devshakhawat / essential-blocks-for-gutenberg

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Essential Blocks for Gutenberg

Contributors: wpdevteam, re_enter_rupok, asif2bd, rahat89, priyomukul, hztyfoon, fencermonir, jamilbd07 Tags: block, gutenberg, blocks, editor, button, post grid, TOC, countdown, progress bar, flipbox, advanced tab, slider, gutenberg blocks, gutenberg editor, forms, woocommerce, template Requires at least: 5.6 Tested up to: 6.0 Stable tag: 3.4.0 License: GPLv3 License URI:

The Essential Blocks Library for WordPress Gutenberg Editor.


Essential Blocks Library for WordPress Gutenberg editor comes from the developer of most popular elements library Essential Addons for Elementor.

Add powers to your page and post builder using our easy-to-use blocks those were designed to make your next WordPress page and posts design easier and prettier than ever before.

Enhance your Gutenberg experience with 23+ creative blocks (More coming soon). Add powers to your WordPress editor using our easy-to-use blocks which are designed to make your next WordPress page or posts design easier and prettier than ever before.

Essential Blocks V3.0 is Here

Completely Customizable

Each block comes with a bunch of options to control every possible thing. You can design your blocks with endless customization options without any single lines of code.

Light Weight & Instant Loading

No extra resources or messy codes to slow down your website. Optimized for super fast loading and instant Live editing.

Blocks Control Option

Enable and disable individual blocks to make your page loading faster and smoother. You can deactivate unnecessary blocks to keep the site lite.

Expert Support

We have extra-ordinary support team ready to help you. Ask your questions in the support forum, we will get back to you immediately.


We have designed 25+ of the most useful blocks to improve how you use Gutenberg editor and allow you to climb the top of your design capabilities.

  • Accordion - Add beautiful accordions in your pages, posts, and anywhere.
  • Button - Quickly add modern buttons with hover effect in your post or page
  • Call To Action - Design call-to-action buttons before a blink
  • Countdown - Include a countdown time to boost your click-through rates
  • Flipbox - Use animated Flip Boxes to highlight any content inside your page in a great way
  • Infobox - Design beautiful info box from predefined styles
  • Notice - Inform your users with specific Notice information and let them stay well aware about what's imprtant
  • Pricing Table - Create Pricing Tables within minutes that converts
  • Social - Let them share your content with different social media platforms.
  • Team Member - Feature your team members with few clicks
  • Testimonial - Showcase what others said about your brand & Increase Your Credibility
  • Progress Bar - Display how far the specific task or still is in the process
  • Interactive Promo - Showcase your content heading in an amazing way
  • Image Comparison - Let your viewers compare between two images
  • Block Wrapper - Place any block within the wrapper and style the wrapper
  • Instagram Feed - Display your Instagram Feed beautifully
  • Image Gallery - Show your image gallery with beautiful grid and lightbox
  • Advanced Heading - Advanced Heading block with lots of customization options
  • Dual Button - Show dual button with nice text or icon separator.
  • Parallax Slider - Create a fancy slider to showcase your team or any image gallery.
  • Typing Text - Design your page using Typing text with an eye-catching typing effect.
  • Image Slider - Create amazing slider within your Gutenberg Editor.
  • Content Toggle - Switch content or blocks with a beautiful switcher.
  • Counter - Put spotlight in important statistics to attract visitors.
  • Row - Create complex Row layouts with plenty of styling controls & responsive options.
  • Post grid - Create a stunning and interactive visualization for your blogs in a grid layout with Post Grid block.

More blocks and demos coming soon (weekly update)


  • If you have any more questions, visit our support on the Plugin's Forum.
  • For more information about features, FAQs and documentation, check out our website at Essential Blocks for Gutenberg.
  • Documentation is coming soon


Join our Facebook Group. Or rate us on WordPress


3.5.0 - monir-dev

  • Added: Link option for only image style in slider block
  • Added: Title hover color, Content secion background, border & shadow, Padding option on feature list block
  • Added: Open in new tab option for social block, team member block, call to action block
  • Fixed: Image captions not syncing for the new image in slider block
  • Fixed: few issues on Woo Product Grid
  • Fixed: Wrapper block width issue for inner wrapper

3.4.0 - 15/06/2022

  • Added: New block Woo Product Grid
  • Added: Show patterns from Templately
  • Improved: Converted style-handler to php for working perfectly with Reusable blocks and FSE
  • Improved: Pricing table block with new options and preset
  • Improved: Dual button block with open new tab option and fixed gradient background issue
  • Fixed: Page Template not working with block base theme
  • Fixed: Top menu incompatibility with ContentBerg theme issue
  • Fixed: Title word length is not working in editor
  • Fixed: Advanced Heading separator icon position issue

3.3.3 - 25/04/2022

  • Added: Reset button on accordion block for toggle speed
  • Added: Offset top option for Table of Content block
  • Added: Fullwidth and Blank post and page template
  • Added: Image caption when upload images on slider block
  • Improved: Number of images shown on slider block

3.3.2 - 25/04/2022

  • Fixed: Block deprecation issues
  • Fixed: Blocks not showing in mobile & tab in Editor when use Animation
  • Fixed: Table of Content Sticky mode conflict with Animation
  • Fixed: Conflict with Gutenberg plugin

3.1.0 - 08/12/2021

  • Added: New Block - Featured List
  • Improved: Google Font Library updated with 1000+ free fonts
  • Improved: Optimized code to reduce plugin size
  • Fixed: Reset Button not reset to default issues
  • Fixed: Hover color issue, transition animation issue on overlay preset in Team Member Block
  • Fixed: Shadow cropped in Row/Column block issue
  • Added: LightBox on/off option in Image Gallery Block
  • Added: Icon/Image option, Alignment Option, New Layout added in Number Counter Block
  • Added: Options to control overlay contents for Preset 2 & 3 in Team Member Block

3.0.4 - 11/11/2021

  • Added: Table Of Content Block
  • Added: Toggle Content block responsive options for button height, width and heading space.
  • Added: Block supports (i.e. align: ["wide", "full"]) for almost all blocks except Flipbox and advanced heading
  • Added: Overflow option for column block
  • Added: 2 More Preset Design in Post Grid Block
  • Added: Testimonial Block quote icon size, content position and spacing controls
  • Added: Button block transition effect control
  • Added: Dual Button gradiant background and transition control
  • Fixed: Block's not being able to drag and drop inside the column
  • Fixed: Column's width changing drag control improved
  • Fixed: Progress Bar Block bar fillup issue and text overlap issue with the circle
  • Improved: Row's gap won't reduce container's max-width anymore

3.0.3 - 27/10/2021

  • Fixed: Parallax Slider, Advanced Heading, Image Gallery and Flipbox error resolved
  • Fixed: Row Block and Post Grid Block column responsive issue
  • Fixed: Deprecated Functions removed

3.0.2 - 26/10/2021

  • Added: New Block - Row/Columns Block
  • Added: New Block - Post Grid Block
  • Fixed: Infobox not saving title & description
  • Typo: "Team member" block title fixed

3.0.1 - 29/09/2021

  • Added: Option to make the whole infobox clickable
  • Added: 5 overlay styles in Gallery block overlay style
  • Added: Caption width and horizontal control in Gallery block
  • Improved: Edit page block performance by removing unnecessary calculations for styles for all blocks
  • Improved: Minify css by removing unnecessary css for all blocks
  • Improved: Image comparison block selection issue on edit page
  • Improved: Somme css in pricing table block
  • Fixed: PHP 5.6 compatibility issue
  • Fixed: Attempt Recovery issue in Gallery Block
  • Fixed: Some typos
  • Fixed: Responsive Range Controller unit changing to '%' or 'em' from 'px' not changing value to 100 correctly if the value is more than 100.

3.0.0 - 20/09/2021

  • Revamped: Restructured code for better performance
  • Revamped: Inspector-panel redesigned
  • Improved: Dynamic asset generation instead of inline styles
  • Added: Responsive & interactive controls for all the blocks
  • Added: New Presets for most blocks
  • Added: Margin, Padding, Background & other controls for all the blocks
  • Improved: Slider Block | Added Vertical Slider, Custom Height & many more
  • Improved: Parallax Block | Custom Height, Advanced Typography & many more
  • Improved: Image Gallery | Added color overlay style
  • Improved: Instagram Block | Added Sorting, layout, show meta option
  • Improved: Call to Action Block | Added subtitle, sorting option, space, icons & many more
  • Improved: Instagram Feed Block | Added new layouts, API Limit, sorting, meta options & many more
  • Improved: Image Comparison Block | Rendering in frontend
  • Improved: Wrapper Block | Added Inner content, alignment controls & many more
  • Improved: Accordion Block | Added Hover option with transition effects & many more
  • Improved: Team Member Block | Added initial layout and improve the 'Color' controls
  • Fixed: Toggle Content Block | 'Gradient-type' changing back to 'linear'
  • Fixed: Block editor dependency issues
  • Few minor bug fix & improvements

2.4.4 - 25/08/2021

  • Added: Wrapper Alignment Option On Flipbox Block, Wrapper Block
  • Added: Dynamic asset generation instead of inline styles, Responsive controls with preview for Wrapper block, Image comparison and Gallery block
  • Added: Margin, padding, background and border option for content wrapper in wrapper block
  • Improved: Few controls and default Design on Flipbox block
  • Improved: Third party assets enqueue process

2.4.3 - 01/08/2021

  • Added: Dynamic asset generation instead of inline styles, Responsive controls with preview & design presets for Countdown block, Progress bar and Advanced heading block.
  • Added: Advanced and responsive typography option for Progress bar, Countdown and Advanced heading block.
  • Added: Scroll animation, stripe animation, alignment option for every section in Progress bar block.
  • Added: Alignment option for content, subtitle, Icon as separator in Advanced heading.
  • Added: Margin, padding, background and border option for content wrapper in Advanced heading, Countdown and Progress bar block.
  • Improved: Infobox, Notice, Number counter, Countdown, Progress Bar, Advanced heading updated with new inspector panel design and controls.
  • Improved: Font-style option added for typography control.
  • Improved: Some unnecessary css & js enqueues are removed & frontend assets optimised.

2.4.2 - 15/07/2021

  • Added: New design and convention for controls
  • Added: Fade style for Flipbox
  • Added: New preset for pricing table, Dual button
  • Improved: Dual Button, Pricing table, Typing text, Flipbox updated with new controls
  • Improved: Category register function modified
  • Improved: Modified few css enqueue files and enqueued editor css from admin asset file.
  • Fixed: Browser waring for sourcemaps.

2.4.1 - 30/06/2021

  • Fixed: Newly updated blocks (Notice block, Infobox block, Testimonial block, Typing text block, Number Counter Block) not working on safari browser.
  • Improved: Background, Margin-Padding, Border, Border-radius options of inspector panel improved.
  • Improved: Responsive Device Preview improved.
  • Improved: Dynamic css generation (instead of inline css) & responsive options implemented on flipbox block.
  • Improved: Typing text block, implemented new controls.
  • Fixed: Issue from Flipbox is flickering
  • Fixed: Issue with global style generate process

2.4.0 - 07/06/2021

  • Added: New Block - Number Counter Block
  • Added: Dynamic css generation for inline css
  • Improved: Notice block, Infobox block, Testimonial block, Typing text block. Added responsive options for those.
  • Few minor bug fix and improvements

2.3.0 - 27/01/2021

  • Revamped: UI Controls with new designs
  • Fixed: EB Accordion | Title alignment not working
  • Fixed: EB Testimonial & Call to Action | text wrapping not working
  • Fixed: EB Info Box | Shows duplicate copies when it was linked
  • Few minor bug fix and improvements

2.2.0 - 30/09/2020

  • New: Toggle Content block
  • Added: Typography controllers for related blocks
  • Added: Custom color controller
  • Fixed: Instagram Feed issue ( updated API version )
  • Improved: Loading block related frontend js files ( load only when block is enabled )

2.1.0 - 18/06/2020

  • New: Image Slider block
  • Fixed: Parallax Slider font change crash issue
  • Fixed: Team member image height/width change crash issue
  • Fixed: Infobox number change crash issue
  • Fixed: Dual Button link change crash issue
  • Fixed: Countdown border color change crash issue
  • Fixed: Instagram Feed frontend display issue
  • Fixed: Image Comparison handle bar dissapear issue
  • Fixed: Image Gallery masonry layout crash issue

2.0.2 - 18/05/2020

  • Fixed : Parallax Slider console error
  • Added : Global enable/disable block buttons
  • Fixed : Category display issue in re-usable block section
  • Fixed : Image Comparison loading issue

2.0.1 - 20/04/2020

  • Added : Missing text-domain for all blocks
  • Fixed : Conflicting stylesheet for admin

2.0.0 - 19/04/2020

  • Total revamp of the plugin with CLI

1.3.1 - 02/04/2020

  • Fixed : Dual button connector display issue
  • Fixed : Social icon display when selected
  • Improvement : Change acordion height on window resize
  • Improvement : Responsiveness for all blocks

1.3.0 - 23/03/2020

  • Added : Parallax Slider Element
  • Added : Block Preview for all blocks
  • Improvement : Replaced all deprecated methods
  • Lots of minor bugfix and improvements

1.2.0 - 17/09/2019

  • Added : Row Element
  • Added : Instagram Feed
  • Added : Image Gallery
  • Added : Heading
  • Added : Dual Button
  • Improved : All blocks default styles
  • Improved : Refractored the plugin structure for better performance
  • Lots of minor bugfix and improvements

1.1.2 - 09/05/2019

  • Block meta data added
  • Few minor bugfix and improvements

1.1.1 - 24/04/2019

  • New Block : Block Wrapper

1.1.0 - 08/04/2019

  • 7 New Blocks: Button , Call to Action, Image Comparison, Interactive Promo, Notice, Pricing Table and Progress Bar
  • Enhancement: Accordion, Infobox, Flipbox, Team Member, Testimonial, Social and Countdown
  • Enhancement: Options Panel added with Modular Controls and Community Links
  • Enhancement: Infobox: Added Background Image, Button Style, Border, Shadow and Spacing.
  • Flipbox: Added Alignment Toolbar, Gradient Color and Icon.
  • Enhancement: Default Style Improved
  • Enhancement: Updated to Font Awesome 5.8.1
  • Enhancement: Icon Picker Added
  • Enhancement: Unit Controller ( px/em/% ) Added
  • Enhancement: Dimensions Controller Added
  • Enhancement: Separated Frontend Files
  • Enhancement: Refactored Plugin Structure for improved performance

1.0.0 - 09/12/2018

Initial stable release

Upgrade Notice

[Minor Update] New block, Bugfix and stability



Language:JavaScript 89.7%Language:PHP 5.2%Language:CSS 2.6%Language:SCSS 2.5%