dhcgn / pwsh-repo

Some of my powershell scripts

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This is my personal Powershell repo where a few scripts I often use.

⚠️ No warranties in any kind ⚠️

Some Features

  • Encryption with age-encryption.org and with HSM support
  • Cloud Uploads with rclone to make files easy accesaable from everywhere
  • Create a Powershell with elevalted rights without a password prompt
  • Read Date-Taken from media files
  • Transcribe audio and video files to text with OpenAI API
  • Encode images to and from JpegXL/JXL


  1. Run profile\init.ps1 this can be run repeatedly.
    1. This will add shell.ps1 in each Powershell $PROFILE to run Join-Path $env:USERPROFILE ".sharedScripting\sharedprofile.ps1" so there is only one place to edit the profile.
  2. This repo should be cloned to C:\dev\pwsh-repo so it works out of the box.
  3. sharedprofile.ps1 starts with every new Powershell session, *.ps1 files next will be loaded executed in alphabetical order.
    1. There are sample scripts *.sample which can be rennamed.

Installation from web

Invoke-WebRequest 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dhcgn/pwsh-repo/main/profile/init.ps1' | Invoke-Expression

Powershell Functions

Publish-FileUnprotected Publish-FilePasswortProtected Publish-File Test-Rclone Encrypt-File Encrypt-FileWithMyKeys Encrypt-FileWithMyHSMKeys Decrypt-File ConvertTo-JpegXl ConvertTo-PngFromJpegXl New-Guid Get-SummarizeTextWithGPT Get-TextFromAudioWithWhisper Get-TTSWithOpenAI Get-RandomSecure Set-ReSharperExclusion Invoke-IpfsUpload Invoke-RemotePinning Extract-AudioFromVideo Get-DateTaken Move-MediaToDateFolder Load-Credential Save-Credential Start-PowerShellAs sync-ssh-from-wndows-to-wsl Set-PowerPointExportResolution Update-Syncthing ws load-pwsh-repo


Some of my powershell scripts


Language:PowerShell 100.0%