dhruvitdiyora / MultiCheckBox

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

practical task for https://www.modustech.com/

this was to create an api to fetch list from db and implement an multi checkbox in angular

  1. Take three LISTBOXs [Windows or WEB Application]
  2. Get values from Database and FILL in all the three LISTBOXs
  3. Make sure all LISTBOXs has same values
  4. Now if we select value in LISTBOX A, then it should automatically DESELECT the value from LISTBOX B or LISTBOX C if already selected.
  5. Same function applies for LISTBOX B and LISTBOX C
  6. Print result of LISTBOX Selection in Textbox
  7. We should be able to select more than one value in each LISTBOX



Language:TypeScript 47.7%Language:C# 43.5%Language:HTML 8.1%Language:CSS 0.6%