diabolical-ninja / ethical-ai-packages

Collection of libraries related to Ethical AI, Fairness & Transparency

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Ethical AI Store

Collection of links for Ethical AI, Fairness & Transperency libraries & training.

Note this is mostly Python centric but welcome additions regardless of the language.

Python Packages

Python Packages



  • Summary: Alibi is an open source Python library aimed at machine learning model inspection and interpretation
  • Repo: https://github.com/SeldonIO/alibi
  • Docs: https://Docs.seldon.io/projects/alibi/en/stable

AI Fairness 360

AI Explainability 360


  • Summary: InterpretML is an open-source package that incorporates state-of-the-art machine learning interpretability techniques under one roof.
  • Repo: https://github.com/interpretml/interpret
  • Docs: N/A


Fairness Indicators

FAT Forensics



What-If Tool



  • Summary: SHAP (SHapley Additive exPlanations) is a game theoretic approach to explain the output of any machine learning model
  • Repo: https://github.com/slundberg/shap


Tensorflow Fairness Indicators


  • Summary: PyCM is a multi-class confusion matrix library written in Python that supports both input data vectors and direct matrix, and a proper tool for post-classification model evaluation that supports most classes and overall statistics parameters.
  • Repo: https://github.com/sepandhaghighi/pycm
  • Docs: https://www.pycm.ir/



Black Box Auditing

Fairness Comparison


  • Summary: FairTest enables developers or auditing entities to discover and test for unwarranted associations between an algorithm's outputs and certain user subpopulations identified by protected features.
  • Repo: https://github.com/columbia/fairtest
  • Docs: N/A



TensorFlow Constrained Optimization (TFCO)





Study Material & Courses

Study Material & Courses

Fair ML Book

  • Summary: This book gives a perspective on machine learning that treats fairness as a central concern rather than an afterthought. We’ll review the practice of machine learning in a way that highlights ethical challenges. We’ll then discuss approaches to mitigate these problems.
  • Type: E-Book
  • URL: https://fairmlbook.org/

Dealing with Bias and Fairness in Building Data Science/ML/AI Systems

  • Summary: Tackling issues of bias and fairness when building and deploying machine learning and data science systems has received increased attention from the research community in recent years, yet most of the research has focused on theoretical aspects with a very limited set of application areas and data sets.
  • Type: Tutorial
  • URL: https://dssg.github.io/fairness_tutorial/

Practical Data Ethics

  • Summary: In this course, we will focus on topics that are both urgent and practical. In keeping with my teaching philosophy, we will begin with two active, real-world areas (disinformation and bias) to provide context and motivation, before stepping back in Lesson 3 to dig into foundations of data ethics and practical tools. From there we will move on to additional subject areas: privacy & surveillance, the role of the Silicon Valley ecosystem (including metrics, venture growth, & hypergrowth), and algorithmic colonialism.
  • Type: Course
  • URL: https://ethics.fast.ai/


Collection of libraries related to Ethical AI, Fairness & Transparency