dharmjit / copyimage-controller

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

CopyImage Controller

To copy public registry container images referenced in Deployment/DaemonSets to another private OCI Registry

Currently only support Docker(index.docker.io) registry




This controller is developed using kubebuilder to generate all the bootstrap code as well as kuberetes manifests. As we do not require any CRDs for this controller, API Types creation is skipped.

Below controllers are created for watching/reconciling deployments and daemonsets respectively.

  • CopyImageDeploymentReconciler
  • CopyImageDaemonsetReconciler

Both controllers filters only create/update events on their respective watch objects as shown for CopyImageDeploymentReconciler

// CopyImageController for Deployments
func (r *CopyImageDeploymentReconciler) SetupWithManager(mgr ctrl.Manager) error {
	return ctrl.NewControllerManagedBy(mgr).
			DeleteFunc: func(e event.DeleteEvent) bool {
				// Suppress Delete events to avoid filtering them out in the Reconcile function
				return false

There a utility, utils.CloneImage which intialize the private registry credentials along with the main logic to check/copy images to private registry.

Local Setup:

  • Prerequisite Make sure the following are installed.

  • Clone this project (which has already been setup for you)

    • requires git
    • git clone https://github.com/dharmjit/copyimage-controller
  • Update code with your settings

    • Update Makefile with your Docker Repository
      • IMG ?= {your_repo_name}/copyimage-controller:latest
    • Update Secret dockersecret defined in config/manager/manager.yaml with base64 values applicable for you
  • Setup Local Dev cluster

  • Run the controller

    • Change directory in another shell cd copyimage-controller
    • Make run with your credentials PRIV_OCI_REGISTRY=index.docker.io PRIV_OCI_REPOSITORY=your_repo_name PRIV_OCI_REGISTRY_USERNAME=your_username PRIV_OCI_REGISTRY_PASSWORD=your password make run
  • Verify the controller

    • cd copyimage-controller/test
    • kubectl create -f nginx-singlecontainer.yaml
    • kubectl get deploy/nginx-single-deployment -o yaml
  • Deploy the controller as a deployment

    • set below variables in your terminal
      export PRIV_OCI_REGISTRY="index.docker.io"
      export PRIV_OCI_REPOSITORY=""
    • Build Controller Docker Image make docker-build
    • Push Controller Docker Image make docker-push
    • Deploy Controller and other Manifests make deploy


  • Do not Remote Write Image if it already exists
  • Add Namespace filter as predicate
  • Update Event filter only for Image changes
  • Custom Resync period
  • Initialize an OCI client to reduce repeated authention with remote.Write
  • Update Message for kubectl rollout history
  • Concurrency Handling of Utils.CloneImage Method
  • Handle Optimistic Concurrency effectively if possible
  • Better Handle utils.CloneImage errors
  • Externalize the Hardcoded Public Registry Name. It could be a list of public registries

Supplementary Resources

For those who are interested, there is documentation on kubebuilder available here:



Language:Go 75.6%Language:Makefile 20.7%Language:Dockerfile 3.7%