances.


Language:Elixir 96.4%Language:JavaScript 2.4%Language:HTML 1.1%Language:CSS 0.1%