dibsy / git-cheatsheet

Git Cheat Sheet

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Basic Notes

There stages of a file : 
- Untracked ( Not added for tracking)
- Committed ( no new change in file after a commit, unmodified changes), 
- Modified( new change made in file that is tracked and already committed), 
- Staged( Changes that are going to be added to next commit snapshot)

Git Basics

git help config
git config --global user.name 'Dibyendu'
git config --list ( See all the current config details)
git init ( Initialize an empty repository )
git add *.txt
git status ( See your status )
git commit -m "Commit Messages" ( Make a commit to files which are in staging area)
git log ( to see the commit history)

Git Status

Git short status : 
-   M = Modified , 
-   A = New file added to Staging area, 
-   ?? = New untracked file

git status --short

Adding files for staging

git add . ( Adds everything )
git add a.txt b.txt ( add files selectively )
git add --all ( Add all files )
git add \*.txt ( Add all *.txt files in current Diretory) 
git add docs/*.txt ( Add all the *.txt files in the docs dirctory
git add "*.txt" Add all *.txt files in the whole project


git diff ( Show unstaged difference since last commit)
git add *.txt
git diff ( No difference after files are staged )
git diff --staged ( View staged difference)
git reset HEAD Somefile ( To remove from a staged area ; HEAD refers to last commit on the timeline)
git checkout -- FileName ( reomove all the changes made to the file since last commit)
git commit -a -m "Change" ( Skip staging and commit direclty. Add changes from all traced files only. Untraced files are not added)
git reset --soft HEAD^ -  (Undoing commit and reset into staging [^ Move one commit before HEAD] )
git reset --mixed ( moves all changes to working directory)
git reset --hard ( Trash all changes)
git add todo.txt
git commit --amend -m "Some message" ( Add to last commit. Overwrite last commit. Whatever has been staged is added to last commit)
git reset --hard HEAD^ ( Undo last commit and all the changes)
git reset --hard HEAD^^ (Undo last 2 commit and all the changes)


git remote add origin https://github.com/dibsy/git-cheatsheet.git ( Adding a remote )
git remote -v ( List all available remote repository )
git push -u origin master ( Push to origin our master branch )
git pull ( pull changes from remote )
git remote add <name> <address> ( Add remotes) 
git remote rm <name> ( To remove remotes )
git push -u <remote_name> <branch> ( push to remote any branch. Useful in when there are mutliple remotes)


git clone https://github.com/dibsy/git-cheatsheet.git ( Clone a remote repository. Add origin remote pointing to clone URL)
git clone https://github.com/dibsy/git-cheatsheet.git my-repo ( Will be stored in my-repo directory )


git branch new_branch ( Create a new branch )
git checkout new_branch ( Switching to the branch_name )
git checkout master ( Move back to master branch )
git merge new_branch ( Merge the contents of new_branch in master )
git branch -d branch_name ( Delete the branch , error incase of unmerged commits)
git branch -d branch_name ( Force delete, no errors in case of unmerged commits)
git branch -m old_branch_name new_branch_name ( Rename a branch)
git checkout -b admin ( Fast forward technique. Creates and checksout branch)

Scennario  Based - Creating local branch and sending it to remote
git checkout -b mybranch ( Create and checkout local branch)
git push origin mybranch ( Push local branch to remote)
git add cart.rb			 ( Add the new files)
git commit -a -m "Some message" ( Commit )
git push ( pushed to mybranch)  ( Push )

Merging Changes

Incase the remote commit is ahead of local copy but on different files
git push ( Will throw error)
git pull ( Do git pull first)
git push

Incase the remote commit is ahead of local copy but on same files
git pull ( error )
git status 
edit the file
git add file.txt
git commit -a


diff --git a/README.md b/README.md   <-- Compared files
index e25d569..6ed43b9 100644        <-- File Metadata
--- a/README.md                      <-- Last Changes Marked
+++ b/README.md                      <-- New Changes Marked
@@ -2,9 +2,9 @@                      <-- Chunk Headers , Changes that are modified at line 2, and 9 lines were modified

 There stages of a file :               
 - Untracked ( Not added for tracking)
-- Committed ( no new change in file after a commit), 
-- Modified( change made in file that is tracked and already committed), 
-- Staged( after commit)
+- Committed ( no new change in file after a commit, unmodified changes), 
+- Modified( new change made in file that is tracked and already committed), 
+- Staged( Changes that are going to be added to next commit snapshot)

git diff ( see the changes made in files)
git diff --staged ( see the staged changes)
git diff HEAD^ ( diff with the parent of the latest commit)
git diff HEAD^^ ( diff with the grandparent of the latest commit)
git diff master branchname ( diff two branches )
git diff branch1 branch2 ( Diff two branch )


git tag ( List all the tags )
git checkout v0.1 ( checkout the commit )
git tag -a v0.2.1 -m "New changes in v0.2.1"
git push --tags ( Push the tags to remote )


git rm file.txt
git commit -m "Removing file.txt"


Untracking File
git rm --cached somefileToUntrack.txt


git config alias.myaliasshorcutcommand commit


git blame somefile.txt ( see who made the changes and other details of the changes)


Important notes : 
-   Do not use rebase on a public branch


Git , Google, CodeSchool, Pluralsight


Git Cheat Sheet