diana-moreno / kasaz

Kasaz is a simple website to search for apartments

Home Page:https://diana-moreno.github.io/kasaz

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool




Kasaz is a simple website to search for apartments. It's possible to search by location, price, sqm, number of bedrooms or bathdrooms.

You can run the deployed project here: https://diana-moreno.github.io/kasaz

Technical Description

Frontend: React (javascript), CSS-SASS, BEM, Jest

Backend: Express (Node), Mongoose (MongoDB), Mocha Chai

Others: Git, Github



Next steps:

  • Download or clone the repository in your local (https://github.com/diana-moreno/kasaz.git).

  • Install dependencies from the following folders:

    • kasaz-api
    • kasaz-app
    • kasaz-data
    • kasaz-utils

    running the command in each one:

    npm i
  • Import the data to the data base. The data is found in 'kasaz-data', so, from this folder run the command:

➜ kasaz-data

mongoimport --db=kasaz --collection=apartments --file=apartments-DB.json


  • You need to keep opened 3 terminal windows at the same time.

1- From the folder you have installed the data base MongoDB. Enter in the forlder, and inside of 'bin', run the following command. This keeps your data base on.

➜ bin

mongod --dbpath ../data

2- From 'kasaz-api' you must run the backend with Node:

➜ kasaz-api

node .

3- From 'kasaz-app' your must open the frontend with React:

➜ kasaz-app

npm run start

Now, the data base is on, the server is running and the frontend connected to backend, you can start playing in the website!

Instructions for testing

Testing the backend

From the folder 'kasaz-api', run:

➜ kasaz-api

npm run test

To check test coverage, run:

➜ kasaz-api

npm run test:coverage

Testing the frontend

We need to connect the test daba base from the backend, to the frontend test, so is needed to do a litle change in the file '.env' located in the folder 'kasaz-api'.

The folders '.env' are privated and included in '.gitignore' in a real proyect, but, in this project, I didn't included them for accesibility purposes.

Swith the '#' to allow connect to test:


DB_URL = mongodb://localhost:27017/kasaz
#DB_URL = mongodb://localhost:27017/kasaz-test


#DB_URL = mongodb://localhost:27017/kasaz
DB_URL = mongodb://localhost:27017/kasaz-test

Run test: ➜ kasaz-app

npm run test

One finished the mode test, remember to swith another time the '#' to allow the data base connects to the real version, not test.

To check test coverage, run:

➜ kasaz-app

npm run test:coverage

Code Coverage

The logic has been tested with a coverage of 96% in frontend and 99.59% in backend.

Frontend coverage Frontend coverage

Backend coverage Backend coverage


Kasaz is a simple website to search for apartments



Language:JavaScript 74.8%Language:HTML 16.6%Language:Sass 8.5%