# TODO APPLICATION It is a to-do application built using a React app. It features fetching external APIs, adding, deleting, updating, and marking tasks as complete. Additionally, it includes filters to view all todos, incomplete todos, and completed todos. For managing the state, React hooks have been utilized. When a new todo is added, it will be displayed at the last line. You can edit a todo by clicking the edit button. After editing, there is an option to save it, which will replace the previous version and list it accordingly. To delete a todo, simply click the delete button. If you have completed a todo task, you can click on the checkbox. If you want to see all tasks, completed tasks, or incomplete tasks, you can click the filter option, which will list the tasks accordingly. ## Features .Fetching External APIs .Adding Todos .Updating Todos .Deleting Todos .Filters to view all todos, incomplete todos, and completed todos ## Installation install react ```bash npx create-react-app todo ``` install Libraries ```bash npm i react-icons react-bootstrap axios ``` ## Run Locally Clone the project ```bash git clone https://github.com/devu11/TODO_LIST_REACT.git ``` Go to the project directory ```bash cd todo ``` Install dependencies ```bash npm install ``` Start the server ```bash npm start ```