devpandaz / nvim

my neovim config

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

python tkinter with neovim

flutter with neovim

for fresh install on new machine

prerequisites (install using scoop):

  • zig (to compile treesitter parsers)
  • fzf (for telescope)
  • ripgrep (for fzf to respect .gitignore so that telescope doesn't show ignored folders)

  1. Download Packer

    git clone "$env:LOCALAPPDATA\nvim-data\site\pack\packer\start\packer.nvim"
  2. Clone this nvim config repo into the local nvim config folder by

    git clone "$env:LOCALAPPDATA\nvim"
  3. Launch neovim.
  4. :PackerSync
  5. Restart neovim.

to make changes to packer.lua

  1. Go to lua/devpandaz/packer.lua and make the changes you want.
  2. :w (save) and :so (source) it.
  3. :PackerInstall (if need to install new plugins, or, added/removed opt = true property)
  4. :PackerCompile
  5. The changes would be applied when you launch neovim next time.

:h packer.compile()

You must call compile to update lazy-loaders after your configuration changes.

note for myself: to lazy load plugins, must include either one lazy load config, e.g. opt, cmd, ft.
If for example cmd or ft is stated already, opt is not needed, but no harm in including too.
See packer.nvim's readme.

to update any existing plugins setup file

  1. Go to the plugin setup file that you want to edit, e.g. after/plugin/telescope.lua.
  2. Make your changes.
  3. :w and :so to apply the changes immediately. If it does not work as intended, just restart neovim.

to update all plugins

  • :PackerUpdate
  • :PackerSync (avoid doing this if possible, causes a heavy load to the system)

Always go back to packer's documentation (readme) if got any problem.


my neovim config


Language:Lua 100.0%