dhammika / OpenWireless

The official home of the EFF OpenWireless Project

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This repository contains configuration, build scripts, and web UI for the OpenWireless router firmware, which is based off of Cerowrt and OpenWRT.

More details about the OpenWireless project can be found at https://openwireless.org/.

Quick Look

If you'd just like to take a quick look at the web UI, we have set up several instances of the web UI to be publicly accessible. Please try out one of these instances and report to us any vulnerabilities you find. Feel free to set an admin password: These instances will reset at the top of each hour.

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Getting Started

Get the packages you need and install a git hook to run tests before push:


Try out the web UI locally:

firefox http://localhost:8888/

Sync the web UI to your router:

./sendAppToRouter --continuous
firefox http://gw.home.lan/

Running tests


Continuous build at https://travis-ci.org/EFForg/OpenWireless

UX Starter Kit

To contribute to UX components, please read the introduction to OpenWireless's UX philosophy at EFForg#81.


There's a detailed writeup of our threats and mitigations in security.txt.

System Overview

The Open Wireless router firmware is built on top of CeroWRT, with some modifications to the firewall and services configs for better security and usability with guest networks. The web administration UI is unique to Open Wireless, and consists of an HTML + JS frontend calling a Python backend with a loosely JSONRPC-esque protocol. The frontend is under app/, and the backend is under routerapi/. We use Handlebars (similar to Mustache) for templating on the client side.

The CeroWRT code can be found in the submodule cerowrt. The build config used for OpenWireless is in OWrt/config-OWrt.

Building the image

Building has been tested only on linux. Please refer to the OpenWRT build requirements


and make sure your linux system has the prerequisites. Then for a first time build from the top level run:

# ./build.sh

A first time build may take several hours depending on your system. The resulting image is in ./releases directory. After the first build, for succeding builds run:

# ./rebuild.sh 

Networking Setup

We have assumed a specific networking setup in designing the software. This networking setup is described in NetworkingSetup.png and the open wireless router should work in this standard setup. However users may be interested in alternate setups (e.g No Modem-Router interfacing to ISP, instead there is a pure modem and no DHCP server to allocate address to WAN port of the OpenWireless router. There are several other variations possible). Since we have not designed the router firmware to support such alternate setups, user effort will be required to get the OpenWireless router to work for them. Typically this will involve gaining root access to the router through SSH and then changing the files controlling network configuration to align with the setup that is desired. If you have gotten an alternate setup to work, we encourage you to share the details with other users. Even better if you can make pull requests that we can include in the firmware to make things easier for future users of non-standard setups.

Getting help

If you are deploying an open wireless AP or are a user trying to connect to open wirless APs or have general use related questions, please check out the user mailing list archives at https://openwireless.org/mailman/listinfo/user and if needed send mail there to get help.


We welcome contributors! We accept pull requests and issues at https://github.com/EFForg/OpenWireless. Or drop into #openwireless on irc.oftc.net to ask questions or discuss the project.

Technology discussions

For substantive technology discussions our mailing list is ow-tech@eff.org. You can review the archives and sign up at https://lists.eff.org/mailman/listinfo/ow-tech.

Coding Style

Two spaces for JavaScript, four for Python, no tabs. Spaces between function arguments, before braces, and around operators. In Python, imports are one per line, and only modules, not methods or classes. Generally we follow the Google Python Style Guide and Google JavaScript style guide. Try to write tests and document code well.

Some security guidelines: Strongly avoid jQuery's .html(data) and Handlebars' triple-stache {{{data}}}}. They make it easy to create an XSS vulnerability by accident. Similarly, in Python, never set shell=True when calling binaries.

Failsafe and recovery

If something is broken on the router, often you can fix it with failsafe mode. Mostly the standard OpenWRT directions apply. However, the Open Wireless firmware uses by default, so make sure to modify the instructions to contact that address instead of

To enter failsafe mode, reboot the router and press the leftmost of the front buttons repeatedly. The power LED will be solid, then slow blinking, then fast blinking. Once it's fast blinking, the router is in failsafe mode. Plug in an ethernet cable and run, on your host machine:

sudo service networking stop
ifconfig eth0
route add default gw

This should get you a root shell on the machine. From there, if you need to modify files, you can run:

# mount_root

To copy files over, you'll need to start the ssh service, which you can do by starting dropbear.

You will need to set a password for the root account for which you can run:

# passwd

Then start the ssh service with:

# dropbear

and e.g. copy a new image over to the /tmp directory with:

scp image_sysupgrade.bin root@

and then e.g. login to the router to reflash the router with:

sysupgrade -v /tmp/image_sysupgrade.bin

If the router does start up in failsafe mode, you can open it up and attach a serial cable to the motherboard during boot to further debug.


The official home of the EFF OpenWireless Project
