This is a overload function that will call Get-MpPreferences and Get-MpComputerStatus from the Microsoft Defender Antivirus policies with full details on each Setting
Example 1: Get-MpPreferences -DisplayAllResults
This will retrieve all of the settings and display the information to the console.
Example 2: Get-MpPreferences -DisplayPolicySettings -DisplaySignatureSettings
This will retrieve the settings and display the antivirus policy and signature information to the console.
NOTE: Default is to not display information on the console.
Example 3: Get-MpPreferences -Verbose
This will retrieve the settings and display verbose information
Example 4: Get-MpPreferences -ExportPath "c:\YourDirectory" -ExportFile "MyErrorLog.txt" -SaveResults
This will retrieve the settings and save them to your custom path and filename
Example 6: Get-MpPreferences -SaveResults
This will retrieve the settings and save them to the temp location
Example 7: Get-MpPreferences -DisplayTamperProtectionSettings -DisplayWindowsDefenderSettings -DisplaySignatureSettings -DisplayAvSettings
This will retrieve the Tamper Protection, Windows Defender, Signature and Antivirus settings and display them to the console
NOTE: All errors are saved to "$env:TEMP\MpPreferenceErrors.txt"