didi / ALITA

ALITA is a layer-based data analysis tool. The front-end see

Home Page:https://github.com/didichuxing/ALITA_UI

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


ALITA is a layer-based data analysis tool.


ALITA(A Layered Instrument To Analyze)is a tool which is used to display data based on layer analysis, we through a lot of business requirements precipitation abstract generalization of the "point", "line", "plane" three kind of data model, perfect integrate the map of point, line and plane design elements, design and packaging the front-end and back-end general modular components, achieve rapid build maps.

ALITA aims to build a one-stop platform for geographic information visualization and analysis, which can display a large number of geographic information data of different dimensions such as points, lines and planes, quickly visualize the data and conduct statistical analysis, and produce relevant heat maps, grid maps and statistical distribution maps for users to analyze and make decisions. At present, it has been widely used in many offline operation scenarios of xiaoju to meet the needs of rapid iteration of products with booming demand under the rapid growth of business, bringing great business value. 


• agile development, fast iteration, stable security, easy to use

• components can be configured flexibly

• support massive data spatiotemporal aggregation, stack analysis, multi-dimensional display

• tool set, strong practicality, multi - terminal unity

• data-driven view, full and complete solution



Language : Java 8+、JAVASCRIPT

IDE(Java) : IDEA/Eclipse installs the Lombok plug-in、VSCode

Dependency management : Maven、npm

Database : MySQL5.7+

Back end

Base framework : Spring Boot 2.2.0.RELEASE

ORM framework : Mybatis-Plus 3.3.0

Log : logback

Front end

Language : React

Component : antd

Framework : dva

Scaffold : create-react-app

Bundler Tool : webpack


• Back end

git clone git@github.com:didi/ALITA.git
sh build.sh
sh control.sh

• Front end

git clone git@github.com:didi/ALITA-UI.git
sudo npm install -g cnpm --registry=https://registry.npm.taobao.org
cnpm i
npm start


Any contribution is welcome. All issues and pull requests are highly appreciated! For more details, please refer to the contribution guide.


dingtalk : 30067799



Apache-2.0 license

ALITA is licensed under the terms of the Apache license. See LICENSE for more information.


ALITA is a layer-based data analysis tool. The front-end see


License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Java 90.3%Language:FreeMarker 4.6%Language:Shell 3.5%Language:TSQL 1.7%