devyhia / DEC-keras

Keras implementation for Deep Embedding Clustering (DEC)

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Deep Embedding Clustering (DEC)

This work is a modified codebase of:

What is different?

  1. We added a Dockerfile that contains the environment for which this trains and evaluates.
  2. We added the ability to train the COIL-20 dataset.
  3. We fine-tuned the hyperparameters for the network to obtain the best possible performance on COIL-20 dataset using this network.

How to train the network?

  1. Install Docker with Nvidia GPU support. This could be done following this tutorial:
  2. Build the docker image using the following snippet:
docker build -t dec .
  1. Open the docker image (i.e. bash into it).
docker run --runtime=nvidia --rm -v ./results/:/pretrain-weights -v ./tum-clustering/data/:./data/coil20 dec bash
  1. Inside the bash, start training the network using the following snippet.
KERAS_BACKEND=theano python --dataset coil20 --dimension 28

Features Generation

The above script is using a pre-made feature files (i.e. *.npy files). These files are numpy arrays that has the following format:

features.shape  ==    (1400, DIM * DIM)
labels.shape    ==    (1400, 1)

Ready-to-use Features

If you don't want to use your own features, I created a list of features and labels that you could directly use for training:

  1. Download the features
curl -OL
  1. Unzip the folder:

Here is a print of the folder structure:

|-- data
|   |-- coil20_features_128.npy
|   |-- coil20_features_28.npy
|   |-- coil20_features_32.npy
|   |-- coil20_features_48.npy
|   |-- coil20_features_64.npy
|   |-- coil20_features_96.npy
|   |-- coil20_labels_128.npy
|   |-- coil20_labels_28.npy
|   |-- coil20_labels_32.npy
|   |-- coil20_labels_48.npy
|   |-- coil20_labels_64.npy
|   `-- coil20_labels_96.npy
`-- pretrain-weights
    |-- ae_weights_coil20_128.h5
    |-- ae_weights_coil20_28.h5
    |-- ae_weights_coil20_32.h5
    |-- ae_weights_coil20_48.h5
    |-- ae_weights_coil20_64.h5
    |-- ae_weights_coil20_96.h5
    `-- ae_weights_mnist_28.h5

2 directories, 19 files

Network fine-tuning

Finetune Comparison

I retrained the DEC network again with different hyperparameter values; yielding in a total of 22 variations of the network on COIL20.

Important Info:

  • Authors did not mention anything about the COIL20 dataset— or how to optimize for it.
  • Authors use the same architecture for all datasets they tested against; Only variable/hyperparameter is input size.
  • Authors use the same training parameters (number of epochs for training and pre-training), optimizer (Adam), learning rates, and stopping conditions.


  • We trained on the following dimensinos: 28, 32, 48, 64, 96, 128
  • We trained the network 3 times per dimension; We choose the best performing accuracy per dimension.
  • Default number of epochs is 300 epochs (for pre-training the autoenconder). Higher number of iterations leads the pre-training to overfit and both ACC & NMI to decrease after 300 epochs.
  • The best performing model is using an input size of 96x96 and yields in ACC=0.74792, NMI=0.80572.
  • NMI is relatively constant across all dimensions. It varies within 0.02 (between 0.79 and 0.81).
  • ACC is very sensitive to different initializations (with same hyperparameters)— that's why I opted to train multipel times per dimensions.
  • The original images (i.e. 128x128) yield poor performance when trained on only 300 epochs. When increasing that to a 1000 epochs, it performs much better.


Keras implementation for Deep Embedding Clustering (DEC)


Language:Python 91.4%Language:Dockerfile 4.6%Language:Shell 4.0%