dgpmakes / gitops-day2

Deploy an app of apps in Openshift using ArgoCD and Helm

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


  1. Deploy an app of apps in Openshift using ArgoCD and Helm
  2. Deploy a multiArgoCD architecture
  3. Permission problems

1. Deploy an app of apps in Openshift using ArgoCD and Helm

We will use an ArgoCD instance that deploys an app that deploys other apps.

1. Install Openshift Gitops operator

Once installed, a namespace called openshift-gitops with a predefined ArgoCD should be created.

oc process -f templates/argocd-sub.yaml | oc apply -f -

2. Get into ArgoCD

  • Inside the openshift-gitops project, go to Routes and open the ArgoCD route.
  • Log in via Openshift with your cluster-admin user.

3. Deploy the main app

  • Select "Create an app" and edit the yaml.
  • Copy and paste the content of argocd-config/application-main.yaml.
  • The main app should be created deploying an instance of myapp.
  • In case of a permission error, go to the Permission problems section.

2. Deploy a multiArgoCD architecture

In this case, we will have two ArgoCDs:

First ArgoCD
  • It is created by default by the Openshift Gitops operator.
  • It will be in charge of deployin the second ArgoCD and creating apps namespaces.
Second ArgoCD
  • It will deploy the apps in the namespaces created by the first ArgoCD.

1. Install the Openshift Gitops operator as done before.

2. Get into ArgoCD as done before.

3. Deploy the second ArgoCD objects and the apps namespaces.

  • Select "Create an app" and edit the yaml.
  • Copy and paste the content of multicluster/argocd-applications/application-main-gitops.yaml.
  • This should deploy the contents of multicluster/second-layer.

4. Get into the second ArgoCD.

  • Inside the gitops project, go to Routes and open the ArgoCD route.
  • Again, log in via Openshift with your cluster-admin user.

5. Deploy the app.

  • Select "Create an app" and fill depending on the app you would like to deploy.
  • Take into account that if this app is deploying a namespace, it should be managed by the second ArgoCD. See more in the Permission problems section.

3. Permission problems

Problem 1: Unable to create project: permission denied

  • The user that is creating the app does not have permission to do so.
  • This can be changed in the ArgoCD object definition, in the rbac section:
    policy: |
      g, system:cluster-admins, role:admin
      g, cluster-admins, role:admin
    scopes: '[groups]'
  • Solution 1: Make sure the user is a member of the groups.
  • Solution 2: Create a new group with the user and add the group to the rbac.

Problem 2: Namespace is not managed.

  • Happens when ArgoCD does not have permission to manage a namespace.
  • Solution: Label the namespace as the following:
oc label namespace <name-of-namespace> argocd.argoproj.io/managed-by=<name-of-argocd-instance>


Deploy an app of apps in Openshift using ArgoCD and Helm