diabl0 / arangodb-php

PHP ODM for ArangoDB

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ArangoDB-PHP - A PHP client for ArangoDB

Build Status Branch: Master

Build Status Branch: devel

Follow us on Twitter @arangodbphp to receive updates on the PHP driver

Table of Contents


This PHP client allows REST-based access to documents on the server. The DocumentHandler class should be used for these purposes. There is an example for REST-based documents access in the file examples/document.php.

Furthermore, the PHP client also allows to issue more AQL complex queries using the Statement class. There is an example for this kind of statements in the file examples/select.php.

To use the PHP client, you must include the file autoloader.php from the main directory. The autoloader will care about loading additionally required classes on the fly. The autoloader can be nested with other autoloaders.

The ArangoDB PHP client is an API that allows you to send and retrieve documents from ArangoDB from out of your PHP application. The client library itself is written in PHP and has no further dependencies but just plain PHP 5.6 (or higher).

The client library provides document and collection classes you can use to work with documents and collections in an OO fashion. When exchanging document data with the server, the library internally will use the HTTP REST interface of ArangoDB. The library user does not have to care about this fact as all the details of the REST interface are abstracted by the client library.


  • ArangoDB database server version 3.0 or higher. Detailed info here

  • PHP version 5.6 or higher (Travis-tested with PHP 5.6, 7.0, 7.1 and hhvm)

Note on PHP version support:

This driver will cease to support old PHP versions as soon as they have reached end-of-life status. Support will be removed with the next minor or patch version of the driver to be released.

In general, it is recommended to always use the latest PHP versions (currently those in the PHP 7 line) in order to take advantage of all the improvements (especially in performance).

Installing the PHP client

To get started you need PHP 5.6 or higher plus an ArangoDB server running on any host that you can access.

There are two alternative ways to get the ArangoDB PHP client:

  • Using Composer
  • Cloning the git repository

Alternative 1: Using Composer

composer require triagens/Arango

Alternative 2: Cloning the git repository

When preferring this alternative, you need to have a git client installed. To clone the ArangoDB PHP client repository from github, execute the following command in your project directory:

git clone "https://github.com/arangodb/arangodb-php.git"

This will create a subdirectory arangodb-php in your current directory. It contains all the files of the client library. It also includes a dedicated autoloader that you can use for autoloading the client libraries class files. To invoke this autoloader, add the following line to your PHP files that will use the library:

require 'arangodb-php/autoload.php';

The ArangoDB PHP client's autoloader will only care about its own class files and will not handle any other files. That means it is fully nestable with other autoloaders.

Alternative 3: Invoking the autoloader directly

If you do not wish to include autoload.php to load and setup the autoloader, you can invoke the autoloader directly:

require 'arangodb-php/lib/ArangoDBClient/autoloader.php';

How to use the PHP client

Setting up the connection options

In order to use ArangoDB, you need to specify the connection options. We do so by creating a PHP array $connectionOptions. Put this code into a file named test.php in your current directory:

// use the following line when using Composer
// require __DIR__ . '/vendor/composer/autoload.php';

// use the following line when using git
require __DIR__ . '/arangodb-php/autoload.php';

// set up some aliases for less typing later
use ArangoDBClient\Collection as ArangoCollection;
use ArangoDBClient\CollectionHandler as ArangoCollectionHandler;
use ArangoDBClient\Connection as ArangoConnection;
use ArangoDBClient\ConnectionOptions as ArangoConnectionOptions;
use ArangoDBClient\DocumentHandler as ArangoDocumentHandler;
use ArangoDBClient\Document as ArangoDocument;
use ArangoDBClient\Exception as ArangoException;
use ArangoDBClient\Export as ArangoExport;
use ArangoDBClient\ConnectException as ArangoConnectException;
use ArangoDBClient\ClientException as ArangoClientException;
use ArangoDBClient\ServerException as ArangoServerException;
use ArangoDBClient\Statement as ArangoStatement;
use ArangoDBClient\UpdatePolicy as ArangoUpdatePolicy;

// set up some basic connection options
$connectionOptions = [
    // database name
    ArangoConnectionOptions::OPTION_DATABASE => '_system',
    // server endpoint to connect to
    ArangoConnectionOptions::OPTION_ENDPOINT => 'tcp://',
    // authorization type to use (currently supported: 'Basic')
    ArangoConnectionOptions::OPTION_AUTH_TYPE => 'Basic',
    // user for basic authorization
    ArangoConnectionOptions::OPTION_AUTH_USER => 'root',
    // password for basic authorization
    ArangoConnectionOptions::OPTION_AUTH_PASSWD => '',
    // connection persistence on server. can use either 'Close' (one-time connections) or 'Keep-Alive' (re-used connections)
    ArangoConnectionOptions::OPTION_CONNECTION => 'Keep-Alive',
    // connect timeout in seconds
    ArangoConnectionOptions::OPTION_TIMEOUT => 3,
    // whether or not to reconnect when a keep-alive connection has timed out on server
    ArangoConnectionOptions::OPTION_RECONNECT => true,
    // optionally create new collections when inserting documents
    ArangoConnectionOptions::OPTION_CREATE => true,
    // optionally create new collections when inserting documents
    ArangoConnectionOptions::OPTION_UPDATE_POLICY => ArangoUpdatePolicy::LAST,

// turn on exception logging (logs to whatever PHP is configured)

    $connection = new ArangoConnection($connectionOptions);

This will make the client connect to ArangoDB

  • running on localhost (OPTION_HOST)
  • on the default port 8529 (OPTION_PORT)
  • with a connection timeout of 3 seconds (OPTION_TIMEOUT)

When creating new documents in a collection that does not yet exist, you have the following choices:

  • auto-generate a new collection: if you prefer that, set OPTION_CREATE to true
  • fail with an error: if you prefer this behavior, set OPTION_CREATE to false

When updating a document that was previously/concurrently updated by another user, you can select between the following behaviors:

  • last update wins: if you prefer this, set OPTION_UPDATE_POLICY to last
  • fail with a conflict error: if you prefer that, set OPTION_UPDATE_POLICY to conflict

Creating a collection

This is just to show how a collection is created.
For these examples it is not needed to create a collection prior to inserting a document, as we set ArangoConnectionOptions::OPTION_CREATE to true.

So, after we get the settings, we can start with creating a collection. We will create a collection named "users".

The below code will first set up the collection locally in a variable name $user, and then push it to the server and return the collection id created by the server:

    $collectionHandler = new ArangoCollectionHandler($connection);

    // clean up first
    if ($collectionHandler->has('users')) {
    if ($collectionHandler->has('example')) {

    // create a new collection
    $userCollection = new ArangoCollection();
    $id = $collectionHandler->create($userCollection);

    // print the collection id created by the server
    // check if the collection exists
    $result = $collectionHandler->has('users');

Creating a document

After we created the collection, we can start with creating an initial document. We will create a user document in a collection named "users". This collection does not need to exist yet. The first document we'll insert in this collection will create the collection on the fly. This is because we have set OPTION_CREATE to true in $connectionOptions.

The below code will first set up the document locally in a variable name $user, and then push it to the server and return the document id created by the server:

    $handler = new ArangoDocumentHandler($connection);

    // create a new document
    $user = new ArangoDocument();

    // use set method to set document properties
    $user->set('name', 'John');
    $user->set('age', 25);
    $user->set('thisIsNull', null);

    // use magic methods to set document properties
    $user->likes = ['fishing', 'hiking', 'swimming'];

    // send the document to the server
    $id = $handler->save('users', $user);

    // check if a document exists
    $result = $handler->has('users', $id);

    // print the document id created by the server

Document properties can be set by using the set() method, or by directly manipulating the document properties.

As you can see, sending a document to the server is achieved by calling the save() method on the client library's DocumentHandler class. It needs the collection name ("users" in this case") plus the document object to be saved. save() will return the document id as created by the server. The id is a numeric value that might or might not fit in a PHP integer.

Adding exception handling

The above code will work but it does not check for any errors. To make it work in the face of errors, we'll wrap it into some basic exception handlers

try {
     $handler = new ArangoDocumentHandler($connection);
      // create a new document
      $user = new ArangoDocument();
      // use set method to set document properties
      $user->set('name', 'John');
      $user->set('age', 25);
      // use magic methods to set document properties
      $user->likes = ['fishing', 'hiking', 'swimming'];
      // send the document to the server
      $id = $handler->save('users', $user);
      // check if a document exists
      $result = $handler->has('users', $id);
      // print the document id created by the server
} catch (ArangoConnectException $e) {
  print 'Connection error: ' . $e->getMessage() . PHP_EOL;
} catch (ArangoClientException $e) {
  print 'Client error: ' . $e->getMessage() . PHP_EOL;
} catch (ArangoServerException $e) {
  print 'Server error: ' . $e->getServerCode() . ':' . $e->getServerMessage() . ' ' . $e->getMessage() . PHP_EOL;

Retrieving a document

To retrieve a document from the server, the get() method of the DocumentHandler class can be used. It needs the collection name plus a document id. There is also the getById() method which is an alias for get().

    // get the document back from the server
    $userFromServer = $handler->get('users', $id);

The result of the get() method is a Document object that you can use in an OO fashion:

object(ArangoDBClient\Document)##6 (4) {
    string(15) "2377907/4818344"
    array(3) {
        string(4) "John"
        array(3) {
            string(7) "fishing"
            string(6) "hiking"
            string(8) "swimming"

Whenever the document id is yet unknown, but you want to fetch a document from the server by any of its other properties, you can use the CollectionHandler->byExample() method. It allows you to provide an example of the document that you are looking for. The example should either be a Document object with the relevant properties set, or, a PHP array with the propeties that you are looking for:

    // get a document list back from the server, using a document example
    $cursor = $collectionHandler->byExample('users', ['name' => 'John']);

This will return all documents from the specified collection (here: "users") with the properties provided in the example (here: that have an attribute "name" with a value of "John"). The result is a cursor which can be iterated sequentially or completely. We have chosen to get the complete result set above by calling the cursor's getAll() method. Note that CollectionHandler->byExample() might return multiple documents if the example is ambigious.

Updating a document

To update an existing document, the update() method of the DocumentHandler class can be used. In this example we want to

  • set state to 'ca'
  • change the likes array.
    // update a document
    $userFromServer->likes = ['fishing', 'swimming'];
    $userFromServer->state = 'CA';

    $result = $handler->update($userFromServer);

    $userFromServer = $handler->get('users', $id);

To remove an attribute using the update() method, an option has to be passed telling it to not keep attributes with null values. In this example we want to

  • remove the age
    // update a document removing an attribute,
    // The 'keepNull'=>false option will cause ArangoDB to
    // remove all attributes in the document,
    // that have null as their value - not only the ones defined here

    $userFromServer->likes = ['fishing', 'swimming'];
    $userFromServer->state = 'CA';
    $userFromServer->age   = null;

    $result = $handler->update($userFromServer, ['keepNull' => false]);

    $userFromServer = $handler->get('users', $id);

To completely replace an existing document, the replace() method of the DocumentHandler class can be used. In this example we want to remove the state attribute.

    // replace a document (notice that we are using the previously fetched document)
    // In this example we are removing the state attribute

    $result = $handler->replace($userFromServer);

    $userFromServer = $handler->get('users', $id);

The document that is replaced using the previous example must have been fetched from the server before. If you want to update a document without having fetched it from the server before, use updateById():

    // replace a document, identified by collection and document id
    $user        = new ArangoDocument();
    $user->name  = 'John';
    $user->likes = ['Running', 'Rowing'];
    $userFromServer->state = 'CA';

    // Notice that for the example we're getting the existing 
    // document id via a method call. Normally we would use the known id
    $result = $handler->replaceById('users', $userFromServer->getId(), $user);

    $userFromServer = $handler->get('users', $id);

Deleting a document

To remove an existing document on the server, the remove() method of the DocumentHandler class will do. remove() just needs the document to be removed as a parameter:

    // remove a document on the server, using a document object
    $result = $handler->remove($userFromServer);

Note that the document must have been fetched from the server before. If you haven't fetched the document from the server before, use the removeById() method. This requires just the collection name (here: "users") and the document id.

    // remove a document on the server, using a collection id and document id
    // In this example, we are using the id of the document we deleted in the previous example,
    // so it will throw an exception here. (we are catching it though, in order to continue)

    try {
        $result = $handler->removeById('users', $userFromServer->getId());
    } catch (\ArangoDBClient\ServerException $e) {

Running an AQL query

To run an AQL query, use the Statement class:

    // create a statement to insert 1000 test users
    $statement = new ArangoStatement(
        $connection, [
                       'query' => 'FOR i IN 1..1000 INSERT { _key: CONCAT("test", i) } IN users'

    // execute the statement
    $cursor = $statement->execute();

    // now run another query on the data, using bind parameters
    $statement = new ArangoStatement(
        $connection, [
                       'query' => 'FOR u IN @@collection FILTER u.name == @name RETURN u',
                       'bindVars' => [
                           '@collection' => 'users',
                           'name' => 'John'

    // executing the statement returns a cursor
    $cursor = $statement->execute();

    // easiest way to get all results returned by the cursor

    // to get statistics for the query, use Cursor::getExtra();

Exporting data

To export the contents of a collection to PHP, use the Export class. The Export class will create a light-weight cursor over all documents of the specified collection. The results can be transferred to PHP in chunks incrementally. This is the most efficient way of iterating over all documents in a collection.

   // creates an export object for collection users
    $export = new ArangoExport($connection, 'users', []);

    // execute the export. this will return a special, forward-only cursor
    $cursor = $export->execute();

    // now we can fetch the documents from the collection in blocks
    while ($docs = $cursor->getNextBatch()) {
        // do something with $docs

    // the export can also be restricted to just a few attributes per document:
    $export = new ArangoExport(
        $connection, 'users', [
                       '_flat' => true,
                       'restrict' => [
                           'type' => 'include',
                           'fields' => ['_key', 'likes']

    // now fetch just the configured attributes for each document
    while ($docs = $cursor->getNextBatch()) {
        // do something with $docs

Bulk document handling

The ArangoDB-PHP driver provides a mechanism to easily fetch multiple documents from the same collection with a single request. All that needs to be provided is an array of document keys:

    $exampleCollection = new ArangoCollection();
    $id = $collectionHandler->create($exampleCollection);

    // create a statement to insert 100 example documents
    $statement = new ArangoStatement(
        $connection, [
                       'query' => 'FOR i IN 1..100 INSERT { _key: CONCAT("example", i), value: i } IN example'

    // later on, we can assemble a list of document keys
    $keys = [];
    for ($i = 1; $i <= 100; ++$i) {
        $keys[] = 'example' . $i;
    // and fetch all the documents at once
    $documents = $collectionHandler->lookupByKeys('example', $keys);

    // we can also bulk-remove them:
    $result = $collectionHandler->removeByKeys('example', $keys);


Dropping a collection

To drop an existing collection on the server, use the drop() method of the CollectionHandler class. drop() just needs the name of the collection name to be dropped:

    // drop a collection on the server, using its name,
    $result = $collectionHandler->drop('users');

    // drop the other one we created, too

Custom Document class

If you want to use custom document class you can pass it's name to DocumentHandler or CollectionHandler using method setDocumentClass. Remember that Your class must extend \ArangoDBClient\Document.

$ch = new CollectionHandler($connection);
$cursor = $ch->all('product'); 
// All returned documents will be \AppBundle\Entity\Product instances

$dh = new DocumentHandler($connection);
$product = $dh->get('products', 11231234);
// Product will be \AppBundle\Entity\Product instance

See file examples/customDocumentClass.php for more details.

Logging exceptions

The driver provides a simple logging mechanism that is turned off by default. If it is turned on, the driver will log all its exceptions using PHP's standard error_log mechanism. It will call PHP's error_log() function for this. It depends on the PHP configuration if and where exceptions will be logged. Please consult your php.ini settings for further details.

To turn on exception logging in the driver, set a flag on the driver's Exception base class, from which all driver exceptions are subclassed:

use ArangoDBClient\Exception as ArangoException;


To turn logging off, call its disableLogging method:

use ArangoDBClient\Exception as ArangoException;


Putting it all together

Here's the full code that combines all the pieces outlined above:

// use the following line when using Composer
// require __DIR__ . '/vendor/composer/autoload.php';

// use the following line when using git
require __DIR__ . '/autoload.php';

// set up some aliases for less typing later
use ArangoDBClient\Collection as ArangoCollection;
use ArangoDBClient\CollectionHandler as ArangoCollectionHandler;
use ArangoDBClient\Connection as ArangoConnection;
use ArangoDBClient\ConnectionOptions as ArangoConnectionOptions;
use ArangoDBClient\DocumentHandler as ArangoDocumentHandler;
use ArangoDBClient\Document as ArangoDocument;
use ArangoDBClient\Exception as ArangoException;
use ArangoDBClient\Export as ArangoExport;
use ArangoDBClient\ConnectException as ArangoConnectException;
use ArangoDBClient\ClientException as ArangoClientException;
use ArangoDBClient\ServerException as ArangoServerException;
use ArangoDBClient\Statement as ArangoStatement;
use ArangoDBClient\UpdatePolicy as ArangoUpdatePolicy;

// set up some basic connection options
$connectionOptions = [
    // database name
    ArangoConnectionOptions::OPTION_DATABASE => '_system',
    // server endpoint to connect to
    ArangoConnectionOptions::OPTION_ENDPOINT => 'tcp://',
    // authorization type to use (currently supported: 'Basic')
    ArangoConnectionOptions::OPTION_AUTH_TYPE => 'Basic',
    // user for basic authorization
    ArangoConnectionOptions::OPTION_AUTH_USER => 'root',
    // password for basic authorization
    ArangoConnectionOptions::OPTION_AUTH_PASSWD => '',
    // connection persistence on server. can use either 'Close' (one-time connections) or 'Keep-Alive' (re-used connections)
    ArangoConnectionOptions::OPTION_CONNECTION => 'Keep-Alive',
    // connect timeout in seconds
    ArangoConnectionOptions::OPTION_TIMEOUT => 3,
    // whether or not to reconnect when a keep-alive connection has timed out on server
    ArangoConnectionOptions::OPTION_RECONNECT => true,
    // optionally create new collections when inserting documents
    ArangoConnectionOptions::OPTION_CREATE => true,
    // optionally create new collections when inserting documents
    ArangoConnectionOptions::OPTION_UPDATE_POLICY => ArangoUpdatePolicy::LAST,

// turn on exception logging (logs to whatever PHP is configured)

try {
    $connection = new ArangoConnection($connectionOptions);

    $collectionHandler = new ArangoCollectionHandler($connection);

    // clean up first
    if ($collectionHandler->has('users')) {
    if ($collectionHandler->has('example')) {

    // create a new collection
    $userCollection = new ArangoCollection();
    $id = $collectionHandler->create($userCollection);

    // print the collection id created by the server

    // check if the collection exists
    $result = $collectionHandler->has('users');

    $handler = new ArangoDocumentHandler($connection);

    // create a new document
    $user = new ArangoDocument();

    // use set method to set document properties
    $user->set('name', 'John');
    $user->set('age', 25);
    $user->set('thisIsNull', null);

    // use magic methods to set document properties
    $user->likes = ['fishing', 'hiking', 'swimming'];

    // send the document to the server
    $id = $handler->save('users', $user);

    // check if a document exists
    $result = $handler->has('users', $id);

    // print the document id created by the server

    // get the document back from the server
    $userFromServer = $handler->get('users', $id);

    // get a document list back from the server, using a document example
    $cursor = $collectionHandler->byExample('users', ['name' => 'John']);

    // update a document
    $userFromServer->likes = ['fishing', 'swimming'];
    $userFromServer->state = 'CA';

    $result = $handler->update($userFromServer);

    $userFromServer = $handler->get('users', $id);

    // update a document removing an attribute,
    // The 'keepNull'=>false option will cause ArangoDB to
    // remove all attributes in the document,
    // that have null as their value - not only the ones defined here

    $userFromServer->likes = ['fishing', 'swimming'];
    $userFromServer->state = 'CA';
    $userFromServer->age   = null;

    $result = $handler->update($userFromServer, ['keepNull' => false]);

    $userFromServer = $handler->get('users', $id);

    // replace a document (notice that we are using the previously fetched document)
    // In this example we are removing the state attribute

    $result = $handler->replace($userFromServer);

    $userFromServer = $handler->get('users', $id);

    // replace a document, identified by collection and document id
    $user                  = new ArangoDocument();
    $user->name            = 'John';
    $user->likes           = ['Running', 'Rowing'];
    $userFromServer->state = 'CA';

    // Notice that for the example we're getting the existing
    // document id via a method call. Normally we would use the known id
    $result = $handler->replaceById('users', $userFromServer->getId(), $user);

    $userFromServer = $handler->get('users', $id);

    // remove a document on the server
    $result = $handler->remove($userFromServer);

    // remove a document on the server, using a collection id and document id
    // In this example, we are using the id of the document we deleted in the previous example,
    // so it will throw an exception here. (we are catching it though, in order to continue)

    try {
        $result = $handler->removeById('users', $userFromServer->getId());
    } catch (\ArangoDBClient\ServerException $e) {

    // create a statement to insert 1000 test users
    $statement = new ArangoStatement(
        $connection, [
                       'query' => 'FOR i IN 1..1000 INSERT { _key: CONCAT("test", i) } IN users'

    // execute the statement
    $cursor = $statement->execute();

    // now run another query on the data, using bind parameters
    $statement = new ArangoStatement(
        $connection, [
                       'query' => 'FOR u IN @@collection FILTER u.name == @name RETURN u',
                       'bindVars' => [
                           '@collection' => 'users',
                           'name' => 'John'

    // executing the statement returns a cursor
    $cursor = $statement->execute();

    // easiest way to get all results returned by the cursor

    // to get statistics for the query, use Cursor::getExtra();

    // creates an export object for collection users
    $export = new ArangoExport($connection, 'users', []);

    // execute the export. this will return a special, forward-only cursor
    $cursor = $export->execute();

    // now we can fetch the documents from the collection in blocks
    while ($docs = $cursor->getNextBatch()) {
        // do something with $docs

    // the export can also be restricted to just a few attributes per document:
    $export = new ArangoExport(
        $connection, 'users', [
                       '_flat' => true,
                       'restrict' => [
                           'type' => 'include',
                           'fields' => ['_key', 'likes']

    // now fetch just the configured attributes for each document
    while ($docs = $cursor->getNextBatch()) {
        // do something with $docs

    $exampleCollection = new ArangoCollection();
    $id = $collectionHandler->create($exampleCollection);

    // create a statement to insert 100 example documents
    $statement = new ArangoStatement(
        $connection, [
                       'query' => 'FOR i IN 1..100 INSERT { _key: CONCAT("example", i), value: i } IN example'

    // later on, we can assemble a list of document keys
    $keys = [];
    for ($i = 1; $i <= 100; ++$i) {
        $keys[] = 'example' . $i;
    // and fetch all the documents at once
    $documents = $collectionHandler->lookupByKeys('example', $keys);

    // we can also bulk-remove them:
    $result = $collectionHandler->removeByKeys('example', $keys);


    // drop a collection on the server, using its name,
    $result = $collectionHandler->drop('users');

    // drop the other one we created, too
} catch (ArangoConnectException $e) {
    print 'Connection error: ' . $e->getMessage() . PHP_EOL;
} catch (ArangoClientException $e) {
    print 'Client error: ' . $e->getMessage() . PHP_EOL;
} catch (ArangoServerException $e) {
    print 'Server error: ' . $e->getServerCode() . ': ' . $e->getServerMessage() . ' - ' . $e->getMessage() . PHP_EOL;

More information

  • More example code, containing some code to create, delete and rename collections, is provided in the examples subdirectory that is provided with the library.

  • PHPDoc documentation for the complete library is in the library's docs subdirectory. Point your browser at this directory to get a click-through version of the documentation.

  • Follow us on Twitter @arangodbphp to receive updates on the PHP driver

  • Check the ArangoDB PHP client on github.com regularly for new releases and updates: https://github.com/arangodb/arangodb-php


PHP ODM for ArangoDB


License:Apache License 2.0


Language:PHP 99.7%Language:Shell 0.3%