dhcabinian / zmk-config

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Building the firmware

Default Keymap

Shield name comes from Kconfig.shield: dactyl_left and dactyl_right

west build -d build/dactyl_left -p -b nice_nano_v2 -- -DSHIELD="dactyl_left nice_view_adapter nice_view"
west build -d build/dactyl_right -p -b nice_nano_v2 -- -DSHIELD="dactyl_right nice_view_adapter nice_view"

Custom Keymap

Shield name comes from Kconfig.shield: dactyl_left and dactyl_right

west build -d build/dactyl_left -p -b nice_nano_v2 -- -DSHIELD="dactyl_left nice_view_adapter nice_view" -DZMK_CONFIG="/workspaces/zmk-config/[yourName]/leeloo_v2/config"
west build -d build/dactyl_right -p -b nice_nano_v2 -- -DSHIELD="dactyl_right nice_view_adapter nice_view" -DZMK_CONFIG="/workspaces/zmk-config/[yourName]/leeloo_v2/config"



  • Docs use &spi3 on P0.06 (D1)
  • Must use high frequency pin
  • RGB strips only use 3 pins
    • VCC
    • GND
    • Din = D1


  • P0.06 is taken up by RGB.
  • Leelo (which this was templated from) uses (D4) for spi0 CS pin
  • The remaining data pins come from the nice_view_adapter
    • SCK = NRF20 (D3?)
    • MOSI = NRF17 (D2?)
    • MISO = NRF25 (also known as AC21 which does not have an output on NiceNanov2)


  • What pins are available?
    • D0
    • D5-D9
    • D10-21

Left to Right (througholes below screen):

  • MOSI

  • SCK

  • VCC

  • GND

  • CS

    • Create a bodge wire from the CS pin to the Arduino Digital 1 (D1) Pro Micro pin (P0.06/006 on the nice!nano)
    • If the D1 pin is unavailable, you'll need to override the cs-gpios on the adapter or define your own &nice_view_spi bus without the nice_view_adapter.
  • nice!view is a SSD1306 OLED replacement

  • similar pinout to SSD1306 OLEDs with one extra pin

  • 3-wire SPI protocol

  • 3.3V voltage


  • 4 Wires
    • SCK
    • MISO
    • MOSI
    • CS
  • nRF52832 has up to 3 SPI instances: SPI0,SPI1,SPI2
  • SPIM is SPI w/ DMA (SPI is technically deprecated)
  • Max SPI frequency is based on the chip: nRF52832 is max 8 MHz
  • Nice!Nano is a Nordic nRF52840
