dfki-ric / phobos

An add-on for Blender allowing to create URDF, SDF and SMURF robot models in a WYSIWYG environment.

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Link pose not exported in SDF

svepe opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug
When an SDF is exported the link pose is no longer set. Previous version of phobos did put a <pose> tag relative to the parent joint, but this is no longer the case.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Export SDF from the attached .blend file which contains a simple example with only 2 links.
    Screenshot from 2023-10-13 12-50-51

  2. Open the SDF in gazebo

  3. Both links are shown at the world origin (0, 0, 0)
    Screenshot from 2023-10-13 12-48-39

Expected behavior
The second link should be above the first one.

Adding the following line to the second link in the SDF fixes the issue

<link name="cabin_link">
    <pose relative_to="cabin_joint">0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000</pose>

Desktop (please complete the following information):

  • OS: Ubuntu 22.04
  • Blender version: 3.6.4
  • At latest phobos commit 56d46c7

Previous versions of phobos did not have this issue.

Hi @svepe,
please checkout the commit I just pushed and whether it fixes your issue. ;)

@hwiedPro , well, I've applied the changes you've mentioned (ea4b644) to my local Blender Phobos addon setup, and it seems, than it does the trick for me.

Thank you!

PS: The only note that is worth to make - it doesn't work (in some other way - correct position but wrong orientation) IF, let's say, you've added a link (joint), then rotated it for some angle and applied the rotation transformation.

PS: The only note that is worth to make - it doesn't work (in some other way - correct position but wrong orientation) IF, let's say, you've added a link (joint), then rotated it for some angle and applied the rotation transformation.

@skrymets Can you explain this in further detail in a new issue?