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Welcome to CIS 161-01 Computational Science, Fall 2023 Prof. Dickinson (Dr. D)

Helpful Links

Need Help?

If you have questions, please ask! Office hours are open time for students to get help -- please join if you have questions. My office hours are

  • Monday & Wednesday 12-12:50 PM In A-2-108 MAK
  • Tuesday 11:30-12:20 PM in CIS Success Center (MAK C-2-205)
  • Thursday 11:15-12:00PM in A-2-108 MAK
  • Additional Office Hours by Appointment. Send me an email and we can find a common time to meet. I’m available virtually too!

Course Schedule

  • This table outlines the entire course schedule. The dates in this schedule are tentative and subject to change.
  • Lecture videos and notebooks cover the topics and are beneficial to your understanding of the material. Watching and processing them will help with the activities, lab, and the final project.
  • If you click on a link before the content is available you will be a Accessed Denied error. If you do not think you should have gotten this error when clicking, please let your instructor know.
Week Date Topics Special Notes activities
01 08/28 - 09/03 Introduction, variables, operators, expressions Fill out course survey Week 1 activities
Week 1 lab
02 09/04 - 09/10 Notebooks and comments, functions No class 09/04 (Labor day)
Week 2 activities
Week 2 lab
03 09/11 - 09/17 Conditionals, math, built-in functions Week 3 activities
Week 3 lab
04 09/18 - 09/24 Iteration (loops) Project ideas due Friday, 09/22 @ 11:59pm Week4 activities
Week 4 lab
05 09/25 - 10/01 Random module Exam 1 (Monday and Wednesday) Week 5 activities - optional
Week 5 lab
06 10/02 - 10/08 Lists Week 6 activities
Week 6 lab
07 10/09 - 10/15 References, strings Week 7 activities
Week 7 lab
08 10/16 - 10/22 Random module with lists, files Week 8 activities
Week 8 lab
09 10/23 - 10/29 Tuples No class 10/23 (fall break) Week 9 activities
Week 9 lab
10 10/30 - 11/05 Dictionaries Project check-in due Friday, 11/03 @ 11:59pm Week10 activities
Week10 lab
11 11/06 - 11/12 Visualization (matplotlib) Exam 2 (Monday and Wednesday) week11 lab
12 11/13 - 11/19 Numpy Week12 activities
Week12 lab
13 & 14 11/20 - 11/26 Error in computational science
Thanksgiving break (No class 11/22 and 11/24)
13 & 14 11/27 - 12/03 CSV module, numpy wrap-up Work On Final Project
15 12/04 - 12/10 Scipy, applications Work On Final Project
16 12/11 - 12/15 Finals week Course Projects Due
Presentations Wednesday, December 13 10:00am-11:50am
