dhruvalgupta2003 / SquareTech-Technical-Assessment

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


FIGMA LINK : https://www.figma.com/file/VoxnF397cMRt3HdFlHV4d3/Untitled?type=design&node-id=1%3A344&mode=design&t=PbVncqL3Bvmuf7hh-1

Review the Figma file:

Take some time to carefully examine the Figma file provided to you. Analyze both pages - page 1 with assets, text, and color formats, and page 2 with the Figma design for the landing page.

Choose a suitable tech stack:

Determine which tech stack you are most comfortable with and select the appropriate tools to code the landing page. As per the preferred options mentioned (React, Angular, HTML5, CSS, JS), choose the stack that best fits your expertise and preferences.

Set up your development environment:

Configure your local development environment with the necessary tools and frameworks for your chosen tech stack. Ensure that you have all the dependencies and libraries required to start coding.

Clone this repository:

Clone this repo and push your code in this repo with your name directory. Use a name directory format that includes your name, for example, "johndoe."

Initialize the project:

Create the necessary files and folders for your project, such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, or component files, based on your chosen tech stack.

Code the landing page:

Begin coding the landing page based on the design provided on page 2 of the Figma file. Use the assets, text, and color formats from page 1 to maintain consistency. Implement the necessary interactivity and responsiveness according to the requirements.

Test your code:

Regularly test your code as you progress to ensure it functions as expected. Check for any visual discrepancies, responsiveness issues, or errors. Validate that the page behaves correctly across different devices and screen sizes.

Optimize and refactor your code:

Review your code for any redundancies or areas that can be improved. Optimize the performance and loading speed of the page. Ensure clean and maintainable code by following best practices.

Upload your code:

Once you have completed the coding and testing, commit your code to the repository you cloned earlier. Push all your files and folders to the repository.

Prepare the final submission:

Ensure that your code is fully functional, well-documented, and organized. Double-check that all the necessary files are included in the repository.

Submit the link:

Fill out the provided Google Form and submit the link to your repository directory in the designated field. This will allow the assessors to access your code and review it. Link : https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd-9vT7-NLCn0Xq82_akAa_MJqhrHFdlWfCuIReu2ghuYhQ5A/viewform?usp=sf_link

Finish within the time limit:

Keep track of your time throughout the assessment to ensure that you complete the task within the given 4-hour time frame. Manage your time effectively to allow for coding, testing, and any necessary refinements.

Remember to remain focused, stay organized, and ask for clarification if needed during the assessment. Good luck with your web developer intern technical assessment!
