devphenom / google-homepage-sh

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Google Homepage


This Project is to get our hands dirty (as a Team and Individually every member of SideHustle's Jon-Snow Team), to be able work as a team with the use of Git, GitHub Version Control System, while developing with React Framework, with other supporting technologies and dependencies from Node Package Manager: And Utilise all the concepts and Programming knowledge we have learnt through the two weeks of the program thus, far; to build a replica of the Popular Google Landing Page, with some specified functionalities and displays; given by our SideHustle Instructors.

Built With

This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.

  • React.js
  • SCSS
  • JavaScript
  • HTML
  • CSS

Get Started (Resources)

Link to Deployed-App

see App Team Jon-Snow to view it in the browser.

or copy-paste in Browser

spot the difference Google Home_Page Visit Google site


  • When User first Enters the site!

When User first Enters the site!

  • When User enters text in search-box! When User enters text in search-box!


Input text and the text replaces the logo in the Main Section

we use react useState, with the setTxt function to update the state; the create another function that uses setTxt function to update the state more dynamically(its a EventHandler and its called when the EventListener is triggers). We set parameter of setTxt using the Target property, as Target helps get the element (and maybe it's surrounding data; in this case the value) that triggers a specific event; as we used Event-listener 'onChange' on the element (input Element; that we wants it's data)

We give the useState parameter as Null (which is the default value of the constant in the useState) to be able to use Ternary operator (more suitable than regular if statement), as Null is a falsy-value.

Thus, the const txt variable is initially Null, using Ternary we define a statement: when ever txt (which is Null by default until onChange listener is triggered and E-Handler renderUserText is used to make txt equal to the value in the search-box) is True (most values are true) the content in the Search-box should display as a h1, and with React States it will render these changes in the page DOM (from the Search-box) without refreshing the page of the User. While, when txt is false-(Null) SideHustle Logo should display instead of the value of txt variable.

The Search feature that refer Users to Google site with their Query


  1. Setup React App and dependencies; then developed the main Section Responsive UI (in which most of the features will be built upon)

  2. Created the Repo on GitHub for the Team and Host the App on Netlify

  3. Used React useState to help develop the feature in which; while user type in the search box, the Side Hustle changes to the inputted text (in the search-box)

  4. Then developed the search feature in which; when Users search they'll be referred to Google site with their query/questions

  5. then developed the other sections of this project; Header and Footer section's Responsive UI

  6. Worked on our HashNode Article: About our Project and time with Side Hustle Cohort 4.0 program Hashnode_Article





Language:JavaScript 46.1%Language:SCSS 35.5%Language:HTML 14.8%Language:CSS 3.7%