dhoskins97 / Sprint-Challenge--RDBMS-and-API-Intros-java-todos

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A student that completes this project shows that they can

  • perform CRUD operations on an RDBMS using JPA and Hibernate.
  • implement a data seeding class using JPA and Hibernate
  • use JPA and Hibernate to perform advanced query operations on a RDBMS.
  • add relationships between tables.
  • implement Spring Security and OAuth2. to provide authentication for a project.


  • Seed Data
  • CRUD Operations
  • H2 Connections
  • Authentication


This is a basic todo database scheme with users and a todo list.


Create a REST api service to store and read data from H2 database.

  • seeddata.java is a sample script that can be modified to populate the database
  • note that all new todos default to completed = false;

The table layouts are as follows:

  • All tables should have audit fields / columns - createby createddate modifiedby modifieddate

  • TODO

    • todoid primary key, not null long
    • description string, not null
    • datestarted datetime
    • completed boolean
    • userid foreign key (one user to many todos) not null

    • userid primary key, not null long
    • username string, not null unique
    • password string, not null

    • roleid primary key, not null long
    • rolename string not null unique

    • roleid foreign key to role
    • userid foreign key to user

Expose the following end points

  • GET /users/mine - return the user and todo based off of the authenticated user. You can only look up your own. It is okay if this also lists the users roles and authorities.
  • POST /users - adds a user. Can only be done by an admin.
    "username": "cinnamon",
    "password": "password",
    "userRoles": [
            "role": {
                "roleid": 2
    "todos": [
            "description": "Eat Carrots",
            "datestarted": "2019-08-16T01:44:18.089+0000"
            "description": "Bang on cage until everyone is awake",
            "datestarted": "2019-08-16T01:44:18.089+0000"
  • POST /users/todo/{userid} - adds a todo to the assigned user. Can be done by any user. You can add this todo
    "description": "Have Fun",
    "datestarted": "2019-01-01T01:00"
  • PUT /todos/todoid/{todoid} - updates a todo based on todoid. Can be done by any user. Note: null boolean is not a thing - it is false, so just set compeleted to whatever comes across in the RequestBody.
    "completed": true
  • DELETE /users/userid/{userid} - Deletes a user based off of their userid and deletes all their associated todos. Can only be done by an admin.

  • hint - think about taking the project https://github.com/LambdaSchool/java-oauth2.git and modifying it to fit this application

Stretch goals

  • Update the end points below:

    • POST /users/todo/{userid} - adds a todo to the assigned user. Can only be done by the authenticated user. A user can only modify their own data.

    • PUT /todos/todoid/{todoid} - updates a todo based on todoid. Can only be done by the authenticated user. A user can only modify their own data.


License:MIT License


Language:Java 100.0%