didiBonocore / recipe-finder

Created with CodeSandbox

Home Page:https://codesandbox.io/s/github/didiBonocore/recipe-finder

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Find a great recipe!

This is a simple recipe finder app created with React JS.

This app was coded entirely on CodeSandbox.io and hosted using CodeSandbox's Netlify integration. The app takes advantage of the fantastic Edamam API!

I still want to do some refinements, but it works just fine. As always, feel free to make suggestions and/or use this code on your own projects.

Here's the link so you can try it out: Recipe Finder


Created with CodeSandbox



Language:JavaScript 67.0%Language:CSS 19.3%Language:HTML 13.7%