dhilst / resguard

Request parsing for type safety

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

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This module provides function for parsing response data, based on dataclass defined schemas.

The user define arbitrary schema using dataclass. One dataclass can refer to others to represent nested structures.

>>> @dataclass
... class Foo:
...     pass

>>> @dataclass
... class Bar:
...     foo: Foo

While made with parsing json decoded data from REST responses in mind, the approach is pretty generic and may work for other use cases.

So suppose that you're in charging to do another API client.. if you started doing this once you know that you'll gonna work with JSON and that JSON become plain dicts and lists in python, it's easy to lose the track of these objects and start to spread KeyError and IndexError handlers all over the codebase.

It became usual to me to write representation of the response data as objects and instantiating these objects, and with objects I can have some type checking, mutch better than with dicts... and can track what the fields

But writing ad-hoc classes and parsers from dict -> myobject became boring too.. so I created this! Much more declarative and type checking friendly

So let's write an API to cat facts, we can find the docs here https://alexwohlbruck.github.io/cat-facts/docs/endpoints/facts.html

We're implementing the /facts/random endpoint. The documentation said that it will respond like this:

		"_id": "591f9894d369931519ce358f",
		"__v": 0,
		"text": "A female cat will be pregnant for approximately 9 weeks - between 62 and 65 days from conception to delivery.",
		"updatedAt": "2018-01-04T01:10:54.673Z",
		"deleted": false,
		"source": "api",
		"used": false

So is a list of facts, a fact can be defined like this

>>> from datetime import datetime
>>> @dataclass
... class Fact:
...     _id: str
...     __v: int
...     text: str
...     updatedAt: datetime
...     deleted: bool
...     source: str
...     used: bool
...     user: Optional[str]

To parse a respone you call parse_dc, where dc stands for dataclass. You call it with the dataclass and the response data:

>>> import requests as r
>>> url = "https://cat-fact.herokuapp.com"
>>> res = r.get(f"{url}/facts/random")
>>> parse_dc(Fact, res.json())
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: Unknow field type for Fact(_id,_Fact__v,text,updatedAt,deleted,source,used,user)

You may notice that I put a user: Optional[str] on the Fact definition too. This is how you express optional fields, that may or may not be present on response. Missing optinal fields become None in dataclass

What happens here is that the documentation is outdated, there are a type field that was not expected in response. parse_dc raise a TypeError if anything goes out of rails. Let's see in response what we have in type field

>>> type_ = res.json()['type']
>>> type_, type(type_)
('cat', <class 'str'>)

We do not want that our software breaks because the API put a brand new field in the response. You can ignore unknow fields by passing strict=False to parse_dc. If you want this by default you can memoise the parse_dc like below:

>>> from functools import partial
>>> parse_dc = partial(parse_dc, strict=False)

So let's update our Fact definition

>>> @dataclass
... class Fact:
...     _id: str
...     __v: int
...     text: str
...     updatedAt: datetime
...     deleted: bool
...     source: str
...     used: bool
...     user: Optional[str]
...     type: str # <- we added this

And parse again. This time it works, but it's doesn't properly initialize the dataclasses fields. Well, dataclass don't do runtime type checking.

>>> dc = parse_dc(Fact, res.json())
>>> dc  
>>> type(dc.updatedAt)
<class 'str'>

If you pass it a string, it doens't matter if the field type says datetime, constructor will put the string there and it's done. But the standard library provides a way to handle this. You need to provide an __post_init__ method. It will not receive any arguments and it.s called by constructor after initializing self.

>>> @dataclass
... class Fact:
...     _id: str
...     __v: int
...     text: str
...     updatedAt: datetime
...     deleted: bool
...     source: str
...     used: bool
...     user: Optional[str]
...     type: str
...     def __post_init__(self):
...         if isinstance(self.updatedAt, str):
...             self.updatedAt = datetime.strptime(self.updatedAt, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ")

>>> dc = parse_dc(Fact, res.json())
>>> dc 
>>> type(dc.updatedAt)
<class 'datetime.datetime'>

Now what if we want go to the oposite direction, given somejson, construct a dataclass. Well resguard can be invoked as curl something | python -m resguard fromjson and it will output a dataclass definition for that JSON.

The type inference is pretty simple, but it is already better than writing all that dataclasses by hand. Let's see it in action

>>> print(print_dc(fromjson("Root", '{"foo": "foo", "bar": { "bar": "bar" }}')))
class bar:
   bar: str
class Root:
   foo: str
   bar: bar

To use it from command line (much simpler)

curl -s https://cat-fact.herokuapp.com/facts/random | python -m resguard fromjson
class status:
   verified: bool
   sentCount: int

class Root:
   used: bool
   source: str
   type: str
   deleted: bool
   _id: str
   __v: int
   text: str
   updatedAt: str
   createdAt: str
   status: status
   user: str

That's it, check below for function docs

parse_dc(dc, data, strict=True)

Build tree of dataclasses initialized with data

It don't type checks, just instantiate the dataclasses recursively. Just note that dataclass don't check at runtime too, so, this doesn't typecheck but it works at runtime

from dataclasses import dataclass, asdict @dataclass ... class Foo: ... foo: str ... __bar: str asdict(Foo(foo=1, _Foo__bar=1)) {'foo': 1, '_Foo__bar': 1}

But mypy will detect the foo=1 there.

Let's parse something :-)

>>> from enum import Enum
>>> FooEnum = Enum("FooEnum", "foo bar")
>>> @dataclass
... class Bar:
...     bar: str
>>> @dataclass
... class Foo:
...     foo: str
...     bar: Bar
>>> parse_dc(Foo, {"foo": "foo", "num": 1, "bar": {"bar": "bar"}})
Foo(foo='foo', bar=Bar(bar='bar'))

>>> from datetime import datetime
>>> @dataclass
... class Date:
...     d: datetime
>>> Date(d="20010101T00:00Z").d
>>> @dataclass
... class Date:
...     d: datetime
...     def __post_init__(self):
...         if isinstance(self.d, str):
...             self.d = datetime.strptime("%Y%m%dT%H%MZ")
>>> Date(d="20010101T00:00Z").d


A function decorator. It replace the function by a class which call the decorated function in its new method, for example

>>> from datetime import datetime
>>> @create_base(datetime)
... def date_br(s):
...     return datetime.strptime(s, r"%d/%m/%Y")
>>> issubclass(date_br, datetime)
>>> date_br("01/01/2001")
datetime.datetime(2001, 1, 1, 0, 0)

unpack_union(union: Union[~T, Any, NoneType]) -> ~T

Takes an Unin and return another union with the same arguments as input, but with None and Any filtered

>>> unpack_union(Optional[str])
<class 'str'>

>>> unpack_union(List[str])
<class 'str'>

It respect concrete types

>>> unpack_union(int)
<class 'int'>

If the input is a literal, it returns itself. Literals are types and values at same time, like enums

>>> unpack_union(1)
>>> unpack_union([1,2])
[1, 2]

Dataclass(*args, **kwds)

Dataclass static type https://stackoverflow.com/a/55240861/652528


Request parsing for type safety



Language:Python 100.0%