dholbrook / rest-amqp-akka-task

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This is a demonstrator project with the goal of showing how to provide both REST and AMQP interfaces to the same microservice.


There is a docker-compose.yml file in the root of the project to provide the required instances of MySQL and RabbitMq. You will need Docker. Tested with Docker For Mac, which includes docker and docker-compose.

$ docker-compose up -d

run the database migrations

The database created by docker will be empty, run the migrations to create the table.

$ sbt flywayMigrate

run the application

The application can be run from sbt.

$ sbt run

using the application

Rest (httpie examples)


http -v POST localhost:9000/task description="first task"


http -v PUT localhost:9000/task/1 description="first task updated" complete:=true id:=1

find all

$ http -v GET localhost:9000/task

find one

$ http -v GET localhost:9000/task/1

Amqp examples

You will need to install Python (Mac Instructions)

then install pika

$ pip install pika

the python script in ./scripts/task_amqp_rpc.py


$ ./scripts/task_amqp_rpc.py task.create '{"description": "first task"}'
[x] Requesting
key: task.create
payload:{"description": "first task"}
key: task.create
Got {"id":1,"description":"first task","complete":false}


$ ./scripts/task_amqp_rpc.py task.save '{"id": 1 "description": "first task updated", "complete": true}'
[x] Requesting
key: task.save
payload:{"id": 1, "description": "first task updated", "complete": true}
key: task.save
Got {"id":1,"description":"first task updated","complete":true}

find all

./scripts/task_amqp_rpc.py task.find.all ''

find one

./scripts/task_amqp_rpc.py task.find.one '{"id": 1}'



Language:Scala 92.9%Language:Python 7.1%