dialoa / imagify

Pandoc/Quarto filter to convert selected LaTeX elements to images in other output formats

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Imagify - Pandoc/Quarto filter to convert selected LaTeX into images

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Lua filter to convert some or all LaTeX code in a document into images.


Imagify turns selected LaTeX elements into images in non-LaTeX/PDF output. It tries to match the document's LaTeX output settings (fonts, LaTeX packages, etc.) by default. Its rendering options are extensively configurable, and different rendering options can be used for different elements. It can embed its images within HTML files or provide them as separate image files.

Requirements: Pandoc or Quarto, a LaTeX installation with the latexmk and dvisvgm tools.


  • So far designed with HTML output in mind, LaTeX to SVG conversion. In other output formats, the images will be inserted or linked as PDFs and may display in wrong sizes or not at all.
  • Embedding within HTML output isn't compatible with Pandoc's extract-media option.


Plain pandoc

Pass the filter to Pandoc via the --lua-filter (or -L) command line option.

pandoc --lua-filter imagify.lua ...


Install this filter as a Quarto extension with

quarto install extension dialoa/imagify

and use it by adding imagify to the filters entry in their YAML header:

  - imagify

R Markdown

Use pandoc_args to invoke the filter. See the R Markdown Cookbook for details.

    pandoc_args: ['--lua-filter=imagify.lua']

Basic usage

LaTeX elements to be imagified should be placed in a Div block with class imagify. In markdown source:

::: imagify

This display LaTeX formmula will be imagified:

$$\binom{n}{k} = \frac{n!}{k!(n-k)!}$$

As well as this TikZ picture:

\draw (-2,0) -- (2,0);
\filldraw [gray] (0,0) circle (2pt);
\draw (-2,-2) .. controls (0,0) .. (2,-2);
\draw (-2,2) .. controls (-1,0) and (1,0) .. (2,2);

And this raw LaTeX block:

  \pline{A} \\
  \pline{A \rightarrow B}
{ \pline{B} }


LaTeX math and raw LaTeX elements in the Div are converted to images unless the output format is LaTeX/PDF. Images files are placed in an _imagify folder created in your current working directory. See the test/input.md file for an example.

Images are generated using any Pandoc LaTeX output options specified in your document's metadata suited for a standalone class document, such as fontfamily, fontsize etc. See the Pandoc manual for details.

If a LaTeX element is or contains a TikZ picture, the TikZ package is loaded. If you need a specific library, place a \usetikzlibrary command at the beginning of your picture code.

Custom LaTeX packages not included in standard LaTeX distribution (e.g. fitch.sty) can be used, provided you place them in the source file's folder or one of its subfolder, or specify an appropriate location via the texinputs option.

Options are specified via imagify and imagify-classes metadata variables. For instance, temporarily disable Imagify with:

imagify: none

Set Imagify to convert all LaTeX in a document with:

imagify: all

This probably not a good idea if your document contains many LaTeX elements that could be rendered by MathJAX or equivalent.

Set the images to be embedded in the HTML output file, rather than provided as separate files, with:

  embed: true

Change the images' zoom factor with:

  zoom: 1.6

The default is 1.5, which seems to work well with Pandoc's default standalone HTML output.

If image conversion fails, you can set the debug option that will give you the .tex files that the filter produces and passes to LaTeX:

  debug: true

The .tex files are placed in the output folder (by default _imagify in your working directory). You can try to compile them yourself and see what changes or packages are needed.

Create custom imagifying classes with their own rendering options with the imagify-class variable:

  zoom: 1.6
    zoom: 2
    zoom: 1

Note. If a Div has multiple imagify-classes, only the first encountered is used. This may not be the first one you specified. If a Div has the class imagify and a specific imagify-class, the latter is used.

You can further specify rendering options on a Div itself:

::: {.imagify zoom='2' debug='true'}

... (text with LaTeX element)


Rendering options are applied in a cascading manner. To determine which options apply to given LaTeX element, we apply in that order:

  • the Document's LaTeX options (fontsize etc)
  • Imagify options
  • For each imagify-class Div containing the element, starting with the widest-scope one, we apply its class options first, then any option locally specified on the Div itself.

Options reference

Options are provided in the document's metadata. These are provided either in a YAML block in markdown source, or as a separate YAML file loaded with the pandoc option --metadata-file. Here is an example:

fontsize: 12pt
  ``` {=latex}
  scope: all
  debug: true
  embed: true
  lazy: true
  output-folder: _imagify_files
  pdf-engine: xelatex
  keep-sources: false
  zoom: 1.5
      zoom: 4 # will show if it's not overriden
      block-style: "border: 1px solid red;"
    debug: false
    header-includes: \usepackage{fitch}

imagify and imagify-classes

imagify : string or map. If string, assumed to be a scope option. If map, filter options and global rendering options.

imagify-class : map of class-name: map of rendering options.

Filter options

Specified within the imagify key.

scope : string all, none, selected (alias manual). Default selected.

lazy : boolean. If set to true, existing images won't be regenerated unless there is a change of code or zoom. Default true.

output-folder : string, path to the folder where images should be output. Default _imagify.

ligs-path : string, path to the Ghostscript library. Default nil. This is not the Ghostscript program, but its library. It's passed to dvisvgm. See DvisvgmMan for details.

Rendering options

These can differ from one imagified element to another.

Specified within the imagify metadata key, within a key of the imagify-class map, or on as attributes of an imagify class Div elements.


debug : boolean. Save the .tex files used to generate images in the output folder (see output_folder filter option). Default: false.

force : imagify even when the output is LaTeX/PDF. Default: false.

pdf-engine : string, one of latex, xelatex, lualatex. Which engine to use when converting LaTeX to dvi or pdf. Defaults to latex.

Pandoc/Quarto filters cannot read which engine you specify to Pandoc, so if e.g. xelatex is needed you must specify this option explicitly.

svg-converter : string, DVI/PDF to SVG converter. Only dvisvgm available for the moment.

SVG image

zoom : number, zoom to apply when converting the DVI/PDF output to SVG image. Defaults to 1.5.

HTML specific

embed : boolean. In HTML output, embed the images within the file itself using data URLs. Default: false.

vertical-align : string, CSS vertical align property for the generated image elements. See CSS reference for details. Defaults to baseline.

block-style : string, CSS style applied to images generated from Display Math elements and LaTeX RawBlock elements. Defaults to display:block; margin: .5em auto;.


Specified at the metadata root, within the imagify key, within a key of the imagify-class map, or on as attributes of an imagify class Div elements.

As the document header-includes is often used to include LaTeX packages, the filter's default behaviour is to picks it up and insert it in the .tex files used to generate images. You can override that by specifying a custom or empty header-includes in the imagify key:

header-includes: |
  This content only goes in the document's header.
  header-includes: |
    This content is used in imagify's .tex files.

An empty line ensures no header content is included:

header-includes: |
  This content only goes in the document's header.

Different header-includes can be specified for each imagify class or even on a Div attributes.

Pandoc's LaTeX options

Specified at the metadata root, within the imagify key, within a key of the imagify-class map, or on as attributes of an imagify class Div elements.

The following Pandoc LaTeX output options are read:

  • classoption (for the standalone class)
  • mathspec,
  • fontenc,
  • fontfamily,
  • fontfamilyoptions,
  • fontsize
  • mainfont, sansfont, monofont, mathfont, CJKmainfont,
  • mainfontoptions, sansfontoptions, monofontoptions, mathfontoptions, CJKoptions,
  • microtypeoptions,
  • colorlinks,
  • boxlinks,
  • linkcolor, filecolor, citecolor, urlcolor, toccolor,
  • urlstyle.

See Pandoc manual for details.

These are passed to the default Pandoc template that is used to create. The document class is set to standalone.


Pandoc/Quarto filter to convert selected LaTeX elements to images in other output formats


License:MIT License


Language:Lua 67.6%Language:TeX 16.1%Language:HTML 8.7%Language:Makefile 7.3%Language:Dockerfile 0.3%