devxoul / TypedKey

Statically-typed key for Swift.

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Swift Build Status CocoaPods Carthage compatible

Statically-typed key for Swift.

Design Goal

A design goal of TypedKey is to provide statically typed key-value interface to Cocoa APIs.

At a Glance

Key Definition
let myKey = Key<String, Int>("myKey")
myKey.key // "myKey"
myKey.keyType // `String`
myKey.valueType // `Int`
let userIDKey = StringKey<Int>("userID")
NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults().setObject(10, forKey: userIDKey)
NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults().objectForKey(userIDKey) // statically typed `Int?`
let userCellIdentifier = StringKey<UserCell>("userCell")
tableView.dequeueCell(userCellIdentifier) // statically typed `UserCell?`
let photoCellIdentifier = StringKey<PhotoCell>("photoCell")
collection.dequeueCell(photoCellIdentifier, forIndexPath: ...) // statically typed `PhotoCell?`
Anything Else?

Pull requests are welcomed đź’–

Advanced Usage

Creating Custom Typed Key

To create your custom typed key, you should implement TypedKey protocol. For example, this is how StringKey is implemented:

public struct StringKey<Value>: TypedKey {
    public typealias KeyType = String
    public typealias ValueType = Value

    public let key: KeyType
    public init(_ key: KeyType) {
        self.key = key

Creating Custom Interface

You can make static typing key-value interface with TypedKey. Functions should use generic with type constraint on TypedKey. A type of the value can be inferred from the generic by using ValueType.

func set<T: TypedKey>(key: T, value: T.ValueType) {
    // do something great

A protocol TypedKey has two type aliases: KeyType and ValueType. You can make generic constraints on it.

func set<T: TypedKey where T.KeyType == String, T.ValueType: AnyObject>(key: T, value: T.ValueType) {
    // do something great with String key and AnyObject value


  • For iOS 8+ projects with CocoaPods:

    pod 'TypedKey', '~> 0.1.0'
  • For iOS 8+ projects with Carthage:

    github "devxoul/TypedKey" ~> 0.1.0
  • For iOS 7 projects with CocoaSeeds:

    github 'devxoul/TypedKey', '0.1.0', :files => 'Sources/*.swift'
  • Using Swift Package Manager:

    import PackageDescription
    let package = Package(
        name: "MyAwesomeApp",
        dependencies: [
            .Package(url: "", "0.1.0"),


TypedKey is under MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.


Statically-typed key for Swift.

License:MIT License


Language:Swift 89.8%Language:Objective-C 7.0%Language:Ruby 3.2%