dice-group / tentris-cpp-coding-guidelines

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Tentris Coding Guidelines

This document summarizes the agreed upon coding convention within the tentris library ecosystem.

Return-value-optimization and Named-RVO (RVO, NRVO)

RVO (and NRVO) are compiler optimizations that can elide a copy or move on function return, resulting in zero-cost value return from a function.

There are however certain conditions that must be met, for this optimization to be applied.

// 1: don't move function result into variable
auto x = std::move(func()); // bad, forces a move, prevents RVO

// 2: prefer direct return of value vs naming the value first
std::string f_bad(bool b) {
    std::string ret;
    if (b) {
        ret = "Hello";
    } else {
        ret = "World";
    return ret;

std::string f_good(bool b) {
    if (b) {
        return "Hello";
    } else {
        return "World";

// 3: do not make (non-trivial) objects you intend to return const
std::vector<int> g_bad() {
    std::vector<int> const x{1, 2, 3}; // the const here prevents NRVO, don't make (non-trivial) things you want to return later const
    return x;

// 4: do not move the return value inside the function
std::vector<int> h_bad() {
    std::vector<int> x{1, 2, 3};
    return std::move(x); // just as bad as 2, the move prevents NRVO

// 5: avoid naming things (if it doesn't make the code unreadable)
struct S {
    std::string s;

void i_worst() {
    S x;
    x.s = "Hello";
    S y;
    y.s = "World";
    std::array<S, 2> arr{std::move(x), std::move(y)}; // not optimized, requires move

void i_best() {
    std::array<S, 2> arr{S{.s = "Hello"}, S{.s = "World"}}; // this is optimized

void i_if_best_is_not_possible() {
    auto create_S = [](char const *s) {
        S x;
        x.s = s;
        return x; // NRVO applies here
    std::array<S, 2> arr{create_S("Hello"), create_S("World")}; // this is still optimized because of NRVO

Casing of Entities

global type names


function names, local variable names, parameter names


member type names (types inside structs; typedefs and struct definitions)

snake_case to conform to standard library and make std:: algorithms usable,

even if the types have nothing to do with stdlib we use snake_case for consistency.

global variables, constants (= constexpr) at any scope (including those inside structs)

snake_case to conform to standard library and make std:: algorithms usable,

even if the values have nothing to do with stdlib we use snake_case for consistency.

enum variants


global typedefs

PascalCase to stay consistent with other types

template parameters

  • type parameters: PascalCase to stay consistent with global type names
  • value parameters: snake_case to stay consistent with global constants


  • PascalCase


const and volatile qualifier location

Right, as in int const &x to keep consistency of the entity the const applies to.

For example of inconsistency: const int *const x is inconsistent because the first const applies to the int on its right but the second const applies to the pointer on its left.

noexcept and allocations

  • If implementing fundamental functionality (e.g. if implementing a simple, reusable datastructure): correctly mark everything, i.e. we do not consider an allocation as noexcept
  • otherwise: we consider allocation infallible and therefore noexcept


Curly Braces

Curly braces are required for all control flow constructs (e.g. if, for, while, etc.)

even if C++ allows to omit them.

class vs struct (including enum struct)

Always use struct because:

  • class is a redundant keyword in C++, there is no meaningful difference between a class and a struct

  • mismatching class and struct causes errors on some compilers (e.g. MSVC)

  • if we assign some arbitrary meaning to class and struct and a type that was a struct before changes to become a class

    all forward declarations are suddenly wrong

class vs typename in template parameters

Always use typename because:

  • class is redundant here as well
  • class doesn’t make any sense in this context because int is not a class but you can pass it into class template parameters

Symbolic vs alternative operators (&& / and, etc.)

Always use the symbolic operator because words (like and) are easily missed in long conditions.

The symbolic versions will always stand out in a condition filled with words because they are symbols and not just more words.

Additionally, the operand association of alternative operators is hard to mentally parse.


bool const x = !a && b; // clear, easy association between operators and operands
bool const y = not a and b; // hard to parse visually, would need parentheses to make association clear

// funny trivia of how they are implemented: the following declarations are equivalent
void f(int &x);
void f(int bitand x);

Member function declaration style (legacy vs explicit) (C++23)


// legacy
struct S {
    int x;
    void f() const {

// explicit
struct S {
    int x;
    void f(this S const &self) {

Guidance suggestion:

Always use explicit style. Reasons:

  1. explicit style can pass object by value (just leave out the reference)
  2. explicit style supports universal/forwarding reference this (just make it a template with && self param)
  3. taking the address of a new-style member function is actually just a regular function pointer, not a member-function-pointer. Just like it should be.
