Extensions to the Logging Provider functionality availability when configuring services for dependency injection. Can be used with MVC web apps OR console apps and will utilise any ITelemetryLogger
The AddTelemetryLogger
can be used when building your logging within your service collection, as follows:
IServiceCollection services = new ServiceCollection();
services.AddLogging(loggers => {
// AppInsights is an example here, add any of our implementing ITelemetryLogger classes.
.AddTelemetryLogger(new AppInsightsLogger("<instrumentationKeyHere>"))
.AddLogger(new Log4Net());
A threshold will be added to this package to ensure the test coverage is above 80% for branches, functions and lines. If it's not above the required threshold (threshold that will be implemented on ALL of the core repositories to gurantee a satisfactory level of testing), then the build will fail.
This package has has been written in .net Standard and can be therefore be referenced from a .net Core or .net Framework application. The advantage of utilising from a .net Core application, is that it can be deployed and run on a number of host operating systems, such as Windows, Linux or OSX. Unlike referencing from the a .net Framework application, which can only run on Windows (or Linux using Mono).
This package is built using .net Standard 2.1 and requires the .net Core 3.1 SDK, it can be downloaded here: https://www.microsoft.com/net/download/dotnet-core/
IDE of Visual Studio or Visual Studio Code, can be downloaded here: https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/downloads/
All of the Cloud.Core.* packages are published to a public NuGet feed. To consume this on your local development machine, please add the following feed to your feed sources in Visual Studio: https://dev.azure.com/cloudcoreproject/CloudCore/_packaging?_a=feed&feed=Cloud.Core
For help setting up, follow this article: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/vsts/package/nuget/consume?view=vsts