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Docker for beginners - with Java and Spring Boot Applications and Microservices

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Docker Crash Course for Java Developers


Learn Docker creating containers for Spring Boot APIs and Microservices

Learn Docker Fundamentals? Yes. Create Containers for Microservices? Yes. Create Containers for Full Stack Applications? Yes. Of Course. Hands-on? Of course.

Do you have ZERO experience with Docker? No Problem.

Do you want to learn to create containers for Java Spring Boot Applications and Microservices using Docker with an easy to learn, step by step approach?

Are you ready to learn about Docker and take the next step in your programming career?

Do you want to join 300,000+ learners having Amazing Learning Experiences with in28Minutes?

Look No Further!

Getting Started

Required Tools

Installing Guides

Troubleshooting Installations

Troubleshooting Docker

Removed subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command '['/usr/local/bin/docker-credential-desktop', 'get']' returned non-zero exit status 1 I had this: cat ~/.docker/config.json {"auths":{},"credsStore":"", "credsStore":"desktop","stackOrchestrator":"swarm"} I updated to this: {"auths":{},"credsStore":"","stackOrchestrator":"swarm"}

Course Overview

******* Course Overview *******

Architectures are moving towards Microservices and Cloud. Docker makes it easy to containerize your applications and make them cloud ready.

Docker is the No 1 Tool to Containerize your Java Spring Boot Applications. Learning Docker would help you streamline your deployment processes and experiment easily with new frameworks and tools.

In this handson course, we will containerize - create docker images and create containers - for a variety of Spring Boot Applications:

  • REST APIs - Hello World and Todo - Jar
  • Todo Web Application War
  • Full Stack Application with React and Spring Boot
  • CCS and CES Microservices
  • Eureka Naming Server and Zuul API Gateway

This course would be a perfect first step as an introduction to Docker.

You will be using containerizing a variety of projects created with React (Frontend Framework), Spring Boot (REST API Framework), Spring (Dependency Management), Spring Security (Authentication and Authorization - Basic and JWT), BootStrap (Styling Pages), Maven (dependencies management), Node (npm), Visual Studio Code (TypeScript IDE), Eclipse (Java IDE) and Tomcat Embedded Web Server. We will help you set up each one of these.

What you'll learn

  • You will Learn the Fundamentals of Docker from Zero, no previous experience required
  • You will learn the important Docker Concepts - Registry, Repository, Tag, Image, Container and Volumes
  • You will learn the important Docker commands
  • You will understand the Docker Architecture
  • You will create Docker images for 8 Java Spring Boot Projects
  • You will learn to use Dockerfile to Automate Building of your Docker Image
  • You will learn to use various maven plugins - Dockerfile Spotify Plugin, JIB Plugin and Fabric8 Docker Maven Plugin - to create Docker images
  • You will learn to create best practices with creating Docker Images - Improve Caching of Docker Images and create Multi Stage Docker Builds.
  • You will Containerize Java Spring Boot Todo Web Application talking with MySQL
  • You will Containerize Java Spring Boot React Full Stack Application with Docker
  • You will Containerize CCS, CES Microservices, Eureka Naming Server and Zuul API Gateway with Docker and Run them using Docker Compose
  • You will learn to run MySQL, RabbitMQ and Zipkin as Docker Containers
  • You will learn the basics of Docker Networking - HOST, BRIDGE and NONE
  • You will learn to use Docker Compose to Manage Your Containers
  • You will learn the basics of Microservices
  • You will Join 250,000 Learners having AMAZING LEARNING Experiences with in28Minutes


  • You have an attitude to learn while having fun :)
  • You have some programming experience with Java, Spring and Spring Boot
  • You DO NOT need to have any experience with Docker
  • We will help you install Eclipse, Visual Studio Code, Git client, Docker Desktop and Node JS (for npm)

Who is this course for

  • You are a Java Spring Boot developer getting started with the Cloud
  • You want to containerize your Java applications with Docker
  • You are a Java Developer and You are curious about Docker
  • You want to learn to containerize a Java Spring Boot full stack application with Docker
  • You want to learn to play with Docker and Spring Boot Microservices - Service Registry, Distributed Tracing and Zuul API Gateway

Step By Step Details

Introduction to the Course

  • 00 Step 01 - Deploy Spring Boot Applications to Docker - Course Overview
  • 00 Step 02 - Deploy Spring Boot Applications to Docker - Getting Started

Getting Started with Docker

  • 01 Step 01 - Installing Docker - Docker
  • 01 Step 02 - Your First Docker Usecase - Deploy a Spring Boot Application
  • 01 Step 03 - Important Docker Concepts - Registry, Repository, Tag, Image and Container
  • 01 Step 04 - Playing with Docker Images and Containers
  • 01 Step 05 - Understanding Docker Architecture - Docker Client, Docker Engine
  • 01 Step 06 - Why is Docker Popular
  • 01 Step 07 - Playing with Docker Images
  • 01 Step 08 - Playing with Docker Containers
  • 01 Step 09 - Playing with Docker Commands - stats, system
  • 01 Step 10 - Importing Docker Projects

Containerizing Java Spring Boot Hello World Rest API with Docker

  • 02 Step 01 - Setting up 01 Spring Boot Hello World Rest API in Local
  • 02 Step 02 - Build Docker Image Manually for 01 Hello World Rest API
  • 02 Step 03 - Use Dockerfile to Build Docker Image
  • 02 Step 04 - Understanding Docker Image Layers, Caching and Dockerfile Instructions
  • 02 Step 05 - Using Dockerfile Spotify Plugin to Create Docker Images
  • 02 Step 06 - Create a generic reusable Dockerfile
  • 02 Step 07 - Improving Caching of Docker Images by Adding Libraries in a Separate Step
  • 02 Step 08 - Using JIB Plugin to Create Docker Images
  • 02 Step 09 - Using Fabric8 Docker Maven Plugin to Create Docker Images

Containerizing Java Spring Boot Todo Web Application with Docker

  • 03 Step 01 - Setting up 02 Spring Boot Todo Web Application in Local
  • 03 Step 02 - Create Docker Image for Spring Boot Todo Web Application
  • 03 Step 03 - Understanding ENTRYPOINT, CMD, COPY and ADD instructions
  • 03 Step 04 - Pushing 02 Spring Boot Todo Web Application to Docker Hub

Containerizing Java Spring Boot Todo Web Application using MySQL with Docker

  • 04 Step 01 - Code Review of 03 Todo Web Application MySQL
  • 04 Step 02 - Running MySQL as Docker Container on Local
  • 04 Step 03 - Connect Spring Boot Todo Web App to MySQL on Local
  • 04 Step 04 - Create Docker Image for 03 Todo Web Application and Use Link to connect
  • 04 Step 05 - Exploring Docker Networking - HOST, BRIDGE and NONE
  • 04 Step 06 - Creating a Custom Network and Connect MySQL and WebApplication to the network
  • 04 Step 07 - Using Docker Volumes to Persist Data
  • 04 Step 08 - Playing with Docker Compose

Containerize Java Spring Boot React Full Stack Application with Docker

  • 05 Step 01 - Exploring 04 Java Full Stack Spring Boot React App
  • 05 Step 02 - Running React Frontend in Local
  • 05 Step 03 - Containerizing Java REST API Backend
  • 05 Step 04 - Creating Multi Stage Docker Build for React Frontend Code
  • 05 Step 05 - Improve Front End Docker Build - dockerignore
  • 05 Step 06 - Using Multi Stage Docker Build for Java REST API Backend
  • 05 Step 07 - Running Java REST API Backend Docker Image
  • 05 Step 08 - Exploring Docker Compose
  • 05 Step 09 - Running Full Stack Application with Docker Compose
  • 05 Step 10 - Using Docker Compose for Java Spring Boot Todo Web Application with MySQL

Getting started with CCS and CES Microservices on Docker

  • 06 Step 01 - Introduction to Microservices
  • 06 Step 02 - Advantages of Microservices
  • 06 Step 03 - Understanding Docker and Microservices - An Amazing Combo
  • 06 Step 04 - Overview of CCS and CES Spring Boot Microservices
  • 06 Step 05 - Create Docker Images and Containers for CCS and CES Microservices
  • 06 Step 06 - Run CCS and CES Microservices using Docker Compose

Using Eureka Naming Service with Spring Boot Microservices and Docker

  • 07 Step 01 - Understanding the need for Service Registry
  • 07 Step 02 - Create Docker Images for Eureka Naming Server
  • 07 Step 03 - Configure and Run CES and CCS Microservices with Eureka Service

Using Zuul API Gateway with Spring Boot Microservices and Docker

  • 08 Step 01 - Configure CES and CCS Microservices with Zuul API Gateway
  • 08 Step 02 - Use Docker Compose to Run Microservices with Zuul

Distributed Tracing with Zipkin and RabbitMq

  • 09 Step 01 - Introduction to Zipkin and Update Microservices to Connect to Zipkin
  • 09 Step 02 - Using Docker Compose to Launch Zipkin, RabbitMq and Microservices
  • 09 Step 03 - Running Zipkin, RabbitMq and Microservices
  • 09 Step 04 - Thank You


graph architecture {

//node [style=filled,color="#D14D28", fontcolor=white];
rankdir = TB
node[shape=record, width=3]

Containers, LocalImages [height=1]

DockerClient -- Daemon
Daemon -- Containers 
Daemon -- LocalImages
Daemon -- ImageRegistry

DockerClient[label=<Docker Client>]
ImageRegistry[label=<Image Registry <BR /><FONT POINT-SIZE="10">nginx<BR />mysql<BR />eureka<BR />your-app<BR /><BR /></FONT>>];
Daemon[label=<Docker Daemon>]


graph architecture {

//node [style=filled,color="#D14D28", fontcolor=white];
rankdir = TB
node[shape=record, width=2]
Hypervisor,HostOS, Hardware[shape=record, width=6.5, style=filled,color="#D14D28", fontcolor=white]
edge [width=0]
graph [pad=".75", ranksep="0.05", nodesep="0.25"];

Application1 -- Software1 [style=invis]
Application2 -- Software2 [style=invis]
Application3 -- Software3 [style=invis]

Software1 -- GuestOS1 [style=invis]
Software2 -- GuestOS2 [style=invis]
Software3 -- GuestOS3 [style=invis]
GuestOS1 -- Hypervisor [style=invis]
GuestOS2 -- Hypervisor [style=invis]
GuestOS3 -- Hypervisor [style=invis]
Hypervisor -- HostOS [style=invis]
HostOS -- Hardware [style=invis]


graph architecture {

//node [style=filled,color="#D14D28", fontcolor=white];
rankdir = TB
node[shape=record, width=2]
HostOS, CloudInfrastructure, DockerEngine[shape=record, width=6.5, style=filled,color="#D14D28", fontcolor=white]
edge [width=0]
graph [pad=".75", ranksep="0.05", nodesep="0.25"];

Container1 -- DockerEngine [style=invis]
Container2 -- DockerEngine [style=invis]
Container3 -- DockerEngine [style=invis]
DockerEngine -- HostOS [style=invis]
HostOS -- CloudInfrastructure [style=invis]


Commands Executed during the course

docker container exec unruffled_tereshkova ls /tmp
docker container cp target/hello-world-rest-api.jar 54cf414254e48d5f68c4d468b2dd4cbdd95d17f9e2074fdb9df7f64987697f2b:/tmp
docker container commit unruffled_tereshkova in28min/hello-world-rest-api:manual 
docker run -p 8080:8080 in28min/hello-world-rest-api:manual
docker container commit --change='CMD ["java","-jar","/tmp/hello-world-rest-api.jar"]' unruffled_tereshkova in28min:hello-world-rest-api:manual2
docker run -p 8080:8080 in28min/hello-world-rest-api:manual2
docker inspect in28min/hello-world-rest-api:dockerfile1
docker history in28min/hello-world-rest-api:dockerfile1

docker build -t in28min/hello-world-rest-api:dockerfile1 .
docker run -p 8080:8080 in28min/hello-world-rest-api:dockerfile1
docker history in28min/hello-world-rest-api:dockerfile1

docker run -p 8080:8080 in28min/hello-world-rest-api:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT

mvn docker:build
docker run -p 8080:8080 webservices/01-hello-world-rest-api

docker run -dit 51297c224d60
docker container exec 7714 ls /maven
docker run -p 8080:8080 01-hello-world-rest-api:latest

docker run -p 8080:8080 in28min/todo-web-application-h2:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT
docker run -p 8080:8080 in28min/todo-web-application-h2:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT ping google.com
docker run -p 8080:8080 in28min/hello-world-rest-api:dockerfile1 param1 param2
docker run -p 8080:8080 in28min/todo-web-application-mysql:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT

docker run -p 8080:8080 --network=host  in28min/todo-web-application-mysql:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT ping http://localhost:8080 

docker network ls
docker inspect bridge
docker container run -p 8080:8080 --link=mysql -e RDS_HOSTNAME=mysql  in28min/todo-web-application-mysql:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT

docker network create web-application-mysql-network
docker run --detach --env MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=dummypassword --env MYSQL_USER=todos-user --env MYSQL_PASSWORD=dummytodos --env MYSQL_DATABASE=todos --name mysql --publish 3306:3306 --network=web-application-mysql-network mysql:5.7
docker container run -p 8080:8080 --network=web-application-mysql-network -e RDS_HOSTNAME=mysql  in28min/todo-web-application-mysql:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT
docker container restart mysql
docker container run -p 8080:8080 --network=web-application-mysql-network -e RDS_HOSTNAME=mysql  in28min/todo-web-application-mysql:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT

docker container prune

docker run --detach --env MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=dummypassword --env MYSQL_USER=todos-user --env MYSQL_PASSWORD=dummytodos --env MYSQL_DATABASE=todos --name mysql --publish 3306:3306 --network=web-application-mysql-network --volume mysql-database-volume:/var/lib/mysql  mysql:5.7

docker tag 3f4765872126 in28min/rest-api-full-stack:2stagebuild
docker run -p 8080:8080 in28min/rest-api-full-stack:2stagebuild

npm install
npm start
npm run build

docker network create currency-network
docker run -p 8000:8000 --network=currency-network --name=currency-exchange-service in28min/currency-exchange-service:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT
docker run -p 8100:8100 --network=currency-network --name=currency-conversion-service --env CURRENCY_EXCHANGE_URI=http://currency-exchange-service:8000 -d in28min/currency-conversion-service:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT

docker-compose up
docker-compose up -d
docker-compose scale currency-conversion-service=2
docker-compose logs
docker-compose logs -f

docker system prun
docker system prune -a

docker search mysql
docker images
docker tag in28min/todo-rest-api-h2:1.0.0.RELEASE latest
docker rmi latest:latest
docker pull mysql
docker image ls --format='{{json .}}'

docker container run -p 5000:5000 -d in28min/todo-rest-api-h2:1.0.0.RELEASE
docker container pause 6478
docker container unpause 6478

docker run -p 5000:5000 in28min/todo-rest-api-h2:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT
docker run -p 5000:5000 -d in28min/todo-rest-api-h2:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT
docker run -p 5000:5000 -d --restart=always in28min/todo-rest-api-h2:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT

docker events
docker top c710
docker stats
docker run -m 512m --cpu-quota 50000
docker system df

docker container stop 1b1
docker container kill 9b8

docker-compose config
docker-compose images
docker-compose ps
docker-compose top
docker-compose pause
docker-compose unpause
docker-compose rm
docker-compose build
docker-compose events

Deleted Networks:


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Docker for beginners - with Java and Spring Boot Applications and Microservices


License:MIT License


Language:Java 65.1%Language:JavaScript 28.4%Language:HTML 3.0%Language:Dockerfile 1.6%Language:CSS 1.0%Language:PLSQL 0.9%